Power Kite Forum


ripsessionkites - 2-10-2011 at 05:48 PM

if you haven't heard, i will NOT be attending WWBB-Fall due to recent events. i have no control over this but must remain close to home.

sorry it has to be this way as i personally had hoped to make the event. meeting all the great people and riders from the east-coast. rest a sure i will be there in 2012 in spring or fall. promise.

in the meantime if an organizer would please contact me so I can try to forward over some PL gear over.

again, sorry for my absence.

cheezycheese - 2-10-2011 at 06:23 PM

That sucks Rip...!!! Hope everything is ok... What about Dino and Coolbreeze...?

WELDNGOD - 2-10-2011 at 06:32 PM

Ricardo talk to shehatesmyhobbies aka Rich.
See ya next year,take care Bro:thumbup:

shehatesmyhobbies - 3-10-2011 at 03:17 AM

U2U sent Ricardo.

ragden - 3-10-2011 at 04:19 AM

Wow. That sucks man. Would have been fun. Guess we'll see ya next time. Take it easy, and I hope you can get whatever it is that is going on all straightened out. See ya round.

Coolbreeze - 3-10-2011 at 07:11 AM

Sorry guys, when Richard cancelled the bottom fell out of my plans as well. I haven't heard anything of Dino's plans yet, Next year should be ok . Thanks for making us feel welcome though.


van - 3-10-2011 at 07:26 AM

Last I time I talk to Dino in San Fran, he said he is going and was planning on shipping his buggy with bigfoots. btw .. anyone know how much it cost to ship these huge tires??

kiteplace - 3-10-2011 at 10:17 AM

I shipped a Bigfoot to CA from York PA 3 months ago via UPS ground and it was around $115.00.

DAKITEZ - 3-10-2011 at 10:22 AM

I will be there :thumbup:

I just started boxing up my buggy today. I need to ship it out friday to be sure it gets there in time. When I get my total shipping done I will let you know van. I am anticipating it will cost me $300 - $400 for the round trip shipping. I am shipping my big foot lights with my apexx buggy and kites. So the only thing I need to worry about on the plane is my clothes.

Chad - 3-10-2011 at 10:35 AM


If it comes down to it (you know what I mean) I will have my big tires here that you can use on your ride! if not i also have the extra wide's here also? The only thing we would need from you are the bearings that fit your bolts as I only have 20mm's

Just a thought to save you some money!?? let me know

rdavis - 3-10-2011 at 11:52 AM

Originally posted by van
btw .. anyone know how much it cost to ship these huge tires??

I just shipped 3 Eurotrax (bigger than a BF lite) to New Mexico via USPS Parcel Post at about $25 each.

van - 3-10-2011 at 12:02 PM

Chad .. you're gonna need your tires .. I got the prototype rails made for the new BW buggy so that will get shipped out to you. I need my bigfoot for the buggy that Rich is holding for me.

rtz - 3-10-2011 at 02:43 PM

Fedex appears to be cheaper then UPS.

Enter in the same weights and zipcodes on each site:

On a 50lb box from here to Wildwood, it was $35 Fedex, and $50 UPS.



rocfighter - 6-10-2011 at 05:57 AM

Does anyone know (I know dumb question because Sam does) if I can get wider tires for my standard Libre rims? I'm going to look at a buddies shop today. But any info is apriciated.

rocfighter - 6-10-2011 at 05:59 AM

My 55lb. Libre was $100.00 from Brandon,MB to CT. that was UPS.

lamrith - 6-10-2011 at 06:13 AM

Yeah Fedex can be much better as long as you have access to a fedex drop-off location. If you call them for pick-up they ding you with a pick-up fee, my company gets hit with a $15 fee if we call them in, even if the customer is shipping collect, WE get dinged. For ground shipments they will not pick up same day as you call.
Ohh and make sure you call the correct Fedex;Fedex Ground, Fedex home, Fedex were separate companies last time I used them, just verify when you call them to shcedule the pickup.

It is rediculously complex, BUT thier rates and shipping service are quite good.

Originally posted by rtz
Fedex appears to be cheaper then UPS.

Enter in the same weights and zipcodes on each site:

On a 50lb box from here to Wildwood, it was $35 Fedex, and $50 UPS.



BeamerBob - 6-10-2011 at 07:02 AM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Does anyone know (I know dumb question because Sam does) if I can get wider tires for my standard Libre rims? I'm going to look at a buddies shop today. But any info is apriciated.

You can mount barrows, the 6.5" "wide" tires or even the 21 X 12 bigfoots (called bigfoot lites when mounted on 2.5" rims) on standard rims.

tridude - 6-10-2011 at 08:19 AM


I hope and pray all turns out well for you and Im sure it will.....................I too cannot attend due to surgery yesterday and two weeks from now. Yesterday went very well as should my surgery on the 19th..................I had nodes removed from my neck and will have 4 removed from under my left arm in two weeks...............enuff on that! GOOD KARMA to all my buggy, ATB, and water brethren @ WWBB................ride hard and have a few cold ones for me!!:thumbup:

OBTW I was discharged at 845 this morning!!

flyjump - 6-10-2011 at 11:16 AM

Tridude, i'm riding for you at this bash!

I'm gonna go big and throw some new tricks in your honor!:ninja:

tridude - 6-10-2011 at 12:09 PM

thanks Adam, if theres anyway I can tweek it out I will but probably a bit too sore for the trip up and back........again sending positive MOJO at you, Rich, Cheezy, and the WWBB gang!:thumbup:

DAKITEZ - 6-10-2011 at 05:25 PM

just finished my box ... need to ship tomorrow so it makes it in time. I put it off till I couldn't put it off any longer LOL

Main box weighs in at 135 lbs, second box is 26 lbs. And I still have 3 more kites that did not fit that I will bring in my luggage :)
Lets hope the shalimar does not put this box up stairs somewhere :)

I will get my costs tallied up after dinner for you van.

DAKITEZ - 6-10-2011 at 06:22 PM

$210 to get it there. I will pre-print my labels before I go to stick on it and get it back. I hear its cheaper to go from east coast to west coast ... lets hope so :thumbup:

The cost to ship my buggy I could have bought a PL XR+ and gave it to someone in NJ LOL But to show up to a buggy event without my own buggy would simply be nutz!

I am hoping for wind ... Look forward to meeting you East Coast folks soon


BeamerBob - 6-10-2011 at 06:32 PM

phew! coast to coast is expensive. Were the tires a significant portion of the cost?

DAKITEZ - 6-10-2011 at 07:26 PM

Not sure Bobber. I did not figure the cost without them. I bet it would save me a nice chunk if I did not have them. Maybe it would be worth it for me to leave them in NJ. Anyone in the area want to buy some big foot lights with 20mm?? I had the extra box just for one tire and the main box has two tires in it. If they were not there I could easily fit ricardo in the box with my buggy :)
The most nerve raking part was when I figured out the insurance. I only insured it for $6k and that doesn't cover everything in there :shocked2:

rocfighter - 7-10-2011 at 05:17 AM

Talk to me there about the wheels. I could make a new set of forks to fit bigfoots if the price is right!!

DAKITEZ - 7-10-2011 at 06:54 AM

roc I just got these earlier this year. I have maybe 4-5 runs on them. One at the beach that I rinsed immediately after the run. The other 3-4 were on grass at the sod farm. These have very little use. It will be worth it for me to give you a good deal if your interested rather than pay fedex to bring them back. Retail on these is $150 - $160 each. I will sell them to you for half. $75 each.

van - 7-10-2011 at 08:04 AM

dino .. Kober ( conrad) was also looking for bigfoot lights also.

tridude - 14-10-2011 at 12:34 PM

again sorry I cant make it folks but Ive had 2 surgerys the past two Wednesdays and I have one more Tuesday the 18th.......................if you would fly hard and like you stole it for me (and set some PBs out there for speed, distance, boosting off waves, rotations, strapless) you know what I mean! Have fun, take plenty of pics, and hope to see you all next spring!

Todd - 14-10-2011 at 12:46 PM

Praying for you Brother. As I lift a kite in the air, it will be in honor of AJ and yourself.

shehatesmyhobbies - 14-10-2011 at 01:13 PM

I will do the same! Maybe I will be heading back down to JIBE in the spring again! If so we will meet up then Don!

Wish you luck southern brother!

Ricky, I will also hoist a kite, knowing you wanted to be there! It won't be a viper, but maybe it's little brother!

WELDNGOD - 14-10-2011 at 02:29 PM

Dang, I was looking forward to meetin ya.Guess I'ma have to go to JIBE to shake your mitt. Good luck on the surgery thing. Be strong Bro'