circuit1 - 26-9-2011 at 08:53 AM
Hi Guys,
Just starting to get back in to kiting again and really wanted to get some advice, i mainly fly inland and weigh 95 kg. I have a 12m Phantom and a
few bullets and would like to purchase a de-powerable foil to go along side my inflatable for lower wind ranges, has anyone got any suggestions?????
B-Roc - 26-9-2011 at 09:07 AM
Flysurfer seems to own the market for real low wind depower performance. What's your budget and how low a wind do you want to fly in and are you
boarding or on a buggy or skis or ?
In the lightest of winds, I still prefer fixed bridles.
dandre - 26-9-2011 at 09:48 AM
People on here seem to like Montanas alot.
I was really considering the 12.5, but I'm holding off buying a big foil until I deserve it.
MY 9.5 got here today,
time to get spanked and learn some life lessons.
::::dAniel has leveled up:::::
Daniel has learned a new ability!
Would you like to delete an older move to make room for KITE PWN?
What ability would you like to delete???
ability deleted.
:::::WHAT???? DAniel is EVOLVING::::::