Power Kite Forum

Fixing valves on inflatos using Aquaseal (or equivalent)

burritobandit - 15-11-2011 at 03:02 PM

Here's a writeup I threw together on how to reattach valves to bladders using Aquaseal:

If anyone has any questions/comments/suggestions, let me know and I'll update it as needed.

indigo_wolf - 15-11-2011 at 03:59 PM

:thumbup: for pics and write-up.

Nice and ingenious use of the coupler to provide even pressure while keeping the valve out of harm's way.

One question, what keeps the Aquaseal from seeping into the bladder hole and fusing together the two walls of the bladder?


PHREERIDER - 15-11-2011 at 04:15 PM

very nice , BB. love the press!

i actually put a post-it ( or pc. paper) INSIDE the bladder so not to adhere the opposite side inside the bladder. and just leave in. anything works. material control is essential.

i too much rather use the OME valves even the ones with the balls . the adhesive ones aren't so great and a #@%$#! to get off with out bladder tear ..and usually cut'em out.

3M 5200 poly works great just take 2-3 days to set.


burritobandit - 15-11-2011 at 04:25 PM

Excellent point on glue getting *inside*! I've repaired around 15 valves using this method and haven't encountered that- I guess I've been lucky so far! I'm careful with the amt of glue I use, and drag the application card around the edges of the valve to remove any excess glue.

Nice tip on putting paper inside the bladder to prevent unwanted adhering. I'll modify the gallery to include that tip!