Power Kite Forum

choosing a kite

hvcpxyhbdr - 30-9-2011 at 10:18 AM

what kind of kite will suit me?
i have landboard and i have these kites:
hq rush 300
hq beamer IV 4m
these kites are power kites and from what I hear to jump and to doing tricks I need depower kite.
I want that you will help me to find the best kite that i can get.
I need kite for jumps with landboard like this:
I need kite for ages 14-18(not too much big and dangerous).
I was think about kite like this one:
I don't know what size to choose: 4m or 6m.
Can I jump with 4m or only with 6m?
What wind speed I need to doing the jumps like in the video?

If you have another suggestion please tell me.

thank you.

carltb - 30-9-2011 at 10:35 AM

if you want to fly like Dan then you need a Charger 15m!!!!

carltb - 30-9-2011 at 10:37 AM

and a couple of hundred hours under it!!!!!!!!

Bigbear97e - 30-9-2011 at 11:14 AM

Size of kite depends on so much ...
those fixed bridle kites you have .... most guys say fly 'em til you can do it blindfolded and then move on to depowers and aerial tricks on land or water. The guys selling kites here will ask lots of questions, probably high up on that list is "how much flying experience do you have"?

So many different options ... I think wind of change kites has a small, lower cost newbie depower (Ozone PURE), Ozone Access XT seems like a good intro too .... Ozone Frenzy for more lift ..... HQ kites tooo.... Montana VI .... Then there is open cell, closed cell, LEI, SLE, on and on it goes

You really need to research the average wind ranges in your area on a weather site like wunderground.com .... then talk to some kite vendors about your wind, your size, your objectives ..... I am pretty new myself, but this site seems to be a wealth of knowledge and good people

Happy flying

hvcpxyhbdr - 30-9-2011 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by carltb
if you want to fly like Dan then you need a Charger 15m!!!!

I don't want to doing these jumps. I want learn to jump and doing small jumps.

hvcpxyhbdr - 30-9-2011 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Bigbear97e
Size of kite depends on so much ...
those fixed bridle kites you have .... most guys say fly 'em til you can do it blindfolded and then move on to depowers and aerial tricks on land or water. The guys selling kites here will ask lots of questions, probably high up on that list is "how much flying experience do you have"?

So many different options ... I think wind of change kites has a small, lower cost newbie depower (Ozone PURE), Ozone Access XT seems like a good intro too .... Ozone Frenzy for more lift ..... HQ kites tooo.... Montana VI .... Then there is open cell, closed cell, LEI, SLE, on and on it goes

You really need to research the average wind ranges in your area on a weather site like wunderground.com .... then talk to some kite vendors about your wind, your size, your objectives ..... I am pretty new myself, but this site seems to be a wealth of knowledge and good people

Happy flying

I fly kites 6-7 years ago but I never was Professional that can do jumps and tricks because I never was kite that can do this.

My average wind ranges in my area is 10-12 knots and sometimes 12-14 knots.
I want kite that Appropriate for landboard jumps(not too much hights jumps).
I think that 5-6m can be enought, isn't it?
What do you think about this kite: http://www.powerkiteshop.com/flysurfer-viron-kite.htm

Bladerunner - 30-9-2011 at 05:56 PM

The right kite size and type depends on a few things .
You average winds - 10 - 14 knots. ( So I assume not gusty ? )
Your weight. at 14 - 18 , pretty full grown.
Your skill level. - Novice , new to depower.
Your ride and desires. Mountian board + safe jumping.
The terrain ????

Can't go wrong with Flysurfer but I think the Viron may not be the right choice. It is designed as more of a cold intro kite and you have put in time. The Unity is supposed to be a nice stable kite replacing the Pulse series. This kite will perform just that bit better and you won't want to trade up in any hurry.

Flysurfer is about the most pricey brand. Is that an issue at your ages?

I respect your interest in safety. It is refreshing ! Big kites don't hurt people small minds do. The key is in knowing when not to fly. The fact is that for the winds you describe you will NEED a larger depower kite than you describe for your winds and desires. A 10m Unity would not be too big + a much safer kite to jump with. 10m is a very good all round size . As crazy as it sounds with you wind you will want a larger kite for 10 - 12 winds once you have it dialed !

If money is an issue look at HQ kites.

A helmet is real important gear . You WILL fall back.

Welcome !


hvcpxyhbdr - 1-10-2011 at 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
The right kite size and type depends on a few things .
You average winds - 10 - 14 knots. ( So I assume not gusty ? )
Your weight. at 14 - 18 , pretty full grown.
Your skill level. - Novice , new to depower.
Your ride and desires. Mountian board + safe jumping.
The terrain ????

Can't go wrong with Flysurfer but I think the Viron may not be the right choice. It is designed as more of a cold intro kite and you have put in time. The Unity is supposed to be a nice stable kite replacing the Pulse series. This kite will perform just that bit better and you won't want to trade up in any hurry.

Flysurfer is about the most pricey brand. Is that an issue at your ages?

I respect your interest in safety. It is refreshing ! Big kites don't hurt people small minds do. The key is in knowing when not to fly. The fact is that for the winds you describe you will NEED a larger depower kite than you describe for your winds and desires. A 10m Unity would not be too big + a much safer kite to jump with. 10m is a very good all round size . As crazy as it sounds with you wind you will want a larger kite for 10 - 12 winds once you have it dialed !

If money is an issue look at HQ kites.

A helmet is real important gear . You WILL fall back.

Welcome !


I not kitesurfer.
I ride on landboard at least 4 years but I never do jumps.
I looking for depower kite that can teach me the basic of the jumps and tricks.
I don't want Kite surfing, I want depower kite but not too much big and dangerous.

hvcpxyhbdr - 1-10-2011 at 01:50 AM

I have landboard like this:

hvcpxyhbdr - 2-10-2011 at 06:35 AM

please help me

dandre - 2-10-2011 at 07:35 AM

Apex, Access
Something around 10m

hvcpxyhbdr - 2-10-2011 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by dandre
Apex, Access
Something around 10m

I think that 10m it's too much big.
Can I also jump with 6m, like Viron with wind range about 12-14 knots?

Bladerunner - 2-10-2011 at 09:24 AM

I am aware that you want to ride land board . I never mentioned water in my suggestion?????

I am trying to say that the Unity or Pulse series will take you to a higher level than you can obtain with the Viron. That the Unity is better choice for landboarder who wants small safe jumps.

Have you noticed how people keep saying 10m for 10 - 14mph winds? Even the manufacturers spec's will !

Looking_Up - 2-10-2011 at 10:59 AM

Keep in mind that 10 m depower is not 10 m fb it is not even close
These people on here know what they are talking about u can trust them
Just take there advice and then take it slow from there you will soon find that you fell more comfortable and safe hanging under your 10m depower than u do any fixed bridle good luck and happy Kiting

dandre - 2-10-2011 at 12:56 PM


yep 10m.



blade runner explains it all but op doesn't read english well enough


kitedelight - 2-10-2011 at 12:58 PM

so, yup, you definitely need bigger than 6m *for sure*, and your choice of kite is off the mark if you want to be jumping

Here are some videos to show you...

These guys are in stronger winds (25mph from the link) than you are talking about and even as experienced riders, can only do small jumps. A non-experienced jumper may not even be able to get the viron to jump in these conditions.

These guys specifically mention in the written review that the kite is not designed for have much lift (jump) in powered conditions.

here is another video, probably with wind speeds in and around 10-12 knots...there is not enough power in the kite for these people to jump

Bigbear97e - 2-10-2011 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by dandre

yep 10m.



blade runner explains it all but op doesn't read english well enough



hvcpxyhbdr - 2-10-2011 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by kitedelight
so, yup, you definitely need bigger than 6m *for sure*, and your choice of kite is off the mark if you want to be jumping

Here are some videos to show you...

These guys are in stronger winds (25mph from the link) than you are talking about and even as experienced riders, can only do small jumps. A non-experienced jumper may not even be able to get the viron to jump in these conditions.

These guys specifically mention in the written review that the kite is not designed for have much lift (jump) in powered conditions.

here is another video, probably with wind speeds in and around 10-12 knots...there is not enough power in the kite for these people to jump

I want to jump like them and my weight is less than them.
I'm only 15 years old.

indigo_wolf - 2-10-2011 at 01:40 PM

Some reading between the lines and some additional info from the OP might help.

Profile lists the OP as 25 years old. The original post lists an age range of 14-18 years old.

Is this kite being targeted for multiple riders and hence the leeriness towards a 10M kite?


John Holgate - 2-10-2011 at 01:41 PM

At 10-14 knots, I think a 7.5m HQ Apex wouldn't be too bad. I'm ok in the buggy till about 18 knots or so with my 7.5m. On the landboard, you'd have the kite higher in the window than me so you could probably go to a 10m Apex. The Apex and Access are the most stable and friendly kites that I have flown. Bigger kites are slower and give you more time to react. My 7.5m Apex is more forgiving to fly than my 4m Beamer.

As for 'dangerous kites', really, it is more dangerous conditions. Gusty 15-30 knots is dangerous conditions for any kite and 'normal' kiter..... although maybe Drew and Carl would disagree :smilegrin:

dandre - 2-10-2011 at 01:55 PM

If you are concerned I agree with 7.5 apex..
Great kite with potential for being pulled, but hardly lift.
We are not talking about throwing your kite about the window with handles, but using the sheer pressure of wind resistance for lift.

Pulsar - 2-10-2011 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Looking_Up
Keep in mind that 10 m depower is not 10 m fb it is not even close

That's the most important line from above here. You're used to a 5-6 square meter being enough to jump, and for fixed bridle kites, it's true. For depower, it's not. A 6 meter will be something you use in 25+ knot winds, preferably more, not at all good for the 12-14 knots you mentioned. In those winds you probably won't even be able to get riding, so not a chance you could jump.

Your age (and assuming average weight), for the wind you said (12-14 knots) and depower kite is what you want? Then, as everyone already told you, you need to buy a 10 square meter depower foil. If you go for a Twinskin type, think even bigger, around 12 square meters.

The models to look at? They have been mentionned too. HQ Apex, Ozone Access, Flysurfer Pulse or Unity, or pretty much any recent Peter Lynn Twinskin.

A Viron is something you buy when you want to give a depower to people who have pretty much never flown any type of kite before, for example if you have your own kite school.

kitedelight - 2-10-2011 at 08:41 PM

"I want to jump like them and my weight is less than them.
I'm only 15 years old."

my point was pretty much that if you get the 6m viron, expect to look like the 2nd video in the winds you are talking about.

You seem to *really* really want the viron...but that doesn't mean its the best kite for the job (jumping), nor it is the right size for the job. Virons are made for beginners who don't want to jump.

hvcpxyhbdr - 3-10-2011 at 08:08 AM

so dy you think that I can jump with hq apex 5m? or only with 7.5m?

lamrith - 3-10-2011 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by hvcpxyhbdr
so dy you think that I can jump with hq apex 5m? or only with 7.5m?

I think everyone is trying to say you need a bigger size for Depower. They do not fly and work the same as the FB you are used to, you need a bigger kite to achieve the same power. However the Depower are less dangerous in gusty conditions and will not yank you like a bigger FB will when you get a gust.

The folks on ths forum are probably as much or more interested in your safety than you are, they are all great people that are here for love of the sport. The last thing they want is for someone to get hurt by flying overpowered. Look at all the new flier threads, to a man they all recommend 3m as max FB size, maybe 4m if the flier has previous kite experience. If you have provided accurate flier and conditions information and they are recommending 10m depower, honestly trust thier judgement and go with it. They WANT you to be safe and have fun.:wee:

The 5m-7.5 m may fly very nice and all, but will not have the float required to jump properly and more important safely. You also need to consider what the kite is designed for.

The video review above the reviewers specifically mention the kite is not lifty and is designed as a 1st depower for people that may not have flown kites before.

You WANT a lifty kite for jumping, even small jumping. You are going to need the lift to support your weight even if you are light. If the kite is not lifty, it could pull you off the ground, but then it may to drop you which is how you get hurt as it has no lift to bring you down safely. :no:

John Holgate - 3-10-2011 at 03:28 PM

My 5m Apex tends to land me with a 'thud'. So neither lifty, or floaty. You'd get some small jumps in with the 7.5m but if jumping is what you want to do, I'd be thinking about the 10m Apex or Access or even the 9m Montana/Frenzy.

If you find the larger size daunting, just take 'em out in 10mph or so for a start. You'll find they are pretty slow and gentle and easy to get along with.

Bladerunner - 3-10-2011 at 04:44 PM

7.5m is too small to jump in 10 - 14 mph winds . More like 18+mph ?

Look at the wind calculator for the kites you are choosing. To jump you want to be in the mid to upper end of the rated wind. Look at the ideal wind for a TEN METER !!!!!!

I have great respect for your safety concerns . We are not trying to talk you into too much kite. We are trying to talk you out of too little kite. Safety is important to us as well when giving advice. Nobody is trying to talk you in to a dangerous choice here. Just the right choice.

You can get a ride out of a 7.5m kite at 10 - 14 but it will leave you wanting a bigger kite all too soon!

dandre - 3-10-2011 at 06:16 PM

In 15mph I'm just starting to get consistant air on my 9.5
I weigh 160.