Power Kite Forum

kinda late but anyways.......

pyro22487 - 26-9-2011 at 11:41 PM

im trying to find hotel prices in the area any information would be appriciated. if anything doesnt seem promising i have a tent but am unsure where and how much it costs for tent camping close to, if not at dbbb.

indigo_wolf - 27-9-2011 at 12:29 AM

Hotel and reservation info for 2011

The following hotels offer resonable rates or group discounts for DBBB attendees. Room availability is usually not a problem this time of year, but making reservations early is recommended.

Sand Piper Motel
Web: http://www.sandpipermotel.com
Group code: Buggy Bash
Phone: (409) 765-9431
Daily rate: $40
Weekly rate: $?

Beachcomber Inn
Web: http://www.galveston.org/Index.aspx
Group code: room rate call or see web site
Phone: (409) 744-7133
Daily rate: $
Weekly rate: $

The Hotel Galvez
Web: http://www.galveston.com/galvez/
Group code: room rate call or see web site
Phone: (409) 765-7721
Daily rate: $
Weekly rate: $

Super 8 Motel Galveston
Web: http://www.super8.com
Group code: room rate call or see web site
Phone: 409-740-6640
Daily rate: $
Weekly rate: $

Getting conflicting info on camping.....

From the DBBB FAQ:

Is camping allowed?
Camping is tolerated this time of year though the only facilities available will be from those that have motor homes and travel trailers. You can always bum a shower from someone that has a motel room though. Be prepared for violent storms. They're not unusual this time of year and you may decide to check into a motel for a night or two.

The Texas Campsite Reservation system still shows tent sites.

This was posted last year:
Nov 05, 2010
Making some changes

We are making some changes to the event this year. The city of Galveston is not allowing camping out at slp so the pre-event has been moved to east beach. Come and join us at east beach for the pre-event and the event.

The restriction doesn't seem to exist this year, but the Pre-Event and Main Event are still on the East Beach which is on the other side of the island from the camping sites.

Click map to zoom in new browser window.


kitemaker4 - 27-9-2011 at 07:10 AM

There are many hotels on the island. Do a google search. As for camping. There is a core group of us that will be camping on east beach for the duration of the event so if you want to go that route please join us on the beach. I will be camping on the beach. There is always a chance of a cold front passing through and the weather could change very fast.

This year the pre-event and the event itself will be on east beach.

Susan (npw goddess)

van - 27-9-2011 at 07:13 AM

Who's digging the hole for the toilet?? :D

kitemaker4 - 27-9-2011 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by van
Who's digging the hole for the toilet?? :D

I thought we talked about that this past weekend and it was going to be your job. By the way please dig it real deep.

Susan (npw goddess)

centex_buggier - 27-9-2011 at 12:23 PM

The Sandpiper was the closest one, but I thought it got taken out by Ike. I've been told that the Super 8 is pretty good.

I'll be camping on the beach too. That's the best way to go if you don't mind having no facilities. If a front is forcast to come through during the event, pitch your tent on a high spot and anchor it down well.


pyro22487 - 27-9-2011 at 02:14 PM

tent sounds like the way to make friends and get the best experiance so ill take my tiny little tent. (for backpacking it weighs less than 3 pounds i think) and see you guys on the beach. i will not be down for thanksgiving but i will be down for the day after ill probably get there about 1230am to 2am depending on when i leave.

thanks for the help you guys and hope to see you all there.

bugymangp - 27-9-2011 at 08:21 PM

have a great time everybody.
wish i could be there. but i will at nabx for sure next year.
hey susan
i`m using the libra special for wildwood.
thanks again for keeping it all these yrs.
everybody do a run for AJ.
ride safe guys

Taper123 - 5-10-2011 at 05:46 PM

I have a tent.. and know how to use it.

But this is the song that reminds me of my friend...

For anyone wanting to tent camp, just get the longest tent stakes you can find... winds are normally ok, but sometimes a cold front passes through and gusts can be pretty high with winds in the 30's and gusts that are higher. Usually it's 10-15 consistently... but I have camped with some pretty severe weather at times....

But if your going to camp, everyone there will do their best to make sure you are safe and have a wonderful time.

pyro22487 - 6-10-2011 at 07:42 PM

ok time for a second question. anyone willing to give me a ride. keep in mind. i wont be able to leave till thursday night and im willing to drive pay gas money hell even take my own rig if someone is willing to carpool and help pay for gas. park your vehicle at my place. i think most people are turned off by this idea thanks to the leaving thursday thing.

Cat - 9-10-2011 at 06:39 PM

I'm still kinda hoping that this year we might have a porta potty?! Anyhow - I will bring poles and a blue tarp just in case. Anybody have a seat we can cover the hole with?

Capt rick - 22-11-2011 at 11:34 PM

On the boat we have a device we call the special bucket. Its a 5 gallon pail that we keep on the back deck for special occasions. I think I have an extra one at home that you can have..It really works best if you leave the top on and cut a hole in it so you have a wide rim but beggars cant be .... If you have a disposal area you could use it giving you more support and control then take it away to dump it..or have a good friend to take care of it for you.