Power Kite Forum

Video ...Venom II phoam party

PHREERIDER - 14-9-2011 at 09:12 PM

http://vimeo.com/29077165 part 1

http://vimeo.com/29077312 part 2

OK guys VenomII rockin' the wash and ramps... the camera thing on my head is a bit irritating but it all works out. typical fun running. video is uncut and pretty much raw footage.
I did it in 2 parts just for length per video thing, it all seems to process faster that way.

this is an onshore look breeze and rising tide, i believe, and pretty much stay inside though i do run out a bit to run the trough and ramp a few good airs.

enjoy. oh yeah , part 2 is the same session

BeamerBob - 14-9-2011 at 09:25 PM

Nice loop! I saw you pin the bar down against the center line and thought "wow that kite is going to loop if he keeps doing that". yes it did.

Kamikuza - 14-9-2011 at 09:25 PM

I like that, looks like fun ... nice one!

We don't get the flat water so much on my two ocean beaches here - steeper topography under the beach I guess. On beach has a stretch about 50m long that's like that (fun!) and the other beach has a flat areas - 5m from the shore :(

Y'know, I really think we need cameras that do a square picture too - I want to see your feet and the kite in the same shot :D

shaggs2riches - 14-9-2011 at 09:36 PM

That was incredible if I must say. Total cool feeling watching that. Great Music selection. Just wondering what were the winds blowing at????

PHREERIDER - 14-9-2011 at 09:46 PM

thanks guys , this is the inside fun runs. part2 has a bit more flow the old V II can keep up in the waves! these are small and fast. the top of the water is like moving floor constantly pushing you into shore so it full burn most of the time and if a wave bumps you from behind all will stall.

i just throw the camera on and go and the angle is hard to judge and no on the go check screen so its hit or miss sometimes, Go Pro definitely improves the odds.

gotta a ton of ATB stuff just trying to view the footage is a time suck and half the time i choose early and leave better stuff i won't ever go back to because new stuff drops in the import and pushes things back.

gotta a new ATB! .

PHREERIDER - 14-9-2011 at 09:59 PM

20-30mph have to go back and look Shaggs. this was just after irene couple days , think this was a monday 9-7-11

AD72 - 14-9-2011 at 10:50 PM

Nice! 13 Venom works well. Watch and learn. I am going to try some loops next time I go out.

Drewculous - 15-9-2011 at 06:09 AM

Golden brown! Hell yea! Great vids!
(different video, but still awesome lol)

PHREERIDER - 15-9-2011 at 06:52 AM

thanks AD72. great unit indeed. nimble, powerful, upwind as good as any, good range and RELIABLE.

on the loop , do a regular jump at the apex as soon as "things float out and relax a bit"pull back hand(hard and fast while sheeted OUT) and point board in that direction ..and here comes the thump and smoking hot burn away! keep your head still, focus on the WATER! feel the float and land it hot . HOLD it in til it comes all the way round. have plenty of room in a comfortable spot, medium speed jump.

part 2 is my fav i think

PHREERIDER - 15-9-2011 at 06:55 AM

oh yeah DREW, DONOVAN!

macboy - 15-9-2011 at 01:32 PM

Brother, you make it look soooo effortless.

AD72 - 15-9-2011 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by PHREERIDER
on the loop , do a regular jump at the apex as soon as "things float out and relax a bit"pull back hand(hard and fast while sheeted OUT) and point board in that direction ..and here comes the thump and smoking hot burn away! keep your head still, focus on the WATER! feel the float and land it hot . HOLD it in til it comes all the way round. have plenty of room in a comfortable spot, medium speed jump.

So if that is pulling on the back hand is that a transition jump to the opposite direction?

Kamikuza - 15-9-2011 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by AD72
So if that is pulling on the back hand is that a transition jump to the opposite direction?

Nope ... at least, nope if I understand the instructions :lol: he's downlooping the kite (kite goes backwards into the loop) and the kite exits the loop in the direction you're going - with speed :o

AD72 - 15-9-2011 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Originally posted by AD72
So if that is pulling on the back hand is that a transition jump to the opposite direction?

Nope ... at least, nope if I understand the instructions :lol: he's downlooping the kite (kite goes backwards into the loop) and the kite exits the loop in the direction you're going - with speed :o

Ok that makes sense.
I noticed the funky bar setup. is that just a long throw bar with a suicide leash? I have my leash hooked to the front line on the Ocean Rodeo long throw bar so that means in a kite loop the leash will get wrapped around if I keep it attached. Unless I do a loop in the opposite direction.

PHREERIDER - 16-9-2011 at 06:46 AM

like a transition, up... down in the new direction. this is a hard redirect for the new direction. and the kite can end up at the edge of the window kinda weak sometimes if your late just at the landing. a loop would fill this in nicely.

with the loop ...you are down looping at the apex and (and holding it in)this follows thru with power and speed with the finishing loop. gotta have room for this!

[if the loop is initiated earlier thru the apex the lift surge is a little more, and typically i use this to keep same point sail not changing directions. this delivers very strong AIR ride and can put you down nicely about the same speed or a little less. Also with this a higher running speed INTO the jump set-up is the key to make this flow super smooth and big with comfortable a landing.]

the confusing point is that YOU are changing directions BUT the air puts you DOWN WIND a bit at first and then you carving away in the NEW direction with the landing.

from a ground view look... you go UP, then pause/ hover (this is the transition! GOTTA LOOK in the new direction a little) and the KITE really has all the action , and your landing almost directly DOWN wind and fall into a speedy carve IN THE NEW direction

AD72 - 16-9-2011 at 08:36 AM

As I initially thought. Ok now to give it a try. Thanks.

PHREERIDER - 16-9-2011 at 12:01 PM


the tune in the video by...loop guru. helping us all through this moment.

brain ready ..... http://vimeo.com/28252368 .....then go do