hondamon - 13-11-2011 at 10:51 PM
Greetings again from S. Korea!
I just got my new Ozone Frenzy - 9m on Friday. I had a chance to take it out on Saturday (7-9mph winds) and on Sunday (12-15mph winds). What a
difference the depower makes, not to mention the larger kite (my other kite is a 4m Flow).
I have a question though about boarding. Seems to be really hard for me to get on the board and start going. I either want to fall backward or get
pulled forward and out of the straps. Any suggestions? About 5 years ago, I got my certification, which was just a 12 or 14 hour course, in the
Philippines, and I was able to get up and going on the board in the water. The landboard is proving to be quite a different story for me. I have to
be doing or thinking about something all wrong. I feel comfortable with the's just getting in and going with the board that's giving me
Thanks for your help!
awindofchange - 13-11-2011 at 11:02 PM
You have to start out with the board pointing about 45 degrees downwind. If the board is across the wind, it will do like what you are describing.
Once you get moving you can then start to edge the board back across the wind.
hondamon - 14-11-2011 at 05:19 AM
Thanks a bunch! I had actually thought that's what I should be doing, but I didn't have much room on the beach were I was. I'll give that a whirl
this weekend though. Cheers!
Bladerunner - 14-11-2011 at 07:32 AM
Yes , point downwind.
Also get short ! I lean back rather than getting tossed over the top. The more power I must hold the more I bend my knees and get low. Kick your feet
out rather than go over the top.
flash - 14-11-2011 at 04:43 PM
ditto to everything above, plus... when you go to edge, think about pushing your head and shoulders back.... it throws your center of gravity back
(opposite the kite) and think of pointing your toes 'out'....This will make sense when you do it.. but it takes you from having your shoulders above
your feet and your butt way out there trying to stay balanced, to a more stable position where you are edging against the pull of the kite and having
it pull you along. Very similar to the water stuff, but you don't want to 'ride' on an edge like you do with water, if you are pushing hard on that
heel side you will start carving, so you really want to keep your feet 'balanced'.