Power Kite Forum

dp power kite

Chuffer - 7-10-2011 at 05:39 AM

Hi everyone, I have just purchased a DP2.5 and want to know if anyone else has one. I've flown it a couple of times and I'm impressed.
Are there any tips about stopping the lines getting tangled, or will I just have to live with the problem?

dandre - 7-10-2011 at 07:43 AM

You become so good at untying knots that they break apart in fear the moment you shoot them a dirty glance.
After 20+ hours of practice it will happen less and less.

awindofchange - 7-10-2011 at 12:05 PM

There are a couple videos on Youtube that cover line management, as well as a ton of threads on this forum that cover it.

The main thing is to keep the kite and handles all connected, no need to disconnect everything when you pack up. If you put the kite away with all the lines straight, they will be straight when you take it out again.

Pack the kite up, then wind all four lines together on your winder. Then carefully place the winder and the handles into the bag and secure. Don't let the handles flip and twist around while you pack up, keep them straight.

When you get the kite out the next time, do the exact opposite as when you packed up. Carefully take out the handles, then unwind the lines the exact opposite way you wound them up,then open up the sail. If all done carefully, you should only have one or maybe two twists and your ready to fly.

After a couple more trips to the field, you will develop a system of packing your kite away and line tangles will be history.

Hope this helps.

lamrith - 7-10-2011 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by awindofchange
There are a couple videos on Youtube that cover line management, as well as a ton of threads on this forum that cover it.

The main thing is to keep the kite and handles all connected, no need to disconnect everything when you pack up. If you put the kite away with all the lines straight, they will be straight when you take it out again.

Pack the kite up, then wind all four lines together on your winder. Then carefully place the winder and the handles into the bag and secure. Don't let the handles flip and twist around while you pack up, keep them straight.

When you get the kite out the next time, do the exact opposite as when you packed up. Carefully take out the handles, then unwind the lines the exact opposite way you wound them up,then open up the sail. If all done carefully, you should only have one or maybe two twists and your ready to fly.

After a couple more trips to the field, you will develop a system of packing your kite away and line tangles will be history.

Hope this helps.

+1+1.. Keeping handles/bar all attached will help bigtime, as well as developing how YOU like to pack and unpack, try a few different ways fo doing it that you find here. Even unpack/pack at home/park when you can't fly, you will eventually get comfortable and find what works best for you.

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2011 at 12:32 PM

John did a video on parapack recently.... the sound is a bit muddled so you might need headphones.

Screwyfits also did one and it can be found here:

Another useful guide to Parapacking: Racekites Guide to Parapacking

The Sock Method
Lamrith recently did a nice tutorial on packing away a kite using this method. It can be found here, Kite Repack.pdf

Hope that helps.


lamrith - 7-10-2011 at 01:33 PM

Thanks for the compliment Indigo!

I used John's video Indigo posted above as the basis of how I pack my kites now. I just added the "sock" method for my lines rather than a true parapack and it has been working well for me.

dandre - 7-10-2011 at 01:35 PM

i don't understand why it takes so long to just figure 8 the lines on a spindle..

pyro22487 - 7-10-2011 at 11:02 PM

i agree with awindofchange keep lines connected to the kite and handles. ozone recommends removing the lines each time usually when i do that its like 30 minutes of untangleing everytime.