rocfighter - 16-10-2011 at 06:01 PM
I flew one of these today in 25-38mph winds and had a great time. I never flew a C kite before and I have little D-power experiance. I was way over
powered with my 2.8m SDT FB. and my buggy was just dragged sideways. I did not get into the buggy with the Best but I did fly it for about an hour.
Very responsive and easy to get used to. If I have a chance I would pick one of these up. I think he said it was a 2005 or 2007. I'm sure hard to find
in good condition. But I liked the little kite a lot.
bigkahuna - 17-10-2011 at 02:31 AM
I've not flown a Grunt, but had a 5m Waroo that I think would be perfect for landboarding and possibly buggying. Very stable in the air and lots of
power for a 5m, plus huge depower range. I used it once and decided that our beaches just aren't big enough for landboarding so some lucky fellow
here now owns it.
cheezycheese - 17-10-2011 at 04:40 AM
I think Tri-dude got that one. Blake sold a 3m last year that I missed by an hour ...