hondamon - 8-11-2011 at 05:22 AM
Living in the land of bicycle thieves, I shouldn't be so surprised that mine was stolen last night. I should be happy that I made it 5 years since my
last bike was stolen in this land of kimchi. There, I got it off my chest. Feels a lot better now. :ticking:
rocfighter - 8-11-2011 at 05:40 AM
This is a sad tale, I hope it is recovered although it sounds like a common issue that is not often resolved.
lamrith - 8-11-2011 at 06:36 AM
Ughh man, Being a bike guy at heart and having bikes be my life for a long time I was devastated when one of mine was taken.
Sorry to hear that man!
ragden - 8-11-2011 at 06:37 AM
After I had my custom bicycle stolen out of my garage as a kid, I started keeping it in the house. Been doing it ever since. Sure, it took up room in
my bedroom, and my mom was pissed about the black marks on the wall from the tires (which I had to clean), but I did not have to worry about it
getting stolen...
hondamon - 8-11-2011 at 06:47 AM
We got the dip on cctv from a couple angles. Just watched the footage...kinda hard to swallow. Highly doubt we'll catch him though. Just one of the
many jerks here in Korea who do this sorta thing. Yeah, it is all too common here. The guy looked to be in his 30's from the video. In the city I live
in, Goyang, they installed 15 bicycle stations where you can swipe a card and rent the bike and then dock it at any of the stations. It's become
really popular, partly because people just don't want to have their bike stolen. What the hell is wrong with people? Disgruntled!
rocfighter - 8-11-2011 at 06:58 AM
Hondamon they have these stations in New York City now as well. It is a good idea for a person with limited space in a city. In your case it is a sad
PHREERIDER - 8-11-2011 at 09:50 AM
sucks , i always assume at this kind of event that HE(thief) is able and willing to take BETTER care of it(item relieved of your care) than me even
if he had to break to lock to prove it.
humans... krafty lot. work hard at taking rather than just work hard
cheezycheese - 8-11-2011 at 10:46 AM
Sounds like you need some kite therapy.... :smug:
Feyd - 8-11-2011 at 01:35 PM
I love Kimchee. Bike thieves are one of the lowest forms of scumbag.
Todd - 8-11-2011 at 01:43 PM
Some one mentioned Kimchi... :belly growl:
Sorry about your bike.
Cheddarhead - 8-11-2011 at 02:05 PM
Sorry for ya man! I know first hand how bikes can become a very personal thing to a owner.
Hopefully the thief was ran over by a truck while riding to his destination. Karma!
hondamon - 8-11-2011 at 02:52 PM
Thanks guys. That would be some hardcore karma! Haha. I used to keep my bike in my apartment, but it was a pain and I've,move to a new place that
requires a key pad to get in, take the elevator up a floor and transfer to a different elevator, then up to 15th floor to my place. Used my
girlfriend's bike yesterday and today. Now I'm going to bring the bike into my apt like I used to. If I lost that bike, I'd also have an angry
girlfriend to contend with. Bike thieves [and kimchi] are horrible waste
Kamikuza - 8-11-2011 at 05:10 PM
In the big cities in Japan, people treat the "mama-chari" as communal property.
With a name like Hondamon though, I thought you'd had your motorbike pinched :o
pbc - 8-11-2011 at 07:04 PM
Ah that's maddening. I like my bike sooo much it would kill me if it were stolen. Fortunately for me the thieves here seem much more interested in
Here's what I ride:
elnica - 8-11-2011 at 07:47 PM
A friend of mine that is living in Korea found his bike, went to the hardware store and got some bolt cutters and stole it back. Wouldn't be a bad
idea to have some bolt cutters in case you see yours again.
In some countries its almost an established system, its like the rent-a-bike idea, but free. Everyone just keeps robbing/switching bikes. That's what
another friend told me about Belize (he's from there), he gets his stolen every few weeks and just steals another one. I guess you could say the "fee"
is the price of the lock/chain that's on the bike. The "card" is the bolt cutter, hahaha.
I'm glad it doesn't happen that often here, my bike is too expensive for that.
hondamon - 8-11-2011 at 11:13 PM
Yeah, my name is from Honda and Damon, after my scooter. The Honda part that is.
Maddening it sure is! Oh well. I have sure thought about stealing it back if I see it. I'd probably call the police to see what they can actually
do here. My girlfriend's bike is kind of a nice change from mine though. Cheers all!