Power Kite Forum

Kite terms

Bladerunner - 28-9-2011 at 06:10 PM

Seems that a page of kite terms has been suggested.

Lets DO IT !

AoA - Angle of Attack . The way the kite is tipped into the wind. ARC - A unique 4 line Twin skin , closed cell depower kite made only by Peter Lynn.
ATB - all terrain board

Bridle - the lines that combine to form your Canopy .
Bow - LEI kite with bridles.
Bowtie- kite gets twisted.
Brakes - the back lines on a 3 or 4 line kite. Used for turning , slowing , backing down and relaunching the kite.

Closed Cell - Tapered sock like inlets on a kite that resist air flowing back out. Useful for water relaunch.
C kite ( original ) LEI kite with strong C shape. 4 or 5 lines. Coyotes - off road rollerblades.
Chicken Loop. The loop on your trim strap used for hooking in to your harness.

Depower - a kite that uses 4 or more lines to adjust the AoA of the kite by the bar and a depower strap.
To Depower a kite is set it at an angle that the wind passes with least lift / interferance.
Delta - an LEI shape
Doomwheels - home made off road roller blades.
Donkeydick - The little finger that holds your Chicken loop in.
Down turn - To turn the kite from high down toward the ground and then across the window.

Eeeee - The sound I make after a good jump!

Fixed Bridle - Kites bridle points do not move. Very little AoA adjustment.
Fifth line - A line to the centre of a kite that comes into play on safety release. Four line- a kite that uses lines on the 4 corners to increase control.

Hooked in - Connecting your kite to your harness . Harness is method of attaching to the kite and spreading the power to your core. Seat and waist harnesses are most common.

I - ???

Jibe - "to change direction by swinging a for and aft sail across a following wind"

Kite Killers - Straps from your wrist to brake lines on FB kites . Knotts. Kts. Nautical speed .

LEI - leading Edge Inflated kite.Loop - To turn the kite and hold the turn 360 degrees. Downloop starts at the top and is a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction.
Larks Head - a loop knot used for attaching lines.
Luft- the kite losses air and falls back . Usually do to a lull in the wind or over flying.

Mountian board - or All Terrain Board. Beefed up skateboard with pneumatic wheels for kiting on land

Newbie - a beginner
NPW - A single skin bridled kite

OBE - Out of Buggy Experience. Getting launched from your buggy and not landing on your feet. ( see CBE )
Open Cell - a foil kite that has no restriction to the air flowing in or out.
Overfly - To allow the kite to travel upwind and out of the wind window..
OS - Oh #@%$#!e loops knobs or handles on your brake lines to back the kite down + reverse launch.

Projected area - The amount of effective kite area once shape has been formed. Arcs have a much smaller projected area than their measured size. Foils and Lei ,less so.

Q line - A type of flying line of high quality. Does not require sheathing.
QR - Qiuck release . Your kites safety release.

R.I P. AJ :saint:
RedBull - it gives you wings!
Rag Flapper - NPW pilot

Safety - A system incorperated into the kite control system to reduce power in a bad situation.
Safety gear : Helmet and gloves are minimum ( in my opinion ) Elbow , knee and butt pads are all valuable .The importance of safety can not be stressed enough in this sport ! YOU are and Ambassador every time you go out !
Strop - a strong line joing the tops of kite handles for hooking in to harness.
Scudd - to skid downwind using the power of the kite. A good safety move to learn.
Spreader - a bar on the fron of a harness to spread the load and attach to the kite. Hook and Roller spreaders are most common.

Tips. Tip tuck . The ends of the kite. Tip tuck can happen when turning and you lose air in the kite. It gets stuck in the bridle and requires some shaking to break loose.
Two line kite - kite that can only be flown left and right. Very difficult kite to relaunch and so not the best choice for learning. Three line kite- a kite that combines the brake lines into a 3rd line for safety and relaunch. A much better choice for learning . ( see 4 line )
Trim - to adjust the AoA of your kite either by trim strap or bar.

Upturn - turning the kite up toward zenith . The most common turn.

Wind window . The kite can only fly in the 1/2 sphere downwind of you. To the top , right and left are the edges of the window and the least power is felt in the kite there. The more you fly the kite downwind and low the more power is produced as it passes through the window.

YeeHaw ! What we Albertans say when we are kiting !:wee:

Zenith - the point directly above your head that the kite will want to sit at .

flyjump - 28-9-2011 at 07:14 PM

Crispy Ribbons- my term for new gear. most new kites come packaged with strips of ripstop nylon tied around them and new control bars. they look like ribbons to me!

OSF- OH #@%$#! face- face i make when things are getting sketchy

White Knuckle Jump- going so big that you are scared you are gonna die, so you squeeze the control bar so hard your knuckles go white

Kite Rage- extreme road rage I get when i drive to the field and the traffic is really bad causing me to lose kite time.

Un-kitefit- sore body after the first session of the season when you are out of shape

Backline tension- the way you are supposed to launch arcs so they can inflate properly without the dreaded bowtie

calling my girlfriends- calling my buddies to tell them about an awesome kite session

indigo_wolf - 28-9-2011 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner

I - ???

I - Invoking the wind. Praying for sufficient wind for the the kite you want to fly on a given day... or for any wind at all. Sometimes done discreetly so as not to involve mental health professionals.




silvereaglekiter - 28-9-2011 at 08:11 PM

H- Homebrew --- any kite gear made from whatever is around
S- Strop --- Line connecting one handle to the other

shehatesmyhobbies - 28-9-2011 at 08:27 PM

Hot launch- Launching your kite from the direct down wind direction whether you are standing or sitting in your buggy when the winds are cooking! (not recommended for beginners)

Scudd- the awesome slide you get when you hot launch or bring your kite directly into the "power zone" while static flying, (causes you to yell Yee Haw see definition above). Doing kite loops in the " power zone" will also improve your chances of a decent scudd!

Nuking winds- Those winds which most of us decide it is time to pack up and play it safe. Requires huge keewee's(sorry Kami :tumble:) and a tremendous amount of experience before this can be done without taking a ride in a fancy vehicle with flashing lights and sirens!

Watch this- the term that is used before someone does something pretty ridiculous and usually hurts themselves pretty good and gets to take one of those flashy light, loud, fancy vehicle things ride just like above. Also causes the rest of the day to be shot! Please use extreme caution after using this term.

Lull- mother natures cruel way of trying to ruin a completely great run. This is when after launching your kite in great winds, mother nature decides to test your ability and takes the wind away from you just for an instant. This causes your kite to fall in the power window with no power. Once your kite gets right back in the " power zone" mother nature says "watch this" and turns the wind back on causing your kite to fill quickly in the window and tries to rip your arms from you body!

This is fun!( mind you I have been up for 22 hours some of these may really ramble on)


pongnut - 28-9-2011 at 08:59 PM

Yeah! - Now that's what I'm talking about!! :thumbup:

I'm going to ping the admins of PKF to see if there is any way to post this list in an accessable spot on the home page and allow myself to edit it as new entries arrive. Probably not, but the worst they can do is say no. :smilegrin:

canuck - 28-9-2011 at 09:24 PM

Grass- for most of us a mown surface large enough to landboard or buggy on; for some ingestion of grass provides stimulation not otherwise obtained through kiting :D

macboy - 28-9-2011 at 10:06 PM

Hot Launch (alt) - Anytime Macboy launches a kite....cuz I'm damn sexy! :lol: :lol:

(Someone had to lay claim to it! :lol:

Kamikuza - 29-9-2011 at 12:57 AM

Keewee's ...

PHREERIDER - 29-9-2011 at 05:25 AM

PHREEDOM- a state where you session EVERYDAY til your bones ache or your junk breaks

SICK PHREEDOM- a state where you kite so much you're sick of it and everyone is sick of hearing about it.

Telestrat - 29-9-2011 at 05:51 AM

FB = Fixed Bridle
FP = Face Plant
FBFP = fixed bridle face plant

I did one of those last weekend. Not fun.

tdmc96 - 29-9-2011 at 07:05 AM

Freeman = Launching your kite hot through the middle of the wind window,running to keep up, and eventually going A$$ over tea kettle, knocking yourself out.


pokitetrash - 29-9-2011 at 07:21 AM

Superman = Getting yanked off your feet and pulled forward thru the air so you land with arms outstretched flat on your chest. (This sucks big ones...)

Tea Bagged = In the kiting world people! Get your mind out the gutter--- Is when you get picked up and flung like a used tea bag. Usually out of your buggy from a gust you weren't ready for.

Park and Ride = Perfect combination of available riding distance and steady wind so you can park the kite perfectly in the wind window without having to work the kite and ride non-stop for miles!

Full Quiver = A myth.

Chin Music = What I get from my wife when I go out kiting.

indigo_wolf - 29-9-2011 at 08:04 AM

Originally posted by pokitetrash
Superman = Getting yanked off your feet and pulled forward thru the air so you land with arms outstretched flat on your chest. (This sucks big ones...)

Annotated textbook version:



wheresthewind? - 29-9-2011 at 08:45 AM

nice lists...... just one question: what's a KITE?????

silvereaglekiter - 29-9-2011 at 12:26 PM

Playa --- heaven ( or he11 if the wind is not cooperating), dry lake bed

Drewculous - 29-9-2011 at 04:26 PM

P(#) peter lynn phantom, then size.. P15, P18, etc

Unless you are posting in a flysurfer esq thread, then it refers the the series of Psycho kite... " FS P4 $old!" (flysurfer, psycho 4 sold)

V1... Venom 1st gen
V2.... :lol: take a guess!

Ill be back with more... Good thread!

WELDNGOD - 29-9-2011 at 04:45 PM

HOT WIRE = A strop on each siderail w/ a stainless ring at the ends,to hook your QR to. So the buggy takes ALL the load. You won't OBE, but you can FLIP!

QR = Quick Release. A TORSION WICHARD W/ A HOLT ALLEN BLOCK ATTACHED used to release the kite in an emergency,while hooked into a harness or hot wire rig.

OBE = Out of Buggy Ejection. Being snatched out of the buggy by the kite ,moving or not. Can lead to serious bodily harm.

FLIP = How I broke my shoulder and had to have surgery to fix. Done while riding "hot wired". You have been warned.

indigo_wolf - 29-9-2011 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Drewculous
P(#) peter lynn phantom, then size.. P15, P18, etc

Unless you are posting in a flysurfer esq thread, then it refers the the series of Psycho kite... " FS P4 $old!" (flysurfer, psycho 4 sold)

V1... Venom 1st gen
V2.... :lol: take a guess!

Ill be back with more... Good thread!


Pet Peeve Alert: Over abbreviation is almost as annoying as smsg/text abbreviations on a forum.

How lazy have we gotten?


Drewculous - 29-9-2011 at 06:10 PM

Lol wtf dood! Dnt wry, its ok! W3 4r3 411 600d.... I7 w45 c0nfu51ng 4 m3, 50 I p0573d i7


It took me forever to sort out all the kite memos, p15, ch12, v2, s15dlx.... Its all very confusing!

WELDNGOD - 29-9-2011 at 06:43 PM

holt allen block

23660[1].jpg - 6kB

PHREERIDER - 29-9-2011 at 07:10 PM

kite = tethered aircraft

nocando - 29-9-2011 at 09:38 PM

#@%$#! eating grin ===== a day on the playa when windy

shot in the butt with a rainbow == AOXOMOXOA at its best

flyjump - 30-9-2011 at 06:25 AM

Originally posted by nocando
#@%$#! eating grin ===== a day on the playa when windy

shot in the butt with a rainbow == AOXOMOXOA at its best


Nocando- crazy aussie that makes you laugh so hard on the playa that your face hurts

WIllardTheGrey - 30-9-2011 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Drewculous
Lol wtf dood! Dnt wry, its ok! W3 4r3 411 600d.... I7 w45 c0nfu51ng 4 m3, 50 I p0573d i7

Laughing out loud what the #@%$#! dude! Don't worry, it's OK! We are all good.... It was confusing for me, so I posted it.


I'm ashamed to be able to read that.


pongnut - 12-10-2011 at 03:28 PM

Feyd - 16-10-2011 at 04:21 PM

Great so far. Still I think "Holes, Airbricks, Rotors, Wind Shadow" and other air turbulance related terms should be included. Unless those things don't exist anywhere but New Hampshire.

And "Donkey D***"

Ice Screw (primary and back up(s))



Trim strap.



Walk of shame....

I think Bridle is a little off in description. Would it be more accurate to say that it is an assembly of thin lines that comprise the support structure of a foil canopy?

I think the canopy itself would be considered a seperate component comprised of cells of fabric that form the actual airfoil which is supported by the bridal system.

And if you're going to mention the Vapor you may as well mention the Synergy as the fastest Snowkite at the moment. (though I think the Charger or Phantom 2 will change that soon)

That said it's not technically a snowkite or any specific kite. Nor is tha Vapor if someone chooses to use it with a board etc. Unless it is marketed strictly as a buggy kite I guess.:puzzled:

wheresthewind? - 16-10-2011 at 04:58 PM

here's one u missed--SBSP--sponge bob square pants, known as a mascot in the underground kiting scene and an often used buggy ornament......

ripsessionkites - 22-10-2011 at 03:21 AM

Originally posted by flyjump
calling my girlfriends- calling my buddies to tell them about an awesome kite session

does Joy know??? didn't think she's okay with others in your life.

don't worry Dino and I took a screen shot already. no point in correctly it. posting on FB.

Peter25 - 14-4-2012 at 08:46 PM

rtf or r2f is ready to fly?

Feyd - 18-4-2012 at 04:21 AM

Got a new one from Wolfram Wiess.


SlasherQuan - 27-1-2013 at 09:33 AM

Lawndart(ing): A kiteing mishap recgonised by said kite crashing into the ground at a high rate of speed, can be followed by a loud "boom" upon impact.

pbc - 27-1-2013 at 09:40 AM

Originally posted by SlasherQuan

Love it!

CrankyThunder - 27-1-2013 at 10:00 AM

DogBone: This is what the control bar turns into when you are pulled into a superman which is immediatly followed by a face plant

Bladerunner - 27-1-2013 at 01:45 PM


When you drive a couple of hours to stand on a lake and never see your kite in the sky. TOO common these days ! :Ange09: :ticking:

Demoknight - 24-6-2013 at 01:42 PM

Take - When a fixed bridle kite suddenly powers up after a stall that leaves the kite pointing at the center of the window.

"Oh look at Jim's kite stall in this dirty wind. It's about to take him... aaaaand there he goes." --a solid thud in the background, followed by a long groan of pain

soliver - 1-5-2014 at 09:32 AM

One we've used a lot lately:


Adjective for the poor quality of wind; usually filling one or more (usually all) of the following descriptors: Shifty, gusty, lull infused, multidirectional, generally unstable, or within the metro Atlanta area.

Used in a sentence:
It looked like it was nuking, so I called my girlfriends to head out. But the wind turned out to be really janky so after a few attempts, a good take, one or two lawndarts and a vicious OBE turned superman, I did the walk of shame, packed it up and went home.

3shot - 1-5-2014 at 04:46 PM

So it's official now :D :thumbup:

ssayre - 2-5-2014 at 04:31 AM

I know all about the janky :thumbup:

Demoknight - 9-5-2014 at 05:48 AM

Whoah Ssayre shouldn't that be private between you and the wife?

ssayre - 9-5-2014 at 07:24 AM


Whoah Ssayre shouldn't that be private between you and the wife?


Windstruck - 19-7-2015 at 06:28 AM

CBVOBE - Code Brown Vertical Out of Buggy Experience

Can occur when a newbie buggy pilot (that would be me) is speeding down a field with a large DP kite in the air, sends it back the other direction in gusty winds without changing buggy direction, doesn't have the good sense to realize things are about to go seriously wrong, figures out things are going wrong, brilliantly decides on the fly that the best course of action at that very moment is to PULL IN the control bar, and quite suddenly finds himself many feet in the air above the buggy quite bottom loaded. :crazy:

BeamerBob - 19-7-2015 at 07:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Windstruck  
CBVOBE - Code Brown Vertical Out of Buggy Experience

Can occur when a newbie buggy pilot (that would be me) is speeding down a field with a large DP kite in the air, sends it back the other direction in gusty winds without changing buggy direction, doesn't have the good sense to realize things are about to go seriously wrong, figures out things are going wrong, brilliantly decides on the fly that the best course of action at that very moment is to PULL IN the control bar, and quite suddenly finds himself many feet in the air above the buggy quite bottom loaded. :crazy:

That's textbook buggy ejection technique!

3shot - 19-7-2015 at 07:30 AM

Now that's some funny sh#t Steve!!!!!

Kober - 21-7-2015 at 08:16 AM

Anyone experience CBVOBE ???
I did ..... lol
On my 4th buggy session ever .....
Here it is :

Windstruck - 21-7-2015 at 10:03 AM

Kober - now that's what I'm talking about!!! Loved the editing. Why do I suspect the actual crash didn't quite involve such grace and poise over the camera as the video implied? :bouncy::bouncing:

Was that your dad? He had sort of the expression I imagine my father would have if he watched me kiting.

Nice to see my CBVOBE expression getting some traction. Good thing PKF doesn't have a "scratch and sniff" feature. :lol:

kathykit - 11-11-2016 at 04:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bladerunner  
Seems that a page of kite terms has been suggested.

Lets DO IT !


Thank you for the information! I can know more terms now!
Since I am just a Newbie. :cool: