Power Kite Forum

Missing kiter off Hatteras Island?

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bigkahuna - 19-9-2011 at 03:42 AM

Anyone know anything more about a kitesurfer who's apparently missing off Hatteras Island?


Apparently he's been missing since yesterday. The wind's been from the NE for the last few days and there's still a bit of swell left from Maria. But otherwise conditions haven't been all that extreme. I did see a lot of "wildlife" activity last week. Wonder if anyone knows who this is or any of the details of this?

markite - 19-9-2011 at 06:33 AM

Hey Big, I'll shoot you a U2U

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 12:12 PM

Guys, I'm afraid this is AJ. I'm looking for the article my parents just read me over the phone and will link. I hope this isn't how it looks right now.

Island Free Press Article

lad - 19-9-2011 at 12:19 PM

Oh no. My greatest time ever kiting was with AJ at Treasure Island almost 2 years ago. I really hope against hope this turns out OK.

HATTERAS ISLAND, NC -- A kite and board have been recovered, but the man riding it is still missing. Hatteras Island Water Rescue's Facebook page says the 44-year-old went missing Sunday about 30-feet off Cape Point beach.Around 5:30 p.m., crews were called after people reported the man was yelling for help.Squad members launched two Personal Water Crafts and the U.S. Coast Guard joined the search while other rescue members searched the shoreline.The kite and board were found Sunday night, but there was no sign of the surfer.The search continues.

erratic winds - 19-9-2011 at 12:21 PM

Best wishes that they will find him soon, not much worse for wear.

Very worried about a fellow kiter.

bigkahuna - 19-9-2011 at 12:22 PM

I was told it might have been AJ, let's all pray that somehow he made it through this and is found healthy soon.

shehatesmyhobbies - 19-9-2011 at 12:28 PM

I was just talking with him last week through facebook! I hope he is alright!

markite - 19-9-2011 at 12:30 PM

Yes there were rumors and emails exchanged over the day hoping it wasn't AJ and it looks like his name has been released in the article. As with many of you I'm hoping for a miracle here as he is a very experienced kiter, knowledgeable about water and conditions and a real fighter.
A good friend and long time supporter of the kiting community ~ Prayers and thoughts for him for sure.

shehatesmyhobbies - 19-9-2011 at 12:39 PM

Super bummed right now! Man I hope whoever it might be is found safe soon!

dylanj423 - 19-9-2011 at 12:51 PM

it would be a sad, sad day...

... prayers for his safe return

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 01:35 PM

A sad day indeed. I just want to see his name pop up on an incoming call right now.

Todd - 19-9-2011 at 01:46 PM

Praying for you AJ.

lamrith - 19-9-2011 at 01:52 PM

My hope is that he had a vest on and is just out there scared, but ok and waiting to be found.

God bless him and his family.

macboy - 19-9-2011 at 01:57 PM

Oh my God...I feel a knot in my gut. I hope he's OK and found soon! Add another kiter to the prayer list.......

WELDNGOD - 19-9-2011 at 02:14 PM

Prayin for ya AJ ! Please be found w/ a heck of a story to tell......

Chad - 19-9-2011 at 02:27 PM

:(:( praying for a safe e returnr :(:(

My heart goes out to AJ and his family

AD72 - 19-9-2011 at 02:28 PM

Pryaing you are ok AJ.

elnica - 19-9-2011 at 02:35 PM

I hope he is ok. :(

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Prayin for ya AJ ! Please be found w/ a heck of a story to tell......

:thumbup: :yes:

acampbell - 19-9-2011 at 02:47 PM

AJ often pushes the limits but as Bobby said when he called me today with the news, AJ's limits are WAAAY beyond that of most kiters. We are praying for a miracle.

WELDNGOD - 19-9-2011 at 02:52 PM

Don't you kite boarders wear any floatation devices? I'm askin cause I don't do it and really don't know about it.

indigo_wolf - 19-9-2011 at 02:56 PM

Hope everythings turns out for the best.

This is the FB page for the Hatteras Island Rescue Squad, in case anyone needs it:


jellis - 19-9-2011 at 03:05 PM

Charles Jackson is going to be found sitting on a beach waiting for a ride back to his kite, period. I can not and will not accept anything else.

silvereaglekiter - 19-9-2011 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by jellis
Charles Jackson is going to be found sitting on a beach waiting for a ride back to his kite, period. I can not and will not accept anything else.

Hear Hear :sniff:

carltb - 19-9-2011 at 03:34 PM

really sad to hear this, my thought are with you AJ

g-force junkie - 19-9-2011 at 04:45 PM

Knowing this guy makes it hit home, hoping for the best!

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Don't you kite boarders wear any floatation devices? I'm askin cause I don't do it and really don't know about it.

WG, some do in the surf but not in the sound for the most part. The salt water is very "floaty" compared to fresh water and with the flotation offered from your harness and also a wetsuit if worn, even if you crash hard, you just bob back up to the surface in seconds. Rough conditions will increase flotation use.

mougl - 19-9-2011 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by jellis
Charles Jackson is going to be found sitting on a beach waiting for a ride back to his kite, period. I can not and will not accept anything else.

I want the same. I can't help but feel sick right now :(((((

mgatc - 19-9-2011 at 05:14 PM

Remarkable how everyone on this forum becomes "family" over time. Never met AJ but my concern for his well-being is tangible.

Does he fly PL's exclusively?

WELDNGOD - 19-9-2011 at 05:15 PM

BB,I live in the norfolk/viginia beach area,so I am ocean friendly. I've been to OBX many times. Cape point is a treacherous area, it has 2 currents converging together that will take you out to sea. And I think low tide was in the evening... and that is bad. This kind of nightmare is why I haven't gone to the water yet,even though it is all around me

Drewculous - 19-9-2011 at 05:26 PM

i cant believe this... i got a bad knot too, hopefully all works out... my thoughts are with ya buddy

hiaguy - 19-9-2011 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by mgatc
Remarkable how everyone on this forum becomes "family" over time. Never met AJ but my concern for his well-being is tangible.

Even after my short time on this board it's easy to see the bond in this diverse community. My prayers for AJ and his family. Peace for those that know him.

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 05:36 PM

Mel, he was probably one of the world's best arc fliers. He had more than a decade's experience with them. He had only recently started using a set of Ocean Rodeo kites in a gesture to support his employer, Kitty Hawk Kites.

Donnie, I hope you took no disrespect from me, just trying to give you a picture of how most handle the flotation issue there. Even in the treacherous conditions at Cape Point, I can't help but feel that some unknown issue is part of AJ not being at work today. He was resolute and savvy enough to get out of a couple of catastrophes at the same time. I'm thinking there must've been a third or more.................

I'm sure I'm not the only 1 here that frequently starts a sentence with "I've got a friend" and I'm talking about someone I've met on here or face to face through kiting. :thumbup:

WELDNGOD - 19-9-2011 at 06:05 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob

Donnie, I hope you took no disrespect from me

Not at all Bro' Love ya Man! Hope to drink a beer w/ ya one day...

shaggs2riches - 19-9-2011 at 06:05 PM

My heart skipped a couple beats when I read through this. In the past two years that I have been a member of this forum, never did I expect to read of such a thing. Just like several others in this family, Action Jackson has always stuck out as a major player on this forum, one with the skills and knowledge to admire. I've never met him, but would trust his every word. Lots of prayers coming from my household that we here of his safe return.

PHREERIDER - 19-9-2011 at 06:20 PM

Wow, this is very heavy, all positive

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Originally posted by BeamerBob

Donnie, I hope you took no disrespect from me

Not at all Bro' Love ya Man! Hope to drink a beer w/ ya one day...

It would definitely be an honor brother. :thumbup:

clintopher - 19-9-2011 at 06:29 PM

Got this off of the Virginia Beach kiteboarding yahoo group. Can anyone verify it?

"The article is apparently mistaken. Charles Jackson is not "Action Jackson/AJ." Have received secondhand report that AJ is posting on Facebook about this, and that missing kiter Charles Jackson is his roommate."

BeamerBob - 19-9-2011 at 06:37 PM

He goes by "Charles" at work because there is a guy that works at KHK in Waves that has always gone by AJ because it's his actual initials. Charles did not come home or to work today and he is the one that is missing. He is "AJ" in the kite world but Charles locally. Charles Jackson's family lives in Texas and were called to come to OBX because their son is missing. The newspaper article I linked above mentions both his real name and nickname.

Also, someone with access to his account locked out the ability to post on his wall. Only things posting to his wall are pic tags or video tags or comments that tag his name.

Lots of people wish it was a simple misunderstanding and are holding out hope that there is a funny story to tell when it all settles out.

markite - 19-9-2011 at 06:50 PM

No our good friend AJ - Action Jackson is Charles Jackson. In fact many people did not even know his name is Charles Jackson. Those that met him from his life in Texas and NABX will remember many AJ comments and posts. His Facebook page goes by his full name Charles Jackson and I found it surprising that many people at Ocean Rodeo did not know who I was talking about when I spoke of A.J. and they all know him in OBX primarily as AJ.
Reports through friends started filtering in late last night and through this morning - a group of friends from this area of Ontario head down to OBX in the spring and fall and having befriended AJ down at NABX over the years he would come and spend a lot of time at their house on each trip. So through a connection of friends we heard about what transpired and it was still hard to believe it was him - and although there have been many discussions about conditions, currents the amount of time etc, I still cling to hope for our friend.

Jaymz - 19-9-2011 at 06:53 PM

So sad. I just realized we were friends on FB. His last FB post was 11:11pm Sat night. Recent posts are from friends praying for him. Godspeed AJ.

If you can view this video, it is of Charles Jackson a week ago. Sadly, it is the very spot he reportedly disappeared from yesterday.


g00fba11 - 19-9-2011 at 07:05 PM

They say you will meet many people but very few will you trust. I say they have not experienced our family.

I shed a tear, I say a prayer......for AJ and his family

Kamikuza - 19-9-2011 at 07:14 PM

Aw this sucks. Come on home, AJ.

Jaymz - 19-9-2011 at 07:21 PM

This is so ironic it's creepy. Just wish it was posted today instead of last month :no:

Last post on PKF from AJ:


Looking_Up - 19-9-2011 at 07:22 PM

Praying for aj and fam

labrat - 19-9-2011 at 07:28 PM

This thread has been bringing back bad memories all day.

Praying for a better outcome for his family.

mukluk - 19-9-2011 at 07:44 PM

I don't know A.J. at all....I do know long nights on the water, and ashore....

Hold fast. There will be morning. Prayers go out...

Crash then swim - 19-9-2011 at 07:52 PM

14 years ago I swam away from a plane crash into the ocean 22 miles to shore, there is hope. Please let AJ have whatever is left of my luck....

macboy - 19-9-2011 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by g00fba11
They say you will meet many people but very few will you trust. I say they have not experienced our family.

I shed a tear, I say a prayer......for AJ and his family


Keep sitting down at the machine here hoping to click up some good news to this story. Too much drama in this kite family these days. We all need to drop everything, go find AJ and have a good long flight together.

geokite - 19-9-2011 at 08:35 PM

So sad, just read this news. Really bummed.

jellis - 19-9-2011 at 08:36 PM

Kato and AJ are together now and I will miss them forever.

mougl - 19-9-2011 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by jellis
Kato and AJ are together now and I will miss them forever.

What happened to refusing to accept anything other than he's ok? Keep hope alive man

Todd - 19-9-2011 at 09:18 PM

What?? I can't find any confirmation and refuse to believe. AJ we are with you and we'd love you Brother.

jellis - 19-9-2011 at 10:57 PM

Sorry you guys are right, keep he faith.

Tibi - 20-9-2011 at 04:54 AM

My prayers are with him and his family. Hope he will be able to tell us the whole story.

acampbell - 20-9-2011 at 04:59 AM

Originally posted by mgatc
Remarkable how everyone on this forum becomes "family" over time. Never met AJ but my concern for his well-being is tangible.

Does he fly PL's exclusively?

I will add that he is personal friends with Peter Lynn (himself) and a couple of years ago spent some time in NZ with him.

I met AJ at Treasure Island Kite Festival in Clearwater, FL a few years ago. I was new to the scene and he befriended me right away. He has a fine collection of SlK/ Show kites as well. He's forgotten more about kiting than I will ever know.

acampbell - 20-9-2011 at 05:06 AM

Has anyone heard from or talked with Meg? She was close to AJ. I have to imagine she has heard?

bugymangp - 20-9-2011 at 05:16 AM

i met aj a long time ago at DBBB we became friends right off.
i remember when he would come to new york city and i would take him and meg out to dinner and show them around the city. i got tears in my eyes writing this post. he was one never to takes chances. safety was aways on his mind.
i`m hoping for the best but fear the worst.
if he is gone. i lost a good friend and the kiting world lost a great kiter.
i will light a candle this sunday and release a kite in his name.
anybody know whjere we can send cards and letters to?
i still cant believe it. don`t want to believe it.
theres a big hole in my life with him.

mougl - 20-9-2011 at 06:11 AM

Search suspended according to HIRS Facebook page :(

bigkid - 20-9-2011 at 06:28 AM

With a lump in my throat, and a tear in my eye, I hope for the best.

Bladerunner - 20-9-2011 at 06:55 AM


I am in shock. Shaking .




indigo_wolf - 20-9-2011 at 06:59 AM

Posted about an hour ago:

Hatteras Island Rescue Squad
USCG suspended the search last night (Monday)around 8:30. The search lasted 21hrs. Most of that time there was a Coast Guard aircraft on scene. The CG totaled 14 sorties using H-60 helos, C-130 fixed-wing, 87ft patrol boat USCGC Cochito homeport Hampton Roads, VA, 47ft motorlifeboat from station Hatteras Inlet. USNPS Rangers and Hatteras Island Rescue conducted vehicle based shoreline searches all night Sunday thru noon Monday. In the initial effort Sunday, Hatteras Island Rescue launched 2 jetskis that searched the area just south of Cape Pt in seas running 6-8ft with occasional 10ft.

The case is not closed. USNPS and Hatteras Island Rescue will continue shoreline checks.

:no: :sniff:


shehatesmyhobbies - 20-9-2011 at 07:00 AM

Speechless! Stillhoping for a miracle.

lad - 20-9-2011 at 07:06 AM

I met AJ on the beach at the Treasure Island Kite Fest '10. I brought my gear this time as was glad to see a fellow buggy guy on the beach that day. When he identified himself as "Action Jackson" here on PKF, I knew immediately who he was. I told him I thought he lived in TX and he replied that he just moved here and worked as a cook someplace. I imagined he was a Free Spirit - free to literally follow wherever the wind took him.

He told me this was one of the only times all year that the wind was perfect along the TI shore. He mentioned being in NZ and showed me some of his prototypes he had that Peter gave him. They included a NASAwing Peter was experimenting with and a plain, orange 15m Venom proto that he took off with. I followed him with my 12m Phantom and I had the most epic day ever. He said he was going kite surfing at another beach the next day and I only U2U'd him a few times since on here.

So the memories of my best session ever will forever be tied with AJ and I will always think of him now whenever I will loft one over the sand or water.

snowspider - 20-9-2011 at 10:48 AM


mgatc - 20-9-2011 at 12:03 PM

It is Cape Point the same as Cape Hatteras point?

BeamerBob - 20-9-2011 at 12:51 PM

I had it in my head that Cape Point was at Cape Lookout but indeed it is the point at Hatteras.

markite - 20-9-2011 at 01:06 PM

If you look at the point below Buxton that is the point where I understand AJ went missing - on the ocean side north of the point but it was a NE wind and last seen off the shoals at this point. But this is all passed along through friends who AJ kited with that day.

WELDNGOD - 20-9-2011 at 02:43 PM

Anyone know what condition the kite was found in? Were the lines and bar on it w/ the safety popped? were the lines cut? I'm pretty sure he knew how to get out of a "riptide",so I doubt that was it. There is the awful possibility that he crashed and was sorting out his lines or whatever.And was attacked by a one of the MANY sharks just off the beach this time of year. The water is warm and they are hungry. Some are big Bull sharks,some are sandbar sharks. Been tigers and hammerheads seen there as well. 30 yds off the beach is PRIME hunting grounds for them. Just trying to figure what could have gone so wrong that he was unable to get back to shore.........

dman - 20-9-2011 at 02:50 PM

Man I just read through this thread and I'm just sick to my stomach. I sold AJ one of my Phantoms years ago and we promised to have a beer together at NABX after but that event never came for us. I hope and pray this all turns out well. AJ, I still want that beer!

BeamerBob - 20-9-2011 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Anyone know what condition the kite was found in? Were the lines and bar on it w/ the safety popped? were the lines cut? I'm pretty sure he knew how to get out of a "riptide",so I doubt that was it. There is the awful possibility that he crashed and was sorting out his lines or whatever.And was attacked by a one of the MANY sharks just off the beach this time of year. The water is warm and they are hungry. Some are big Bull sharks,some are sandbar sharks. Been tigers and hammerheads seen there as well. 30 yds off the beach is PRIME hunting grounds for them. Just trying to figure what could have gone so wrong that he was unable to get back to shore.........

Goes with my theory that he could handle a couple of disasters at once. Maybe a third would be required to keep him from getting to shore.

WELDNGOD - 20-9-2011 at 03:39 PM

I hope we can get some kind of info about the gear they found. It could help figure out what happened. It seems the local news is makin out like he should not have been out there . Some guy drowned at the beach today so they are all up in arms about "water safety". But we know AJ, and he was in his element. I find it hard to believe that he was just swept out to sea.... And WE need to learn from this...... AJ has one more thing to teach us,we just gotta figure it out. I know nobody wants to be the first to say" I think he's gone" ..............

All I know is without a wetsuit. You cannot stay in 80 degree water for 2 days. It'll suck your body heat out until your body can't generate heat fast enough,long enough..... My heart goes out to his family,and I hope they can at least recover him, for the family to have a proper burial.

shaggs2riches - 20-9-2011 at 04:15 PM

I can actually say that I lost a bit of sleep thinking of this last night. Its hard to think of them actually just giving up on a guy. But its true that we all know that they can only commit so many resources. If he doesn't turn up alive, I sincerely hope that his body is recovered so that his family can have some bit of closure. Having a wife and kids, incidents like this weigh heavy on my mind every time I head out to kite. I don't think that people can criticize his decision to kite that spot in the conditions. He's known to for his skills and judgement, from everything I've read Action Jackson is not your everyday kiteboarder. If he is gone, it can be admirably stated that he went out doing what he lived and loved. I will still hold hope that he is found alive, until reports tell me otherwise. I never once thought that I'd ever be impacted like this, even though I've probably only exchange words with him once or twice through this forum. This truly is a family.

shehatesmyhobbies - 20-9-2011 at 04:20 PM

Family it is! I also lost sleep last night! Can't get my mind of it! Really keeping the hope alive!

mougl - 20-9-2011 at 04:30 PM

Im still hoping and praying for the best. I really need to take a break from this thread, can't seem to focus on anything else today. Still hoping this is a terrible dream and I'll wake up. My heart goes out to everyone close to AJ. Feeling sick sucks.

sand flea - 20-9-2011 at 04:38 PM

Prayers to AJ and his family

doublespeed360 - 20-9-2011 at 04:40 PM

i feel so sad ,i first met AJ at what is called now deadbird buggy blast in 99 at galveston texas.i knew charles, hung out with him at the bar at the galvez and at the hanging tree[sbbb-nabx] wicked cool guy .hopes and prayers go out to him and family, my heart also goes out to meg who was real close to him.love him with those nasa wings when he just wanted to cruise at nabx and fly something different miss you friend. RIDE ON AND ON .PAUL

kitefanatic1 - 20-9-2011 at 07:11 PM

I just heard the news. My thoughts and prayers go out to he and his family. I'm hoping to see him post on the forum again very soon.

centex_buggier - 20-9-2011 at 09:13 PM

AJ rest in peace. You will be missed.

With the lack of any news I have accepted that he is not going to appear on the beach. I can only assume that what ever happened, it was unavoidable because if anybody could make it out he could.

I'm sorry brother.

Seanny - 21-9-2011 at 07:41 AM

What a tragedy… He is such a nice guy. I know he used to come and ride in my area all the time. :( I am so terribly sorry…

bugymangp - 21-9-2011 at 07:59 AM

last night i went thur my past buggy pictures looking for him.
i found many. i broke down crying and had to stop looking.
his life was cut down way to short
RIP my friend
before i know it. i`ll be joining you.
you will forever be in my heart and i think of you with warm thoughts and fond memories.

WELDNGOD - 21-9-2011 at 08:04 AM

here is his last post......... "I am still here! Just rode the past 25 out of 30 days!...aj ".....................

BeamerBob - 21-9-2011 at 08:17 AM

Someone commented that while his life was cut short, he lived more in his 44 years than most do in a long full life. He got to passionately do what he loved daily, lived where he wanted, and apparently died while doing it. While we will lament losing him as a friend, this is something we can hold on to.

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-9-2011 at 11:12 AM

Well said Bob!

wheresthewind? - 21-9-2011 at 01:28 PM

first, my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family......i personally never met AJ, but from reading his posts, i always could sense his wild enthusiasm for kiting,i think he would have wanted us to go out kiting and to have fun while were doing it---so i flew my beamer today in his honor, just reflecting, and it WAS fun.......

Crisi - 21-9-2011 at 01:49 PM

Guys.....They just announced that they located a body matching AJ's description.....with a kite harness.

This breaks my heart...but I guess deep down....I knew

May the winds always blow in heaven for you AJ.........:no:

Chad - 21-9-2011 at 01:57 PM


Sad very sad

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-9-2011 at 02:02 PM

Rest in Peace A.J.! I am saddened by this news!

Ride on!

My deepest condolences to his family! May they now find closure!

As a community, we will miss you!

treblehook - 21-9-2011 at 02:03 PM

I was kinda hopeful that we would here that he was picked up by a Norwegian freighter,with AJ telling them stories until they belly laughed and drinking their Vodka..Aj was my first contact to the SE Texas coast kite buggy- ing thing...one of my many teachers along the way to my most favorite hobby...and I just found out threw his facebook page that we both attended R.E. LEE High school in Houston..10 years apart...he will be missed..

WELDNGOD - 21-9-2011 at 02:08 PM

Fly on Brother,Fly on...... :saint: You helped many along the way,you will be missed.

markite - 21-9-2011 at 02:15 PM

I don't have the words to begin that describe the feeling of loss.
I'll be thinking of AJ for along time to come
Peace my friend
(PS-love that photo of AJ you posted below lad - arms open, smiling, flying on the buggy, it says so much)

lad - 21-9-2011 at 02:16 PM

We will not forget you, buddy!

lamrith - 21-9-2011 at 02:25 PM

My thoughts and prayers go to his friends and family today. He's up above catching big Air now!!

May all your days be filled with smooth steady winds dude! Send some wind our way when you can!

TexasBuggyRider - 21-9-2011 at 02:40 PM


This pic was from SBBB 2003 at Ivanpah Dry Lake. AJ, myself, David Stanek, John Romanek & Rick McGaffey raced in the 50 mile team enduro race and placed 3rd, as "Team Death Valley Rollers".

AJ had no fear, and buggied and boarded to the extreme! You will be missed my friend!

SBBB Team Enduro 3rd place Texas Buggy Riders 2002 SBBB - Copy.jpg - 106kB

bigkahuna - 21-9-2011 at 03:00 PM

This has been a very sad week indeed. Rest in peace AJ.

BeamerBob - 21-9-2011 at 03:47 PM

We will miss you buddy. Thanks for all your selflessness and help over the years. Thanks for being a friend.

meg - 21-9-2011 at 04:53 PM

thanks for asking Angus & Paul-John Harris from Kitty Hawk Kites called me Monday afternoon to tell me the news. i've been trying to westle with the realities of it since. i keep telling myself he was doing what he loved, in a place he loved. it was impressive how dedicated he was to living life on his own terms. i loved him and accepted him as he was and we had several great years together. it was not a traditional relationship, but there was nothing traditional about our AJ. He loved to travel and go on road trips almost as much as he loved kite surfing. We traveled from New Zealand to Italy and Quebec to Mexico, with many places in between. Now it's time for him to go back to having Caddo as his co-pilot. i will miss him terribly.

tridude - 21-9-2011 at 04:55 PM

descanse en paz mi amigo..............................

B-Roc - 21-9-2011 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Chad

Sad very sad

At least his body can now be laid to rest by those who loved him most in the manner he deserves.

Rest in eternal peace.

Kamikuza - 21-9-2011 at 05:24 PM

So long, AJ ... I never got to meet you in person which is a shame, but I feel I knew you from the mockings you gave me on FB - "Been out again today - 20th day in a row ... how about you, Kevin?" :lol:
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