Power Kite Forum

The raffle was awesome.

rocfighter - 25-10-2011 at 07:20 AM

This year the raffle was a free one. Every one got a ticket and when your number was called you went and picked an item you would be sure to use. Thanks to every one who came before me and were afraid of the BLADES OF DEATH! These were donated by Fran and I never got to thank him. Next time I see him I will be sure to do this. I can't wait for the lakes to freeze.
There were a hooj amount of treats on the table. What prize did you walk away with? Lets hear about them.

rocfighter - 25-10-2011 at 07:21 AM

By the way. The blades had NO WARNING SIGNS!! Must be safe!!:wee:

shehatesmyhobbies - 25-10-2011 at 07:27 AM

They should be a direct bolt on as well Dave.

My sons number ( thanks Van) was pulled last and he got the sand stake. I am sure next time we go to the beach to fly he will be sure to grab it before we leave.

bobalooie57 - 25-10-2011 at 07:31 AM

roc, Fran just read your sig, and figured it applied here! :bouncy:

van - 25-10-2011 at 08:13 AM

Rich, I thought your son was either gonna cry or kill his dad because you keep calling out numbers right around his. I'm glad the ticket I gave him won him that kite stake. I enjoy watching him fly. He's gonna be a master kiter soon with those skills!

doneski - 25-10-2011 at 09:05 AM

Don't knock the kite stake. If its the one that looked like a corkscrew I left it and quite a few people wanted it. I kept hearing things like, "hey, that's really nice metal" and "you can't buy them like that any more."

shehatesmyhobbies - 25-10-2011 at 10:04 AM

Not knockn it Don my son was thrilled, said he has one something like dads! He was excited to have his name called. We were loading the trailer Sunday and he said look mom there's dads kite stake its plastic,mine is metal. It's on his dresser as I type!

bugymangp - 25-10-2011 at 11:08 AM

I got a cool airplane kite with a parachuting pilot
Nice item

doublespeed360 - 26-10-2011 at 02:44 PM

i got nothing so i'm making myself something,wait i got the bigest elmo from fran's wife mary .many thanks he be my copilot now.woo hoo