Power Kite Forum

6 M JOJO Rage help...

Cubensis - 24-3-2006 at 09:22 PM

I'm looking for some help on setting up my 6 M JOJO Rage to a Cabrinha control bar and hoping that someone here can teach me possibly even show me in person how to configure my set-up. My plan is to learn landboarding (also bought a MBS mountainboard) and hopefully progress to snow. I'm not new to traction kite since i've been static-flying a 3 meter foil for 2 years now but on handles. Willing to drive to Ocean Beach, SF if i have to on weekends. Any takers? I'll buy the beers...:evil:

Scoopy - 27-3-2006 at 06:21 AM

Im too far away, but if its like all other de-power kites, the main (front) lines go to the 2 pigtails in the middle of the bar, and the brakes (rear) lines go to the bar tips. Hope this helps.


!(*)! - 27-3-2006 at 06:03 PM

I remember the first time I saw the JoJo rage bridle setup. It was very different from frenzys, flysurfers et al. There was something that was backward about it. I wish I could remember what it was and how it was setup. There were 3 of us looking at it saying "That is an odd depower bar control system"

I am sorry about the lack of memory but it is good enough to know that you are going to need some real help from someone that knows this kite. I would start fact finding by calling the Guys up at Skyline wings. You can get their number off their website. Your timing might be bad because they are probaly all at NABX.

/////safety in numbers\\\\\

Cubensis - 29-3-2006 at 11:57 PM

Hey Scoopy, !(*)!
Okay here's the deal, my 6 M JOJO Rage has 1 pulley located next to each of the 2 main steering bridle knot and on both pulley runs a line that runs from each wingtip to the mid-section of the kite. All the bridles at the bottom of the kite connects to one single point and i would imagine this is connected to the brake line. And then of course the mid section sheeting bridles that runs from wing tip to wing tip and all connect to one single point just like the brake bridles. This is how i received the kite brand new and have never use it yet. I also have 4- 27 meter lines (500 lbs. test) and a 58 cm. Cabrinha Alloy Control Bar with its normal steering leaders on each end of the bar, a harness loop, trim strap connected to the chicken loop through a hole in the middle of the bar and what seemed to be a safety wrist leash. They're all new items and i have never try setting it up yet not until i know exactly how to configure it.
Thanks for the input.

!(*)! - 31-3-2006 at 07:24 AM

I am going on a snowkiting trip next weekend 4/9 and I will be meeting up with the guy that has the 6m Rage. I'll study that bridlle and send you some pics. And we will see what is needed to use your cabrina bar.

/////safety in numbers\\\\\

Cubensis - 1-4-2006 at 10:24 AM

Thanks !(*)! looking forward to your input on this issue. I'm sure it's not anything complicated but would like to know the little details in setting up the lines to the bar to the Cabrinha waist harness which i'll also use.