Power Kite Forum

Peter Lynn 55cm power bar

lucky_13 - 19-10-2011 at 08:11 PM

I have a question about the size of my kite (4.1 PL twister 2) and the use of the Peter Lynn 55 cm Power Bar. My question is this: Is my kite the correct size to use this bar? Will I get better performance with the bar VS. Handles? I am planning on land boarding and have heard mixed reviews. Any input would be helpful. Thanks

Feyd - 20-10-2011 at 06:14 AM

I haven't ridden a fixed bridle in a while but that's a pretty long bar I think.

Not to say that it's wrong. The longer the bar the faster the more leverage on the steering. Results: faster/easier turning and the kite will react to your input (good or bad) easier. So it may make the kite a little less stable but zippy.

A bar also gives you the option of tuning the kite at the bar via trim (sorta trim) on the fly.

Handles give you more control (IMO) and allow you to do things that you can't do with a bar. Like tailstalling one side etc.

I converted over to handles on fixed bridals because I like that it turns the kite even faster than a long bar . I don't know if this helps you at all. I'm sure there are plenty of full time fixed bridle riders in here that can chime in and help.;-)

BeamerBob - 20-10-2011 at 07:13 AM

I agree with all that. I'd take my opinion a step further and say that a kite like a twister especially is missing out on some joy of flight and control if not on handles. There might be times when bar is justified, but its a compromise from the finesse and control you get with handles.

lucky_13 - 20-10-2011 at 04:30 PM

thanks guys i take your advise and stick with my handles:yes:

indigo_wolf - 20-10-2011 at 05:31 PM



lucky_13 - 20-10-2011 at 07:00 PM

sam that was the bar i was looking into ... haha i want to learn to land board what is easier to learn with? the add makes it sound awesome for a twister ... :puzzled:

Soma - 21-10-2011 at 12:55 PM

If you're going to landboard on a Twister then handles is the way to go.
Tried my IIR 5.6m with a bar (although a cross-over) and despite the kite be very controlable flying static with it, on the board is really difficult.

With handles, there's this complete sense of control over kite and board.
I hooked a strop line (using a harness) just to rest my wrists when becoming tired or to park the kite when being in motion through the beach but usually just flying with the handles loose is a breeze.

Also, be aware that the wind should be steady for the Twister as gusts and luffs will give you a hard time.

Just my personal experience, ;)

lucky_13 - 21-10-2011 at 06:54 PM

thanks soma ill stick to handles :D