Power Kite Forum


dandre - 17-9-2011 at 11:50 AM

It feels so good being able to jump on command :wee::wee::wee::wee::wee::wee::wee:

Northern winds FINALLY arrived
bunch of girls stopped to watch me; whisper and giggle like

for today, at my spot; its good to be the king.

cheezycheese - 17-9-2011 at 12:03 PM

Don't get #@%$#!y... But glad you are rockin' it...:cool:

dandre - 17-9-2011 at 12:08 PM

I know I know,
a humble heart is the only way to survive our sport.

I put a huge emphasis on control, thats kinda why I'm so proud.
Even in 15-16 gusts I felt comfortable enough to try more serious jumping.

It took a while to get here, so I just want to be proud for a moment. :singing:

BTW can I say, canadian winds are so fuxing good <3<3<3<3

Bigbear97e - 17-9-2011 at 12:34 PM

Canadian winds, water, mountains, girls .... what's not to love

WELDNGOD - 18-9-2011 at 07:40 AM

Don't get too serious about "jumping",you need to progress on to what it is really all about,"being in motion!". I'm afraid if you just do jumping for a long time, sooner or later it is gonna bite you. It is a skill you need to learn along the way as you will need it at some time as a survival skill. When you land board ,you have a very springy board strapped to your feet like landing gear. It absorbs ALOT of impact. Your legs don't absorb impact well by themselves,I'd hate for you to see the inside of your Femur! Or, break your spine........ Just my 2 cents worth.. WG

dandre - 18-9-2011 at 10:17 AM

It's just learning a skill... why snowkite if I can't get some air?
I don't really plan on static flying too much after this year anyway.

BV Eric - 18-9-2011 at 10:41 AM

so have you got your 9.5m? I totaly agree with weldingod static jumping can be super dangerous, mountian winds just make it worse. Another thing about having a board is you can land at speeds and not get dragged. It has taken me years to be able to jump safely and that is usualy in deep snow. Just take your time. If you mess your self up I wont have anyone to set me up in big sky.
The wind was crazy here yesterday, gusting to 35mph and I suck on my mountain board.

dandre - 18-9-2011 at 12:51 PM

nah, still using the twister, 9.5 is in the mail though.
I've never boarded in any sport, so I'm very hesitant about picking up a mountain board for less than two months.

I agree static jumping is dangerous, and I have the scars to prove it. However, In truth static is all I have right now. I'm just making the best of my situation. My progress has been impressive, even considering I fly almost every day.

I've accepted death and dismemberment in pursuit of my dreams. It's not worth worrying about.

It's not that I'm #@%$#!y, I just have to learn everything I can in the most efficient way possible. Risk is acceptable.

flyjump - 18-9-2011 at 12:59 PM

cool man! i did static jumping for a year before i was able to afford a mountain board. always be careful, but dang it so much fun. if you want to get into some serious air and still be safe, i would recomend a depower kite. you can take out a bigger kite in bigger winds, depower it, send it hard and pull that bar in and up up up you go. its awesome.

just be safe and work your way up. :Ange09:
enjoy yourr time kiting

dandre - 18-9-2011 at 01:08 PM

yeah I got the sabre 2 9.5m arriving shortly.
I'll be picking up my frenzy in the next couple weeks; that'll sit in the closet until I get back to MT though.

furbowski - 18-9-2011 at 06:19 PM

It's hard for me to get to good spots for board and blades, so static keeps me fit... Been at it for years now, no serious injuries but yep it is rolling the dice anytime the kites get well powered. Good ground is key to keeping safe for the long term, I have soft fluffy sand at my spot, otherwise I'm sure I'd have been bitten! Jumping on hard ground makes me nervous.

Sounds like you know you are hooked! Go for it on the MTB! Smooth ground and winds are a big help, bumpy heavy grassy ground and gusty lumpy winds will hold you back.

Good luck!

Drewculous - 18-9-2011 at 08:59 PM

I still static jump all the time..... Its the reason I got into kiting, i bug/board too.... But I loves me some hangtime... And static jumping is just really easy for me... And im pretty good and getting big air (shhhh)

I actually get hurt when I get moving... Only 1 purple heel from static jumping, I cant count the injuries ive gotten from moving around... Rolled bugs, botch board landings... Lmao! Static jumping is awesome...

Nailing good jumps in front of crowds is always sweet... Womens add bonus points tho :lol:

dandre - 19-9-2011 at 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Drewculous
I still static jump all the time..... Its the reason I got into kiting, ..... Womens add bonus points


lad - 19-9-2011 at 10:24 AM

That's funny,
whenever I'm trying to do some kite finesse,
the girls stop to watch, whisper and giggle, too

....just not for the same reason....:ticking:

dandre - 19-9-2011 at 11:29 AM

Thats cause girls like air like they like their doodz wieners

snowspider - 19-10-2011 at 07:40 AM

DOODZ WIENERS on tour , appearing at WBB this weekend!
I got into static jumping this summer at a local park , the wind comes across the lake and smooths out a bit. Swing the kite across the window ,steer it overhead ,lean back loadup, pull the bar and step into the elevator. Great fun!