Power Kite Forum

Macomb Michigan Area!

OmniSmurfZ - 23-9-2011 at 02:32 PM

I just bought a venom 19m, phantom 15m, 27m Q-Power line, pl twinskinbar 04, radical harness, spinning spreader bar. Nothing is together or anything and I was wondering if there is anyone in the area who would like to meet up and help me set this stuff up. I have a good amount of flying experience with my Scout II 4m, but nothing with a depower or anything.

OmniSmurfZ - 25-9-2011 at 07:24 AM

Not saying just in the Macomb area, but if you're around the southeastern MI area at all to let me know. I have the harness all setup (so difficult! haha) and I've been looking at the lines/bar/kites and setting it up I just dont want to mess it up. I spoke with Kent at a wind of change and he said my best bet was to meet up with other flyers so they could help me with the depower setup because it could be quite difficult to get up and running.

Midgaar - 27-9-2011 at 09:36 AM

I know it's over a month away but you should try to make it to Springfield, IL over Thanksgiving weekend. flyjump has volunteered ARC lessons and I'm sure it would be a great experience. Check the post a couple down from this one.