Power Kite Forum

I could watch kite tutorials for hours...

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 09:43 AM

So why isn't there a database?
I mean shoot, even just something as dumb as a split screen.. chest go pro watching the bar/ static camera filming w/ some commentary would be awesome.com

Videos on bridle+ line adjustments,
etc etc.


Some guy in front of a blackboard lecturing about advanced topics in the wind window... TURBULENCE?!

There shouldn't be just 3-4 dvds to teach us this crap.

You could save some injuries with a 20min video on jumping..

PHREERIDER - 12-10-2011 at 12:48 PM

this is the data base. you are free to choose and do.

safety and liability ! no body in the US wants to answer to a "my 15yo son's broken back" . you can "learn" to virtually fly an airplane but actually doing involves a judgement and realtime feedback.

that my friend is only satisfied by time doing.

the judgement for conditions proceeds choice and doing. most folks really can't absorb this. and rarely get pass it! thats why the first of even the few that are out have 70% on safety and basics and DO NOT have adequate wind, weather emphasis.

self research, self practice, self reliance all with self preservation for knowing one limits.

this is why tidy packages of intel aren't available. it would be just enough info to hurt yourself seriously. says it on the kite/s as well. even with great data trying "tricks" too early in piloting experience will wreck your body.

progressions is a great start.

the timing issues, balance and speed judgement are not virtual teachable elements.

keep watching!

hang out with those doing !

or hang here and ask questions.

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 12:57 PM

dood I spend atleast 3 hours every windy day flying, and on off days I read graduate level material on weather patterns.
I don't know what kind of ego preserving bull#@%$#! that is,

but I think you're completely in the wrong in your opinion.
There are 10,000 ways to avoid liabilities.

Our sport is dangerous, and one bad mistake can cost you months of recovery...
I want as concrete a resource as heaven may provide.

One man is not as good as many.
I'll take standing on the shoulders of giants over self indulgent dribble.

If I had 2 videos from each of our best contributers; I would feel so much more confident

flyjump - 12-10-2011 at 01:02 PM

i'm working on making something like this. i had a great tutorial done for packing down arcs and setting them up very quickly, for those who don't want to disconnect lines or take spars out. unfortunatly it was on a friends computer and it was stolen while he was on a trip to Iowa. gonna try and make some how to's at wwbb in two weeks.

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 01:04 PM

dude flyjump, alot of people look up to you.
If you put the time in, you'd not only get better press for PL but you'd help progress your own professional motives as well.

There is no reason why new kiters do not deserve this resource.

It's not even a matter of a hesitation. How many hours do each of you spend on PKF trying to help others?

Immortalize your assistance.

PHREERIDER - 12-10-2011 at 01:19 PM

what would you like first? video with voice over ?

my opinion on liability?

my opinion on time?

or progressions being a great start?

concrete resource is here

ask away

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 01:21 PM

how about you post a video about the value of practice, with weekly goals based upon number of hours flown?

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 01:26 PM

better yet, a post trainer kite purchase based on weight and expectations.
Going over all available brands/type so that people can make a conscionable decision without wasting incredible amounts of money.

How to choose a used kite.
buying new, considerations.

Aspect ratio and you.
How long before you should buy another kite.

I'm sure you could find a way to put your brand in there too. I KNOW that well done your sponsors would love the PR

PHREERIDER - 12-10-2011 at 01:31 PM

ok D

are you familiar with the "daily grind" here on PKF.

it post DATA(wind, tides and such)

ride of choice( land water)

and time ( sometimes a feature move or skill drill )

the last run was 90 days provided for the interest of shaggs2riches as to what i was up to. it is a basic log of my riding experience shared for those JUST LIKE YOU

it goes back about maybe 2 yrs i think . with vids

carltb - 12-10-2011 at 01:39 PM

how about you dandre, putting your vast knowledge that you have learnt from watching all those instructional vid, to good use and create one yourself. obviously you have a great insight into what other people should do. lol

flyjump - 12-10-2011 at 01:40 PM

I personally dont have a camera, but when friends arw in town ita easier. At wilwoof ill see how many that scott and I can make for everybody out there

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 01:40 PM

@free/carl i think thats a pretty pretentious response from people we're supposed to look up to.

In your super clever response you've already hit at the biggest issues facing a new power kiter!

His weight, location, conditions, the type of kiter he is....
You could even explain seasonal geographic winds for each section of the U.S. based upon weight and necessity!

Are you a windsurfer on Lake Michigan? Typically lake Michigan experiences class 3+ wind every summer; so you won't need as much kite as someone in Maine.

This is the company I represent... These are our summer prices on such and such product...

People will tune in and eventually you can post your manufacturer/ kite shops clearance deals.

A forum is not as efficient as a service.

carltb - 12-10-2011 at 01:47 PM

i dont ask anybody to lok up to me, i put my shoes on one at a time just like everybody else.
as for kiting, if you dont put the hours in then you wont progress. nobody can give you talent, but you can train towards being better at what you do. if you havenyt got the drive to be better and push yourself towards it, then no amount of instruction will get you there.


flyjump - 12-10-2011 at 01:54 PM

Lol I crash sooooo much! Did ypu see my concussion video? Ill do my best to get some how to videos made. I know how frustrating learning can be when you fly alone. Im in the exact muddle of the USA being in Missouri. Not a lot of kiters out here.

Getting started on a landboard is the hardest, once your moving its much easier. Any pre advice, take risks! Crash and try againn. Over thanksgiving im making a video with goofball about different aspecf kites. I hope its good and informative

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 01:58 PM

haha fly you should talk about how much you crash.
everyone loves a carnage reel!

you could even talk about different types of safety release and the best way to absorb impact. How to react to the psychological effects of of Oh SH.iT moments instantly..

People are riveted by this stuff. there is a great market to improve here, the sky is the limit when you're dealing honestly.

flyjump - 12-10-2011 at 02:01 PM

I have a meeting for the nexf 3 hours but ill post stuff up. If you landboard freestyle you will crash every session

skelman - 12-10-2011 at 02:48 PM

This sounds like it would be most helpful either (1) listed in a wiki, (2) on a good sticky topic on this forum, or (3) a static web page (or pages) with a series of links (maybe close to what Angus has up at coastalwindsports.com).

In order to be useful it needs to be organized. One drawback to a forum is having to sort through pages and pages of threads finding the golden nugget of a tutorial or piece of information buried deep within.

I would suggest everyone posting your videos to an easily linked resource like youtube or vimeo, including a detailed description and one or a few people should do their best to organize that information to one central resource.

As a newb I've had some difficulty finding information about kites and kiting, and what dandre is saying really would be helpful to me and probably other newbs too.

Someone or a few people really need to step up and do the organizing to create a good resource. Otherwise it'll just be another forum thread that gets lost.

Sounds like a great idea to me...

PHREERIDER - 12-10-2011 at 02:51 PM

glad to help u if you wish D

this is a free resource forum( grateful for it BOB), not a demand point for consumers.

i share this interest freely because i am passionate about it.

this is not a market place ..more like the library.

at times a brutal sport ... tryin to keep from seeing your x-rays from popping up here in a post like i have seen in the past.

"the company i represent " "these are our summer prices"

this is a SKILL BASED FORUM . not a consumer attractant point of sale. A desire to learn its why we are here.

honesty ...telling you like it is D. "pretentious, dribble" if thats what you need it to be.

more than happy to help you for free!

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 02:58 PM

I'm not gonna argue with you about this. There are many ways to share information. Yet a forum is not a place to adequately explain the intricacies of high risk interaction with a natural element.

I guarantee you that if every major contributor made 2 videos about some topic they had great passion for, the market would exponentially increase with detailed video discussion; and give people with great passion another outlet with which to share with the world.

Skelman what about beach buggiers talking about tide conditions and directional winds?
people LOVE to spout off what they know.

Just imagine an instructional video on tides that actually SHOWS the conditions of good vs bad tide... and the effects on the driver? It'd be a whole nother way to show off your skill! while providing something super genuinely useful.

There is plenty of the same ol' same ol'; one go pro demonstrating good skill, but not the person behind the skill.
The things they learned and suffered could inspire whole generation of riders to come.

shaggs2riches - 12-10-2011 at 07:30 PM

Your idea is actually not that bad, but I think the way things are forces people to search out the necessary information to get into the sport. If too much info is readily available then I think you might find a placebo of people getting hurt trying to progress too fast. This is the same reason why people who watch home renovation shows think that they can fully renovate their house because they watched a video of people doing it. There is a reason why we have kite schools. Many of the people on this forum already contribute videos on a regular basis, but one shouldn't expect that they should have to just because they have the skill set and knowledge to do so. If you teach people the absolute right thing to do in a situation, then they don't actually learn anything, they never learn the wrong thing to do. We all learn best through mistakes. As quoted by Albert Einstein""The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Eventually people have to take matters into their own hands and figure it out for themselves, just like you have. Watch the videos of people doing it, observe how they are doing it, and do it. This is why people will progress faster when they are out with people of greater skill then them.

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 07:47 PM

I agree. but much of our time is spent answering the same questions; which is fine.. don't misunderstand me there.
it's just most of us don't have kite schools. I think we can improve safety, inspire others, and share ourselves in a much more productive manner.

I get frustrated because there are not alot of books for our sport... I can't just search amazon for rare out of print kite books like I can for ski mountaineering.. So much valuable information is getting lost in a labyrinth of itself.
I'm not proposing we re-write the system.. just that we teach, and share with one another more effective level. Greater expression will leave a legacy that will inspire generations of kiters to come.

Members here are desperate to teach, and learn.
I just propose we reintegrate our system; so that there is a basis, a curriculum.

shaggs2riches - 12-10-2011 at 08:06 PM

One thing that was mentioned in the past was having a section in the forum where videos could be put, some forums do have actual how to sections. I can't deny using them to my advantage, if there was one here I would use it. One thing that I like when I was trying to learn guitar, and it did work if you followed the proper steps, was a guitar site called jamplay.com. The site has a membership fee, you have access to hundreds of videos that are chronologically ordered so that you can start at the very basics and work your way up to certain styles. The instructors get paid to make the videos, and take turns doing live broadcasts. Taking your idea and wrapping it around that, if you had enough qualified people willing to contribute, you could make a website that people could join and get all the support they might need.


Thoughts would be to include weather maps, tide conditions, etc. There are endless possibilities that one could throw into that idea. Part of trying to do it off this forum is that many people do it cause they love it so much, if it became like a job to them where there was expectations then it might not be so much fun for them.

skelman - 12-10-2011 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by shaggs2riches
If too much info is readily available then I think you might find a placebo of people getting hurt trying to progress too fast. This is the same reason why people who watch home renovation shows think that they can fully renovate their house because they watched a video of people doing it.

I can understand your opinion, but I do disagree with it. I think you can speculate as to what makes someone try to progress too fast and get hurt, but it's just speculation. It could be just as likely they watch youtube highlights of amazing kite jumps and decide to try tethering, or progress too fast.

In my opinion, more information is almost always better - the more informed someone can be, the more likely they will be to make an informed decision. You can't control what people do with information, but you can make sure to give them that information carefully, and with all the warnings and appropriate safety concerns to take into consideration. Wouldn't you rather give them the whole picture instead of bits and pieces? "Oh okay, so FB means fixed bridle..." yeah that took way too long for me to figure out.

I'm trying to learn and be patient and safe, but it has been frustrating at times not having all the kiting information I'm after readily available. I don't mean to take away from anything that anybody on this forum offers. Any time I have actually piped up and asked a question, it's been nothing but great for responses. This forum has been an excellent resource as I've lurked about :). I just don't want to "ask the same old questions" that every other newb asks if I can find it myself.

dandre - 12-10-2011 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by shaggs2riches
One thing that was mentioned in the past was having a section in the forum where videos could be put, some forums do have actual how to sections. I can't deny using them to my advantage, if there was one here I would use it. One thing that I like when I was trying to learn guitar, and it did work if you followed the proper steps, was a guitar site called jamplay.com. The site has a membership fee, you have access to hundreds of videos that are chronologically ordered so that you can start at the very basics and work your way up to certain styles. The instructors get paid to make the videos, and take turns doing live broadcasts. Taking your idea and wrapping it around that, if you had enough qualified people willing to contribute, you could make a website that people could join and get all the support they might need.


Thoughts would be to include weather maps, tide conditions, etc. There are endless possibilities that one could throw into that idea. Part of trying to do it off this forum is that many people do it cause they love it so much, if it became like a job to them where there was expectations then it might not be so much fun for them.

I think you're speculating. If all the information is free here, why is there a necessity to pervert the freedom and expression that is so beautiful in this digital environment?

Simplicity is how people learn. The more complicated you make something, the more unnecessary it becomes.

I just proposed everyone lecture on the things that drive their passion; to take complicated ideas and make it beautiful simplicity. I see it done here every day.

I do not wish to create my own system. Greed and self aggrandizement are not my bag. I doubt I could do what has been done here.

I just want to see what our community could do if a small catalyst allows us to slightly improve our system. Tutorial is a bad word for it; I'm thinkin, open source kite school.

I'd rather the admins not weigh in on this; just that they think about it. And maybe if it strikes them; give people a productive format to try briefly.. It would require everyone to be on board; I doubt it would be successful without all our best contributors giving it a serious shot.

It would have to be embraced pretty wholeheartedly by our community.. and thats for them to decide.

AD72 - 12-10-2011 at 09:09 PM

Go fly a kite.

van - 12-10-2011 at 09:13 PM

Just in case anyone forgot , I did create a wiki for power kite. I haven't had anyone volunteer to post any knowledge to it yet. It's setup as a public wiki so anyone can contribute to it. Perhaps we can have a section on the wiki for video tutorials or reviews? I would be willing to work with anyone that has info or video that need a place to post it. How someone uses this information on the wiki will be up to them. There will be a disclaimer for all videos posted of course .. :smilegrin:


truman - 13-10-2011 at 01:59 AM

I purchased the landboarding beginner by Progression and LOVE IT!
only watched it a gozillion times I think my wife thinks I have gone mad.

I also have How To Fly and it is a great beginner piece covering the basics wind window equipment launching and many other aspects.

I don't have skills to teach but if I did I am a working man and have small children even if I wanted to it would be difficult to make time to do a video so I can understand that most use their time to do what they love and thats kiting and they would give you their left arm if you asked for it in person :wee:

carltb - 13-10-2011 at 03:32 AM

I think ill start off the database..........

chapter 1.-

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahGO FLY A KITE!!!! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

in my opinion.


wheresthewind? - 13-10-2011 at 05:04 AM

one vid that has helped me immensely was carltb's about how to setup and launch an arc--i wish there were more on arcs, as i am not real good yet with depower......videos are fine, but again, there is no substitute for practice and experience, and you cant get those reading a forum......

wheresthewind? - 13-10-2011 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by shaggs2riches
One thing that was mentioned in the past was having a section in the forum where videos could be put, some forums do have actual how to sections. I can't deny using them to my advantage, if there was one here I would use it. One thing that I like when I was trying to learn guitar, and it did work if you followed the proper steps, was a guitar site called jamplay.com. The site has a membership fee, you have access to hundreds of videos that are chronologically ordered so that you can start at the very basics and work your way up to certain styles. The instructors get paid to make the videos, and take turns doing live broadcasts. Taking your idea and wrapping it around that, if you had enough qualified people willing to contribute, you could make a website that people could join and get all the support they might need.


Thoughts would be to include weather maps, tide conditions, etc. There are endless possibilities that one could throw into that idea. Part of trying to do it off this forum is that many people do it cause they love it so much, if it became like a job to them where there was expectations then it might not be so much fun for them.
i play guitar also, and once in a while i'll go to utube and get a paul gilbert lesson or something else......always makes me better--as long as i practice.......

dandre - 13-10-2011 at 08:51 AM

I give up, I don't feel like arguing on the internet.
take the thread carl and gobble it into your good embraces.

skelman - 13-10-2011 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by van
Just in case anyone forgot , I did create a wiki for power kite. I haven't had anyone volunteer to post any knowledge to it yet. It's setup as a public wiki so anyone can contribute to it. Perhaps we can have a section on the wiki for video tutorials or reviews? I would be willing to work with anyone that has info or video that need a place to post it. How someone uses this information on the wiki will be up to them. There will be a disclaimer for all videos posted of course .. :smilegrin:


Cool. This looks like a good place to start. :yes:

PHREERIDER - 13-10-2011 at 09:17 AM

word and deed... arriving D

this little vid was clipped out of a longer raw footage segment..water2land vid i think.

anyway, certainly not a framing champion but simple and realtime with voice over.

it is assumption of skills for an advanced flyer with judgement, rigging, kite handling knowledge and competence. but simple.


pick a vid i have on youtube or vimeo . if you wish a voice over for realtime talk through ...just let me know. some of the older may not be doable but i can find an appropriate match for your needs.

not an ENTIRE frame work of well organized training tools, but there are a ton of amateur/ semi pro stuff out there, beyond my phun phactor vids, to entice the novice to progress.

PHREERIDER - 13-10-2011 at 09:21 AM

van has the idea at hand. site is there!

CONTENT ! is all it needs. and as always misinformation control.

kitedelight - 13-10-2011 at 11:50 AM

Dandre, must admit, at first I was a bit put off cause it sounded like you were giving guys a hard time for not having something like this up already. :puzzled: we all have time constraints and like kiting, not necessarily like video production.

I think it's a good idea. In my opinion, the idea is best suited to a paid site to continue to easily get prolonged interest in creating and submitting learning videos.

Would it fly for a non-paid site...no idea. The strikes against the idea on a free site has already been mentioned....guys have time constraints and not everybody that kites is into making videos. But, at least a version *could* exist in some form...doubt it would look like an 'open source kite school' though with tons of video lectures. But, it could still be a useful database of videos. Could create a video section with a good number of subsections, and see if people add links. Could make recommendations of 2-3min/video and only show one or 2 concepts per video to make it faster, easier, and simpler to produce so its not needlessly chewing guy's time. That way, if guys are shooting video of their session anyway, and they know it will only take 5-10 minutes to shoot a small learning video showing one thing (ie, getting going upwind), then, hey, it's not that big of a deal - 5 to 10 minutes and it's done. Then, they will probably be spending a bit of time putting their other footage together at home anyway, so take only a bit more time to edit that 5 minutes of learning footage, create some voice over if needed, and then the editing portion is just a small addition to what they are already doing already. And, hey, Phree is right, there is already tons of videos online that show concepts indirectly... but voice overs could be added to make them a learning video. And...there are a lot of learning videos as well, so the links could simply be posted. Actually, most of the 'library' could be filled that way with pre-existing footage. So, ya, it could be done, but expectations for growth should be slow with guys not really expecting committed members to submit more that a couple videos/month. Over time, a useful library could grow. Also, one person would have to be put in charge to come up with a suggested list of needed videos that is updated regularly. Otherwise, it's too wishy washy and guys wouldn't know what's needed. That's at least one way I could see it happening - the keys being reasonable expectations for members who are already busy 2) reasonable expectations for the videos themselves, simple and short being the key. Anything that expects much more I don't see flying, pardon the pun.

by the way, if you haven't gotten the progression videos, you should really get them...I haven't seen the entire thing, but what I have seen was really good.

dandre - 13-10-2011 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by kitedelight
Dandre, must admit, at first I was a bit put off cause it sounded like you were giving guys a hard time for not having something like this up already. :puzzled: we all have time constraints and like kiting, not necessarily like video production.

I'm not that kind of person. But you have to protect the integrity of an idea until it can stand on its own in the minds of others.

being attacked so early on could lead to a loss of a potentially valuable resource. I'm not trying to make enemies, I'm just thinking of the many kiters in the future who could be brought into our sport more efficiently, the people whom we could save money, injury, and frustrations.

I still have alot to think about on the subject before I have more valid structure to the idea. It would probably have to involve very solid persuasion and solicitation at first until momentum can build; and the idea can exponentially grow in the hands of others..

I like phrees idea of researching videos to be dubbed over. Sucdley set me an EXCELLENT video of Dirtslide cruising for 15min that just had AMAZING kite control. No crazy stuff, or tricks, just really inspiring control in light winds.

I don't buggy or fly FB anymore, but I can just imagine what dirtslide could do with that 15 minutes.

dsam - 13-10-2011 at 04:35 PM

i just happen to stumble across this today while doing my daily search for golden nuggets of kite information http://kitesurfingschool.org/
only spent a few minutes looking at it before i remembered this thread. If this is what you are talking about dandre then i totally agree with points you make and would love to see more sites like this

Bladerunner - 13-10-2011 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by dsam
i just happen to stumble across this today while doing my daily search for golden nuggets of kite information http://kitesurfingschool.org/
only spent a few minutes looking at it before i remembered this thread. If this is what you are talking about dandre then i totally agree with points you make and would love to see more sites like this

Exactly what I was thinking . You don't have to search far to find me suggesting Kitesurfingschool.org on here. Angus has done a great job of trying to answer all the questions at www.coastalwindsports.com . I know these aren't videos but a great start.

I think that the lack of land related info is due to the small numbers involved ? Supply and demand ! Similar issue with magazines? It was only a few years ago I was thrilled just to find even a forum to discuss land related kiting that included North America. Your idea is good and Van's Wiki site seems like a good way to go. Unfortunately I think our small #'s will make this slow to grow? :no:

Something I noticed about kitesurf training videos is that the very basic stuff was all I knew / could do. The other 95% of the tutorials on rotations on up is so beyond me I'm not learning anything ?

BV Eric - 13-10-2011 at 07:39 PM

D you are a total joke, you think you can intrent your way to being a great kiter. You got to stop talking #@%$#! and get out and live. You should respect people who have experince.

Have you ever done anything other than static flying?

I would never want to kite with you and your big mouth. you have nothing to back it up with!

You can also lick my balls while you are living with mom in maryland, I have been snowkiting!

Kamikuza - 13-10-2011 at 07:47 PM

Yikes people, what the hey? :puzzled:

dandre - the time involved in compiling databases is pretty enormous, especially if you try to cover all the options ... better to ask specific questions IMO - that's what forums are for. And I don't think any of the members here have jumped on people for asking the same questions all newbies ask ...

... a better idea would be to have a forum area with only tutorials - but the biggest problem here is going off-topic :lol:

BV Eric - 13-10-2011 at 07:59 PM

Not all new kiters have a chip on there shoulder like him. I tried to help his kid and he started talking bad about me. I just want eveyone to how I feel about him. I told him there is a great scene around and if you arent #@%$#! people would love to help you learn. The last person I want to share info with is an egoststical punk. It would make my day to see his ass schooled.

Kite hard promote natural slection?
you are talking about yourself

shaggs2riches - 13-10-2011 at 08:37 PM

Ouch!!! I don't think we need to resort to attacks with this topic........speaking of the topic here is a couple that you might find interesting maybe towards what your are thinking of..............


kitedelight - 13-10-2011 at 08:45 PM

come on BV, you can do better than that. Sure Dandre may have been a bit pushy and stepping on some toes, but that's not helping either man.

still thinks its possible, but not for a semi-professional video library full of kite lectures. Something much more informal with bit-sized videos wouldn't be out of reach. 60 videos could be added in one year by 10 guys adding one video each every 2 months. Not bad. It wouldn't need to be built over night.

pkf - 13-10-2011 at 08:48 PM

Topic closed