Power Kite Forum

My new Frankenbar

g00fba11 - 18-11-2011 at 10:24 PM

my new frankenbar made up of a PL 50cm 04, best 09 depow, extra long depow line, and some rings from WM.....

test drive tomorrow......

BeamerBob - 19-11-2011 at 09:20 AM

Looks like you did a good job. I like the pull strap trim better now I think. My bar with a cam cleat sometimes won't release to make an adjustment if there isn't enough tension. Nice Mickey mouse 3 ring. Where did that come from?

PHREERIDER - 19-11-2011 at 09:45 AM

nice goof

flyjump - 19-11-2011 at 10:08 AM

looks good goof, i like the swivel on there

g00fba11 - 19-11-2011 at 06:38 PM

Thanks guys......

The mickey mouse looking swivel was the main reason I went with this set up..... there is no swivel in the PL standard strap and it may be just me, but I found it not very intuitive to use when flying......

The swivel came with the complete Best 2009 replacement set up..... I was really happy with it when it arrived. I am going to sew some loops for the O sh*t rings on the trailing edge lines where the safety hooks in..... had to convert this 04 to the setup like on the 07. I wish I could have found just the ring set with the loops but no luck.

I didn't get to test today as I had planned. The snow showed up and the wind disappeared..... so hoping tomorrow will be a bar test on skis... wooo hooo

I think I am just going to go ahead and order another of these Best depow setups and convert my 60cm 04 bar also...... I have enough rings and pigtails laying around to complete it.....

I think that will be the direction I take my 07 bar as well but I am just going to get these 2 - PL 04's completed first and fly on them a while......

lad - 19-11-2011 at 10:27 PM

I put a Slingshot(?) Mouse Ear swivel on my PL 07. It doesn't untwist the lines themselves, but it helps you can reach up an twist it yourself. I think Phreerider(?) posted an interesting swivel alternative...a skate wheel bearing.