Power Kite Forum

HQ...Complete Only?

hondamon - 19-11-2011 at 04:40 PM

Just curious. Does HQ only sell kites complete? It seems so. Anyone know the reason? Do other kite companies do the same? Seems a little odd. Cheers!

indigo_wolf - 19-11-2011 at 05:11 PM

The HQ Prodigy (race kite) is sold Kite Only.

Reason? None in particular. Worse come to worse, you can always sell the lines/bars that come with the kite after the fact.

Ozones sell most of their kites with the KO option. The Yakuza GT like most race kites is primarily sold KO. The only exception might be be the Imps which I believe always comes with lines/controls.... which kind of makes sense given the audience.

It varies from company to company.

Honestly, if you look at the cost of lines/bars when bought with the kite rather than seperately (much cheaper).... it something that you should ponder unless you are dead set on sharing line/controls.... or buy kites in such bulk that you are looking to save every penny.


bobalooie57 - 19-11-2011 at 05:12 PM

It looks like their Prodigy line is the only line that comes kite-only(with backpack and instruction manual) Many company's race kite line comes k.o., as most racers have their favorite set-up that they use with all their kites.

EDIT: A minute late, as usual! :thumbup: indigo

Bladerunner - 20-11-2011 at 10:27 AM

If money is that tight it may be better spent in the second hand section ?

Kites are like cars. As soon as you take it out of the shop the resale value has dropped.

Kites only improve so much from year to year. You can get last years proven model at almost 1/2 price on the used market. This years at about dealer cost.

BeamerBob - 20-11-2011 at 11:54 AM

My quick sale price on a like new kite is 65% of retail. If it won't sell at that price there just isn't anyone that wants to buy it at the moment in most cases. Yeah, if the model has been replaced, that price might go down to half original retail.

hondamon - 20-11-2011 at 03:16 PM

Right on, thanks. I was just curious, because I would think that most people would want to use their same bar on whichever kite. And it's extra weight in the bag to be carrying around multiple handles. But thats thinking about it from a person who uses mostly public transpo.

awindofchange - 21-11-2011 at 02:25 PM

If you are looking to purchase kite only, let me know and I can work you a deal. With the shop, we can part out the lines and handles with our normal stock so it isn't much of an issue and it lets you save a couple bucks on some accessories that you may not need.