Power Kite Forum

Intro and website

JB - 27-3-2006 at 03:19 AM

Hi everybody,

This is just a quick introduction. My name is JB and I've been kite buggying in New Zealand for around four years now. I enjoy buggy racing and haven't really got into tricks yet, I also enjoy a spot of mountain boarding too.

If anyone's interested you can check out some photos and my buggy log at kitebuggy.johnb.co.nz

Cheers JB

SecondWind - 27-3-2006 at 06:38 AM

Welcome JB!

I had the opportunity to visit New Zealand (mostly the South Island) in 2003. It was the most beautiful place I’ve visited…:thumbup:

What kites are you flying?


JB - 27-3-2006 at 12:44 PM

Hi DaVinch,

I used to live in Christchurch in the SI, not only is the SI beautiful but it probably has the best buggying spots in NZ. I was fortunate enough to live 40 yards from Brighton Beach, a great buggying spot! Ah the good old days!

I've added my kite and buggy list to my signature - my favorite combo is the 2.2 with the NABX. The F-ARC I bought mainly for use with my mountain board, although it supposed to be pretty good with buggies.

I noticed that you have a Flexifoil Bullet - is it any good? I'm looking for a smaller kite (yes even smaller than the 2.2!) as I get some pretty crazy winds at times.

SecondWind - 27-3-2006 at 12:57 PM

JB - the bullet seems really nice so far. I only had it up in winds of 15mph (22 mph max gusts) so far.

It seems like you would need at least 20 mph winds to get a mountainboard going on grass. It doesn’t produce much lift, so a small Blade would probably be better for boarding.

Do they make Peter Lynn kites in NZ or are they made somewhere in Asia like most of the other companies?

JB - 27-3-2006 at 05:25 PM

Thanks for that DaVinch. I was actually thinking of using the Bullet with a buggy, I'm hoping to increase my max speeds and I'm thinking a smaller kite in stronger winds is the way to go.

Peter Lynn is indeed an icon in the NZ kiting world, although I suspect his kites may be made overseas now. I think the buggies are still made here though.

Why do you ask?

SecondWind - 28-3-2006 at 08:50 AM

I was just wondering if they were still made there. I find it interesting how many high end kite companies have moved their manufacturing operations to China, Vietnam, etc...