Power Kite Forum

Anyone try these?

B-Roc - 9-3-2006 at 11:07 AM

While I'd like to build my own, I find myself lacking the time required.

anyone ever seen or tried these http://www.skaterace.com/Leap.htm

I like how the binding can be offset but wish the skate actually had more ground clearance and I'm wondering if the ankle support is sufficient?

doomwheels - 9-3-2006 at 11:49 AM

Good questions all. I have received a pair and will be reviewing them soon.

I believe the ankle support is sufficient and they likely have enough ground clearance considering that these are not for full out speed. I would not suggest going over 35 mph.

I'll be giving them an intense workout soon. Check back for a full review.

B-Roc - 9-3-2006 at 12:54 PM


I'd also be interested in your take on their 12" tires. They seem closer to slicks then knobbies. Wondering how well they hold the edge?

doomwheels - 10-3-2006 at 12:41 AM

The slicks work fine... knobbies are not necessary. In fact, I suggest riding them a little under-pressured for a smoother ride and more traction. If I recall, I fill mine to about 15-20 lbs (rather than 35).

smalltone - 9-7-2006 at 01:21 PM

hi doomwheels,

did you ever review the leaps with 12" wheels. i'm very interested in upgrading my coyotes...
