Power Kite Forum

Who has Flexifoil Sting 2.4m and/or 3.3m?

rtz - 7-11-2011 at 04:26 PM

How high of wind have you had those out in? What is the highest you feel comfortable with on a buggy with those two sizes?

Also, what is the best deal going for 20m lines(+/- a few m) with or without handles?

For the price of the Flexi kites; they really should come with more adequate lines.

silvereaglekiter - 7-11-2011 at 05:00 PM

flying 1.7m stings in 30-35 mph this weekend. Slightly underpowered at times:dunno:
winds this sat

pyro22487 - 8-11-2011 at 09:50 AM

Whats the question about the lines for did you break yours.
Well either way here is the cheapest I found on a search buy 2 shippings free and they are about 20$ less than ozones lines and a little stronger too. They are all white instead of color coded. http://www.amazon.com/300lb-80ft-Infinity-Spectra-Winder/dp/...

indigo_wolf - 8-11-2011 at 01:13 PM

Even with shipping, I think Vector Lines might be (marginally) cheaper (and stronger to boot).

$65.00 200/100 kg/ Blue/Yellow @ 25M

$61.00 200/100 kg/ Blue/Yellow @ 20M

The lines that come with the Stings should be fine for recreational use. On the original product page, they recommend upgrading to the Flexifoil Xtreme Lines (or similar) if you are going to be flying in higher winds or thrashing around in a buggy.

Quite honestly, at that point the stock handles would concern me more. There is a disclaimer on the lightweight handles that they are only to suitable "recreational use."

Yes, they could bump up the specs on the lines and handles, but that would ramp up the sticker shock factor for the intended target audience.


pyro22487 - 8-11-2011 at 04:42 PM

good find mr. wolf i just did a quick search. i use to buy ozones so next time im buying cheaper ones.

rtz - 18-11-2011 at 09:25 PM

Only one way to find out:
