Power Kite Forum

LaVentana Mexico blows November to May

bajaDean - 21-9-2011 at 10:25 AM

LaVentana Mexico.... the incredible baja.. yes you can drink the water and also this is a very safe area of Mexico the 1000 mile drive makes it so. Kind of hard to commit a big crime and drive away 1000 miles. In fact LaPaz for our big city is rated in the top safest cities in north america. The water right now is 80 degrees plus and we are getting early kiting winds.

OK even safer is La Ventana a town of 600 that grows to 2,000 in the winter as the Canadians and Americans and a few Germans arrive. We are 30 Miles south of LaPaz population about 300k. This place was discovered by windsurfers about 25 years ago. It is now considered one of the best places to get a kite fix in the winter in North America. For various reasons, temp, winter is about 72-78 F day with 3 days of rain a year, so 362 days of sun. Next consistent wind, we rarely have gusty conditions, wind is side shore, wind blows to the bottom of the bay so if you have equipment failure you do not end up in Panama. We have wave spots for advanced people and it is a great place for beginners because of the catch all end of the bay. Water temp to me is cold, 70 degrees so I wear a shorty. Some kite in shorts with rash shirt. For beginners and intermediate or those who hate cold I recommend a full 3/2. Some years we have 30 days straight on the water. The season is November to May. There are two airports (LAP) La Paz and Cabo (CSL), Cabo is the one with many airlines and many flights. There are buses from cabo and private vans that bring many here. There is gear rental in the area.

it is an easy drive from CO. cross at nagales and 500 miles (easily done in one day)south take the overnight ferry to lapaz. it departs about 10pm to come here.

there is a campground at $7-$10.00 a night per site (not per person) with clean bathrooms and cold showers.

there is also some limited free camping with no water no bathrooms if you are a real tight budget. people will be mad at me for telling you this so do not tell them I posted this....

a neighbor friend of mine has a resort I will post some of the pictures. There are many places to stay here if you have more than the camping budget. I have a general information site at www.la-ventana.info register and you do not get the ads. what can I say it was free to use and they did not flood with ads initial. so now you have to register. it has a bit to much information is intended for locals, but it does have the links to hotels and transportation issues/methods.

bajaDean - 21-9-2011 at 10:35 AM

my friends business Kite Paradise, here are a few pictures. as i said there are many other resorts listed on my non-commercial website in the previous post.

they have a game room with pool table, ping pong,several pools, bar, a restaurant and so on. rooms start at $100.00 a night, he also has a 3 bedroom suite. there are a few places less expensive, and most more expensive. email me and I will tell you where. I can also find houses for you too, beachfront or lower cost.

his link is also on my information site and in my signature.

kitesurfer - 22-9-2011 at 06:02 AM

i've been planning on riding my motorcycle down there but never considered taking all my kite gear. from what i've read on the motorcyle forums for riding in mex, there are many hostels and dhotels way less than $20 a night. i would fly down for 2 weeks at $20 a night.