martinipro - 3-10-2011 at 06:23 PM
Hi all:
I'm trying to figure out what should I be looking for to close the gaps in my depower quiver. I think my 8M synergy will stay as my low wind kite and
the 16M-V2 will be a moderate wind kite.
I was thinking 1-2 kites to cover that gap, and maybe one for low winds. Ideally I'd like to keep it to close-cell so I can use them in water.
What a your thoughts about a pulseII or Unity 10? Would it cover the whole range between my 8Syn and 16V2?
Other idea was a charger 12M.
On the other hand I was thinking maybe a pulseII 8m and something a little bigger but can't figure out what.(maybe a 13m scorpion?)
For lower winds I would probably go with a FS speed. Maybe something on the 15m-17m range.
I do not mention any hq since I've heard a lot of mixed things. I would definitely be willing to try them if people recommend them.
Appreciate your input!!
Kamikuza - 3-10-2011 at 06:29 PM
Land or water?
martinipro - 3-10-2011 at 06:33 PM
Oh sorry I didn't specify. Currently land(buggying), ATV in he near future and hopefully water soon(once I really get the hang of flying).
Kamikuza - 3-10-2011 at 06:36 PM
8m Syn will be nukin' wind kite.
16m V2 moderate winds.
You'll need a bigger foil for lighter winds depending on your weight, board etc ...
martinipro - 3-10-2011 at 06:44 PM
Hey kami
Yes I own those two kites. The post was more targeted towards 1-2 kites to cover the range between the 8syn and 16v2.
As well as higher wind kite for a rider of weight 170lbs, winds of say 8-15mph.
Kamikuza - 3-10-2011 at 06:57 PM
Yeah I know :D I read your first post
Speed3 19? or maybe 15 ... you're pretty light