Power Kite Forum

Should I fill in the quiver?

Cheddarhead - 8-11-2011 at 07:32 PM

As in my sig, I have a 7m and 11m Frenzies that are still relatively new to me, (love them soooo much!)so not much time yet in various winds. Do any of you see me needing a 9 meter to round out my primary quiver for this winter? Or would that be too much overlap? I know that the answer will eventually present itself when I get more time in with these, but I'm just curious if you think I should start saving my pennies now before ski season is in full swing. I'm 220lbs and use only skis if that helps.

snowspider - 8-11-2011 at 08:46 PM

At 220# on snow the 9m and 11m will be your goto kites. the 7m for ice and high winds will be a sweet safe ride. As you become more experienced and more familiar with your kites the differences begin to stand out more and you will appreciate having the right tool for the job.
I obviously like the full series of concept.

Cheddarhead - 8-11-2011 at 09:11 PM

Thanks Snowspider. I knew from the start that my 11m would be more of my go to kite, but didn't want to be sitting on the couch when the winds were nukin. Could only afford these two sizes to start with and go from there. Just didn't really know yet how much difference two sizes in a open cell depow would be. I was slightly afraid of having too much depower overlap. All I can say right now is that 7m and 11m are like night and day to fly, so hence the question of a 9 meter. Sorry about your 5m beamer.

ragden - 9-11-2011 at 05:35 AM

I used a 8,12,15 combo last year on snow, and that worked out great. I would think a 7/11 combo would also be fine. Granted this means there may be times when the 11 is a little bit too much power, and the 7 is not quite enough, but I enjoy flying a little overpowered.

Personally, I would wait before getting another kite. Depowers have a much larger range than fixed-bridle kites, and you may find that the gap between them isnt as big as you think...

Bladerunner - 9-11-2011 at 08:04 AM

We end up having to make something out of nothing.

I would be needing a large FB or similar for the 2 - 5 mph winds or sitting out.

thanson2001ok - 9-11-2011 at 09:04 AM

Hey, Ched. Snow today in WI. Let's go!

I have a 7.5 Frenzy and a 10m Access. There really isn't a gap here if I fly smart. I need to remember I can make power by keeping the kite moving and reduce power with the trim strap.

Fo low wind days, the 11m will leave you wanting more ripstop. When that happens, come on down and give my 19m Speed 2 SA a crack!

Cheddarhead - 9-11-2011 at 11:35 AM

That would be fun indeed! Perhaps a low wind engine would be better money spent before I get skunked too many times on low wind days. Winds have been really good lately so I tend to forget about all those gnat fart days. Short term memory loss I think:puzzled:
I may just pick up a large reactor or something along those lines. I had a 8.3 reactor last winter, very nice kite, but that didn't even seem like enough power for those sub 10mph days. Maybe a 10.8 would fit the bill a little better. We'll see.