Phugger - 21-3-2006 at 07:07 PM
Does anyone have the 411?
Around 5 years ago on our first trip out to Elmers we eventually got there (we gave up trying to go OVER that big hill to the east and eventually used
the entrance) only to find the lake closed. There were these two crazy guys there in a huge motor home (Dave & Mike). They had just started
buggying and were taking delivery of their first buggies and kites down at Ivan. They had a huge lunch layed out for everyone there. What a great way
to make friends!. We buggied along the road and in the hills. This is where I learned what a pucker bump was......... (c8

deanaoxo - 21-3-2006 at 09:44 PM
Wow, that one got me.
ok, damn. I've never in my life, met anyone like lvtDave. Never.
Not a day goes by that i don't think of him and miss him.
that said, we drove out to the lake today, said a little wind prayer, and checked out Walt's.
The sun was setting, the wind was blowing about 12-15, very smooth.
I can't wait to sit around the fire with you all, and talk about Dave.
Get here soon! The lake is damn near perfect.