Power Kite Forum

Power kite list/database?

lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 11:59 AM

Being new, it has been a but daunting getting into this hobby/sport. So many terms, types, models names thrown around it can be very difficult to know what is what.

Like a copier being called a Zerox, it seems certain types are kites are called Arcs, but what models are arcs? Which are open cell depower, or closed cell? I search on the intarweb about arcs and find the same 2 paragraph summary written in 2007 about them which is less than helpfull..

I am wondering if there is a site or resource out there that lists most of the kite models and thier type, style etc?

PKD Buster Soufly, FB, Open cell, ?, ?

I could see also maybe listing dates mfg, sizes offered..?

If there is not something already, I would be interested in getting one started and think having it hosted on PKF would be a perfect place. Either Excel or Access would probably be the best formats and Openoffice should let anyone open them??

I would have no problem getting started and entering some of the info I know (very little)


PHREERIDER - 28-9-2011 at 12:21 PM

alot of brands make multiple design types. it is confusing

angus has good intel on


alot of info scroll through it

carltb - 28-9-2011 at 01:15 PM

something to get you started............


lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 02:38 PM

Thanks guys.

I have seen those and other arc tutorials, but great info none the less.

What I am looking to do is get a database listing all the kite models and what they are. So if someone is looking for say a closed cell Depower they can go to the list and know the various Mfg & models that are closed cell depower. If they are looking for a peter lynn FB, they can find all those models.

That in mind it would probably be good to have a colum for type of kite. (lifty, pull, race, trainer..) as well as approx wind range..

As an example... Right now I know my next kite in the spring will likely be a Depower, and I want it to be water relaunchable, so I need a closed cell or LEI. Since I will not be surfing much that leades me back to closed cell. But what models...?? Be nice to be able to look them all up myself and not have to bug you guys. Or if I see something for sale I can quickly know "exactly" what it is..

dandre - 28-9-2011 at 02:43 PM

It sounds like you want an arc
www.powerkiteshop.com has great listings on technical specifications.

It's one of the first sites I check when I'm interested in a particular model.

pongnut - 28-9-2011 at 03:02 PM

Excellent links!

My "nerd" senses are tingling - just imagine a spreadsheet with column headings like Manufacturer, Model, and "Style" (Arc, Foil, LEI, Open Cell, etc.). And maybe some additional columns like Available Sizes, Year of Introduction, Aspect Ratio, Control Options (2-Line, 3-Line, Depower, etc.). Then again... maybe something like that would be too hard to keep current, with as many new kites that come to the market every year?

You know what else would be gold for us noobs, a glossary of terms. Yeah, I know Google is one big glossary, but it would sure be nice to have all of this "new" terminology in one place. That would give us a quick lookup when we come across terms like; sheeting, depower, AoA, hooj :puzzled:, etc..

lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by pongnut
Excellent links!

My "nerd" senses are tingling - just imagine a spreadsheet with column headings like Manufacturer, Model, and "Style" (Arc, Foil, LEI, Open Cell, etc.). And maybe some additional columns like Available Sizes, Year of Introduction, Aspect Ratio, Control Options (2-Line, 3-Line, Depower, etc.). Then again... maybe something like that would be too hard to keep current, with as many new kites that come to the market every year?

That is exacttly what I want to make a simple concise database of all these kites.

Yes those links are really good, but not giving me the info I am looking to create. I can pull raw data from them on model, mfg, but none are a search/filterable list.

Case in point, are only PL kites arcs, or is that a term like LEI and numerous Mfg make them? Having a database would have let me find that out in less time than it took to type this sentence out and also would have shown me a list of all the models that are classified as Arcs...

dandre - 28-9-2011 at 03:26 PM

or you can just ask an OG....

lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by dandre
or you can just ask an OG....

I have been doing that, just hate asking you guys everything non stop, has to get tiresome for you after a point..:singing:

thanson2001ok - 28-9-2011 at 04:57 PM

Why not create a wiki for kiting?:eureka:

I do have to say that teaching people about our sport is rather frustrating, no central place for solid info. Don't get me wrong, PKF is an amazing resource with amazing people willing to GIVE their time to help. But, not everyone that is interested in the sport is going to just jump online into a forum.

Bladerunner - 28-9-2011 at 05:01 PM

A data base like you suggest would be pretty awsome!

On the Arc thing. Only Peter Lynn makes " Twin Skin Arcs '. They are all closed cell and depower. As they get newer they get better depower and faster turning.

The only other Arc style kite I have seen and only in video was the Mandabule . They didn't seem to stick around but that looked like a crazy lifty kite!

The only other makers of closed cell foils now are Flysurer, HQ and Skycountry.

I have a closed cell FB . An old model . Quadrafoil Kitesurfer XL. The only closed cell FB I know being produced now is the Hydra by HQ.

dandre - 28-9-2011 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by thanson2001ok
Why not create a wiki for kiting?:eureka:

I do have to say that teaching people about our sport is rather frustrating, no central place for solid info. Don't get me wrong, PKF is an amazing resource with amazing people willing to GIVE their time to help. But, not everyone that is interested in the sport is going to just jump online into a forum.

I dunno. I think seeking answers is something that naturally comes with inspiration.

When I started flying my banner this summer, there were no kiters in town. Minus 1 guy with a p3.

I was flying today and there was a 4m hq cruising in the distance.

The wind was too good for me to care.

lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 08:04 PM

Got a rough up started. Lets see if this will attach (not holding breath) If there is no file attached give me a few min I will host it and put a link...

Excel 97-2003 format

If there are columns I have forgotten, let me know....

Attachment: kitelist.xls (22kB)
This file has been downloaded 235 times

lamrith - 28-9-2011 at 09:14 PM

I plan to keep adding everything I can find, starting with the ones on Powerkiteshop.com but let me know if I have missed an data we should be including...

indigo_wolf - 28-9-2011 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
The only other makers of closed cell foils now are Flysurer, HQ and Skycountry.

Certainly the most prominent in the US, but I expect there are others that are available on the other side of the Atlantic that would more readily be available to those in the UK/EU/etc.

The Kitech Fly!3 that was recently discussed is another.


pbc - 29-9-2011 at 02:57 AM

Originally posted by lamrith
Got a rough up started. Lets see if this will attach (not holding breath) If there is no file attached give me a few min I will host it and put a link...

Excel 97-2003 format

If there are columns I have forgotten, let me know....

Might be a good application for Google docs.


snowspider - 29-9-2011 at 05:34 AM

Someone please post the link (maybe as new topic) to the original HOOJ video. It would be a great service to new kite flyers to know that there are ways to measure their progress.

lamrith - 29-9-2011 at 05:59 AM

Originally posted by pbc
Originally posted by lamrith
Got a rough up started. Lets see if this will attach (not holding breath) If there is no file attached give me a few min I will host it and put a link...

Excel 97-2003 format

If there are columns I have forgotten, let me know....

Might be a good application for Google docs.


I will probably give that a shot once I get it populated a good bit, thanks for the tip!

indigo_wolf - 29-9-2011 at 06:03 AM

Originally posted by snowspider
Someone please post the link (maybe as new topic) to the original HOOJ video. It would be a great service to new kite flyers to know that there are ways to measure their progress.

Already has it's own thread:

The one, the only, the original....:wee:

4 Real Men only - MUST have Big B@lls...


van - 29-9-2011 at 01:27 PM

I tell you what .. I'll setup a power kite wiki. I would just need people to contribute to it and add infos on any kite they own.

I just got the name http://www.powerkitewiki.com so everyone can have a place to put information and a place for newbies to learn. Just another way to spread the sport to others.

lamrith - 29-9-2011 at 02:18 PM

Nice Van!!

I have been filling out the Db as much as can between phone calls today :-p will continue over weekend and then post it to the wiki site? or maybe we do a "pass the dB" with people willing to add more info that they may have?

Don't think just posting it up available for everyone to download and alter at same time will work, tends to end up with lots of duplicates, people changing each others stuff etc?

snowspider - 30-9-2011 at 06:45 AM

pongnut you asked and indigo-wolf delivered. Yes a kites only glossery would be great even for words like HOOJ , and maybe pink skirt.

pongnut - 30-9-2011 at 07:03 AM

Hoooooooooojjjjj... thats the exclamaintion I made after laughing my @55 off watching that vid!!


pbc - 1-10-2011 at 02:35 AM

Yeah that video is something special. So does anyone know if that was an act is that guy really that way all the time?

Either way still hilarious.


van - 1-10-2011 at 04:45 PM

Finally got the software working right on the server. If any of you would like to contribute to this wiki, let me know. I just acting as the nerd to setup the server and website. I don't write really well so will try to plagerize as much public info as I can find on the internet and post on the wiki.

I did a search on wikipedia on the topics of "ARCs" and copied to the power kite wiki to do a test. The server use the same exact software as wikipedia so should look familiar.

This is alot easier to maintain than passing around a spreadsheet. You just need to create an account and you can then start posting. U2U me if you need help posting articles.
