pyro22487 - 17-10-2011 at 09:00 PM
Im planning a buggy meet for the central us area. Lake hefner is down and as of right now shows no sign of filling any time soon. November 4th-8th. We
have a field and a 2 square miles of lake bed. Our weather can be unpredictable at best. Winds this time of year 5-40 knots. We have bricks all over
the lake bed but hoping to head out and solve this problem over the next few weeks. I am trying to get good rates on hotel rooms for the travelers.
Looks like we have rooms from 60ish to 75ish with an indoor pool, hot tub, and breakfast. The hotel I found is about 5 maybe 10 miles from the lake.
next to the hotel is a field small very small but npw can be flown on short lines or handles there with no problems. I flew there last year and the
house that was on it burned down so as far as I can tell its vacant. The grass field we have is small. We usually only fly like 4 people over there
do to the size. Its open for use but im all for using the lake bed. We should have buggies to demo. I am sure VTT will be there. If anyone knows of
shops willing to come down they are welcome to. It would be great to have a shop come down and bring some stuff. We have no shops around anymore.
The lake may be down bu it is also open to kite surfing there is a local crew of about 20 guys. Im not sure what conditions you need but if you show
up that is an option.
For the hotel rates I kinda need a number of people so u2u or post to this thread letting me know if your coming and how many peple you are bringing
the more rooms I fill the cheaper the rates will be at the hotel.
Edit.... Forgot I will give updates on this as it gets closer to the days.
any questions feel free to ask.
van - 17-10-2011 at 09:25 PM
I can swing by and buggy from the 4th to the 6th atleast. I'm sure Big Mike and his gang can drop by since he's only 3.5 hrs away.
pyro22487 - 17-10-2011 at 09:37 PM
Knew you could make it Van. Ill call Big Mike tomorrow.
pyro22487 - 17-10-2011 at 11:14 PM
I heard a rumor at work and did some checking. Not the best news but I'm optimistic. The last time they did this the water level only went up 2 feet
and we were promised 6 so there is still hope. I am going to keep checking to see how small this makes the lake bed.
Posted October 13th 2011
A water release from Canton Lake began at 8:30 am today and is expected to add about 7 feet of water to the lake. The water should begin arriving in
five days and will require two weeks to complete. The water transfer will lower Canton Lake by 5.5 feet and impact recreation because the level will
be below the boat ramps.
BigMikesKites - 18-10-2011 at 02:41 PM
I have a festival Nov 4-5 but will see if I can make it up there Sunday. It sounds like fun.
pyro22487 - 22-10-2011 at 09:40 AM
First update on the water release.
One of the local kite fliers happen to be up at the lake when one of the water guys was there testing the water. According to him they are losing more
water than expected from Canton Reservoir to Hefner Lake. They were expecting a little bit to be lost but they are losing about 200 cubic feet a
minuet. not sure how much this actually compares to but I'm thinking the 7 feet is going to be about 3 maybe less.
So the hope the lake bed will be around for a few more months is still there.
pyro22487 - 25-10-2011 at 01:36 PM
well the rocks are gone and the bricks that are left are small enough to drive over.
pyro22487 - 2-11-2011 at 10:28 PM
Well wind forecast for Saturday is High wind around 25-30 with around 35 gusts. Hopefully not quite that strong. My 2m flow would be almost scary at
that speed then again, I'm looking at tandeming... could be about right for the wind.
BigMikesKites - 3-11-2011 at 04:20 AM
Yes, 25-30 is a bit much. Stick a GPS on there and see how fast you get going. I'm curious with the small Flow.
van - 3-11-2011 at 06:41 AM
that 2m would be perfect. since I can't go, take pics so I can see how far in the water you got dragged
pyro22487 - 3-11-2011 at 03:49 PM
why are we wishing missfortune on pyro. so thats a nogo on van
van - 3-11-2011 at 05:52 PM
Sorry buddy .. can't make it up there .. it would be hard right now. Can't handle the 8 hour drive up there with just me and henry. He would drive
me nuts.
It's not missfortune, just helping to push (haha) you into kitesurfing. That way you can come down here and kitesurf with us locals here.
pyro22487 - 4-11-2011 at 12:43 PM
This pvc arch was high and dry about 2 weeks ago now its under about 8 feet of water.
pyro22487 - 4-11-2011 at 12:51 PM
the area that is buggyable....
pyro22487 - 4-11-2011 at 12:54 PM
Oh and why would I go kite surfing. LOL you teach me and I'm in. I just don't want to spend the money on classes. I am also unwilling to teach myself
to do something so dangerous.
pyro22487 - 4-11-2011 at 12:56 PM
One more pic going out to the water.
Yes the bricks look bad but they are actually smaller bricks and easy to avoid they are in patches not all over.