HELP ;-) i need a kite for flying around the beach with high wind i am 210 lbs 6.1 i friend of my say the peter lynn have great kite for high windflyjump - 3-11-2011 at 03:56 PM
Im 170 and I can take out at 12m charger in 30_40mph clean winds. It is fast and lifty, so watch out!dylanj423 - 3-11-2011 at 04:25 PM
note the above is a well experienced rider, and he said clean winds... and might i add, he is being extremely irresponsible recommending a 12m kite to
a potential newcomer...
c'mon, man, use your head, flyjump, what if this guy goes and buys a 12m charger and puts it up on your word and kills himself tryin? ...
if youre interested, the PL kites are great high wind engines, but i would DEFINITELY recommend something smaller... maybe a 6m or an 8m... hunt
around for an older kite, maybe save some $, maybe better off with a slower kite, anyway...
ozone also makes good small depowers if your just stickin to land, and want to give open-cell kites a whirl... you can get a 4m somethin or other and
it will be prob just right for 30 knot winds... though i wouldnt know which model to recommend, ozone is a solid brandPHREERIDER - 3-11-2011 at 04:35 PM
CH 12 or syn 12, scorp10 or V10. i wanna be where you at!
i am your size and mostly ride VENOM 13 landboard and water and have to say it is fun in heavy air, but the water is far easier on the bones!
around 30mph on land u really need some decent space.PHREERIDER - 3-11-2011 at 04:39 PM
chicagokitelandboarding is an experienced kiter? i assumed he was.Bladerunner - 3-11-2011 at 04:48 PM
What are you hoping to do in this 30mph wind ? Jump? Speed? Just fly?
In general I look at kiting in wind like that to be survival kiting. I am not brave enough to jump in much higher wind.
I have a 2.5m profoil fixed bridle that serves up with no Surprises. I wouldn't go any bigger.
Both my 10m Synergy and Sarc 460 are in there " zone " at 30mph. I traded from a 10m Charger to Synergy . Like I suggested I am more about surviving
than performance in that strong of wind.
I think your friend may have been suggesting that Arcs handle well in strong winds ? If so, I think he is correct. The Charger however is a pretty
aggressive kite. Dylan is correct. It may not be your best arc to start with. IMHO.Kamikuza - 3-11-2011 at 10:22 PM
Buy my 12m Synergy - massive wind range, real stable and with a Navigator bar you'll have more depower than you can ever use :DRedSky - 4-11-2011 at 12:04 AM
A noob wants to go out in 30knts ! That's getting on for 35mph. :shocked2:
Stay home, get the kids in the basement and batten down the hatches.stetson05 - 4-11-2011 at 09:13 PM
Originally posted by PHREERIDER
chicagokitelandboarding is an experienced kiter? i assumed he was.
I think there is another guy with a similar name. This one just signed up. If you want a depower you could try an 4m apex or access or a small
charger like a 6m or 8m like previously stated. If you want a fixed bridle then a 2m would probably work just fine.BigMikesKites - 5-11-2011 at 03:29 AM
Egads, 30 mph on land. Apex 3m or 5m. Max. or something like a 2m hornet/Beamer. Twister is good for boarding, but I'm not sure about in 30
mph. i wouldn't do it but I'm skeered of boarding anyway. did it once in less wind than you are talking about and that was enough for me.PHREERIDER - 5-11-2011 at 07:15 AM
u r right stetson believe thats the case ..was wondering. anyway 30knots! careful!Bladerunner - 5-11-2011 at 08:40 AM
My advice was based on 30mph Don't know how I missed the kts.
at 30kts I start to think about living to kite another day !buggybruiser - 5-11-2011 at 08:43 AM
I am with Dylan, its too scary to fly in winds that highflyjump - 5-11-2011 at 08:46 AM
i thought this guy owned a speed3?Bigbear97e - 5-11-2011 at 08:49 AM
a noob in this windspeed may want to expand the high end of the Drewculous wind meter by adding ..... nuckin' futz