OmniSmurfZ - 25-10-2011 at 01:45 PM
I bought a 19m venom and a 15m phantom off goofball (he's been helping me a ton, figured I'd give him a bit of a break though, Thanks goof!), I bought
a new twinskin 07 bar along with 27m Q powerlines as well (I weigh about 140 by the way). First day out with the venom I couldn't get it in the air,
thought it wasn't windy enough, but I might have just been failing. I brought out the phantom the next day because it was bit windier and I didn't
want to get tossed around too bad... Was probably around 5-12 mph, but gusted up to like 20 maybe. It took quite a while and some help from my friend,
but finally we got it up in the air! (had it hovering like 10 ft off the ground for quite a while a few times, just didnt seem to want to go up, I
changed the leader line length and that helped, but still took a bit) Eventually we did get it up in the air and i was skudding around on my feet,
sometimes on my butt when i was matrixing at too extreme of an angle and lost some wind, haha. I then had it in zenith for a bit and was resting and
walking it backwards to get some more space in front of me when a gust came and started to pick me up, i went up a cpl feet and came down fine, i was
like woohoo! But when i was flying it around in the window again a gust came and yanked me forward and up, I freaked before I got too high and pulled
the release. The kite came down pretty fast, but I grabbed the bar and slowly landed it on the ground and kept it there (thought I did awesome). I
then looked down at my bar and the red plastic tube looking thing wasn't there anymore (found it in the field), the metal part that attaches through
the circle loop and then goes into the red tube was right on the bar, theres like a fat black nylon part attached to the middle two leader lines just
above this metal part that got pulled mostly through the bar (theres like .5 of an inch on the bottom, where as before all of it was through the
bottom of the bar). And Now i can't seem to get it back through, will take a lot of force i know... Any ideas how to fix this or how it happened?
Whatd I do wrong? Also the red nylonish material loops that are on the side lines and you attach the 2ndary safety leash to, its velcro part ripped to
where its only about 50% attached.
BeamerBob - 25-10-2011 at 02:27 PM
I have the same bar and lines yet the pictures are a bit blurry to make out what the problem is.
carltb - 25-10-2011 at 02:48 PM
your safety leash shouldnt go through the bar in the first place. when you pull your safety it should slide freely up one of your back lines. the
nav bar is the only bar that has the centre through bar safety. its a good job it happened in light winds or it could have been very nasty, as your
kite wouldnt depower properly and most definately would go into a death spiral. have a look here for the proper bar set up for the 07.
Todd - 25-10-2011 at 03:03 PM
I've had the very same problem once but was able to force it back through. Red top hat flew into the air almost tagging someone
Feyd - 25-10-2011 at 03:26 PM
Yeah, same here. Total PITA to get back together.
Kamikuza - 25-10-2011 at 05:25 PM
The Zero7 puzzled me when I first had it too ...
You'll have to push the depower line back through the hole in the bar, then the metal pin etc back through the red hat. Hardest part is getting it
through the bar - tie a thinner line around depower at the end there pull it ...
Next tip - when you pull the safety, think "throw the red hat away" not pull and hold on or you'll yank it off again
Kamikuza - 25-10-2011 at 05:30 PM
Posted twice cos it was so important
OmniSmurfZ - 25-10-2011 at 07:49 PM
I didn't hold onto it, i pushed it up n let go, was holding onto the bar. And ty for the info about the line trick to get it back in, ill try that!
heliboy50 - 25-10-2011 at 08:04 PM
Keeping the bar was the problem. The power lines obviously run through it to the pin and top hat. Pop the safety but keep the bar and the pull the
kite is still generating will yank it through. More or less at that point you were riding unhooked sans chicken loop. It's because the powers are
cut lose behind the bar, not in front of it. Hope this makes sense.
Kamikuza - 25-10-2011 at 08:37 PM
Ah I see ... yeah what heliboy said - I hated the 07 red hat cos it used to pop-off with the lightest touch ... I held onto the bar the first time and
it pulled all the way through :megan:
I do what I said though side release on the Ozone and Navigator releases, I
don't let go in time and the get yanked from my fingers and come off a little ...
g00fba11 - 26-10-2011 at 05:29 AM
Omni.... I sent you some shots of one of my 07 bars in skype..... but it is what heliboy says..... when you go for the safety and flag your kite let
go of the bar.....
The only thing that should be left keeping you connected to your kite is your leash.......
I also sent you the link to Carltb's set up of a PL 15m Phantom. He also has ton's of other video's out there that have helped me and that I
continue to refer to when I forget something.
Hopefully the pics I sent help....... and as always help is only a forum or skype away.......
OmniSmurfZ - 26-10-2011 at 05:42 AM
Awesome! I will check it all out once I get through this week, boo midterms... Thanks for all the help guys!
edit: Using a line to pull it back through worked, hurt like hell pulling it back through, but thanks!