Power Kite Forum

Almost made the 1920 club

stetson05 - 19-9-2011 at 11:02 AM

Went out to a buddy's house on the river where he can kiteboard off his property. The wind was looking good, about 16mph until I got there. It was sitting closer to 10 so I put up the 19m S2.5. I didn't know what it was gusting to but I thought mid-teens. I got out and rode and had a great session. A couple of times I felt really well powered during the gusts but most of the I just felt great. I went for a couple of jumps and had great air but no rideable landings.

This morning I looked up the history to find it was 12 gusting to 18-22 for most of the time. I have been scared to take it out in any gusts higher than 15 so this was a learning experience for me with this kite. During a couple of jumps I was in the air and suddenly got lifted higher with the kite overhead. Must have been the gusts. Well I thought I had made the 1920 club till I read that it was in knots. :no: Oh well, not something I am shooting for especially on this kite but I thought it would have been cool.

Short video with lots of glare, probably only cool to me, shot by my buddy from his deck. Nice view right.


Maybe I need some video help.

Looking_Up - 19-9-2011 at 11:26 AM

Um if i read right you did make the club because it takes more mph to equal a knot plus I think most guys in the 1920 club are riding arcs I was out in winds similar with 19 v2 but don't have the history so no membership

WIllardTheGrey - 19-9-2011 at 12:47 PM

22 knots = 25.3171479 mph:wee::wee:
But the chart you posted has MPH on the left side and Km/h on the right. No knots but at 18:00 there was a 25MPH gust.

Embedding Links, Pictures, and YouTube Videos in your posts.:thumbup:

macboy - 19-9-2011 at 02:02 PM

I'd give it to you solely based on the fact that I think Looking_Up is right and the "19" part of the 1920 club is an Arc. Still, 20 knots on either 19 is deserving of the induction.

:another hero is born:

Kamikuza - 19-9-2011 at 08:41 PM

Um du-uuuude ... arcs not foils :eek: crikey! You get the Gold membership card :lol:
I've been out in big gusts on the SA2 as well but I prefer it around 12 knots ... one time, the wind shifted and I was riding along nicely then suddenly YOINK was picked up and lobbed a couple hundred feet downwind ...!

stetson05 - 20-9-2011 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Um du-uuuude ... arcs not foils :eek: crikey! You get the Gold membership card :lol:
I've been out in big gusts on the SA2 as well but I prefer it around 12 knots ... one time, the wind shifted and I was riding along nicely then suddenly YOINK was picked up and lobbed a couple hundred feet downwind ...!

I remember it was arcs from a previous thread so I never aspired to reach it on my flysurfer. I was flying from 2-5pm so I wasn't on the water when it actually hit 25mph. I will take the membership anyway since you wrote it ;) The windmeter I posted from is about 1 mile, upwind and 20m higher than where I was riding so maybe the conditions I was in were less. I wouldn't rush to fly in winds gusting to 22 again but I won't be so scared of the 10mph gusting to 17 on water. On land is a different matter. Safety always. :thumbup:

Thanks for the help WIllardTheGrey