Power Kite Forum

HQ Hydra - Harness Loop?

hondamon - 22-11-2011 at 05:15 AM

Hey again!

I just purchased a Hydra 300 for my girlfriend for xmas. She's been using my 4m Flow, but it's often been a little too much for her, and since we're wanting to get out onto the water, I thought a water re-launchable foil trainer would be good. However, I notice that the kite's bar is just a bar with a 3rd line and no harness loop. Do I not want to attach it to our harnesses? I realize it is a trainer. Thanks.

md2pigeon - 22-11-2011 at 07:07 AM

i started on a Hydra 300 and put it on my epic bar just to see how it would do and it flew fine. I guess you should be able to use any four line bar just attach both center lines to the back line on the hydra. Hope this helps

Bladerunner - 22-11-2011 at 07:39 AM

You can buy a D-loop / static loop with QR for about $20 . Most dealers on here have them.

YES, hooking in is a big advantage. Extending her fly time as she gets used to it . + making transition to depower less stressful.

I am not sure how md2' suggests it will work with a 4 line depower bar ? Not the way I would go ?

bobalooie57 - 22-11-2011 at 08:50 AM

+1 for the D-loop with QR, I think both PL and HQ offer one. I've got one on my RushIV 300 pro. I've also used it with handles, as a strop, but the tubing doesn't slide too well.

indigo_wolf - 22-11-2011 at 10:36 AM

HQ D-Loop

Photo courtesy of Coastal Wind Sports

Peter Lynn D-Loop

Photo courtesy of Coastal Wind Sports

Some important things to keep in my that since the Hydra is a FB (albeit closed-cell), the safeties will work completely differently from how the safeties on an LEI will work. While skills like body-dragging will transfer over from one venue to the other, there will be a hiccup for safety deployment methods.

For the folks whose main goal is the water, several manufacturers make 2-4M LEI trainers. What they give up in maximum survivability in a nose down ballistic crash, they make up for in a more direct transfer of skills from trainer to full size LEIs. The safeties are more similar (even though depending on manufacturer they can be more basic to keep the price point down). However, they are true depower kites and the line riggings more closely resemble their larger counterparts.

Some LEI trainers that are currently available.


lamrith - 22-11-2011 at 10:55 AM

Sam strikes again!!

hondamon - 22-11-2011 at 01:40 PM

Thanks for the details! Does the D loop fall out of the harness's spreader bar hook though? Also, could my Ozone Flow's control bar work with the Hydra? Or am I best off getting one of the D loops?

lamrith - 22-11-2011 at 02:12 PM

The challenge is the hydra is designed to run with the power lines on the bar ends like a typical FB kite. It is not a Depower, the 3rd lin is designed as a safety. To ge the load onto a harness you have to attach a loop to the bar itself and not that center line. So using a Depower type bar could be problematic as they typically have the CL attached to the center line...

However I have heard on these forums there is a mod to make the Hydra function similar to a Depower, hopefully someone will chime in about that mod...

hondamon - 22-11-2011 at 02:25 PM

My Flow is a FB, not a depower. It's got just a 4-line bar with a chicken loop. This could work?

lamrith - 22-11-2011 at 03:41 PM

hrmmm Probably not directly as it is. The reason being the center line for the hydra does move thru the bar, just not like a depower if that makes sense? You could put a loop/connection point of some sort up the center line to connect a leash to? A bit hard to describe, but you need something connected a ways up the center line to act as your safety and dump the kite.. You need some way to simulate the center line action of the current bar.

Honestly for the price and simplicity one of the loops Indigo listed just can't be beat. Very simple to install and off you go!:wee:

Bladerunner - 22-11-2011 at 05:22 PM

Some kites take to the Ozone Turbo bar better than others. It can't hurt to try. I am sure it will be better than the depower bar suggestion.

hondamon - 22-11-2011 at 05:41 PM

Ahh...gotcha. Yeah, I guess my girlfriend is worth an extra $30 or so. I appreciate the feedback. I'll just go with that...seems logical. Oh, FYI, my Ozone bar is not turbo, just standard bar with a chicken loop. The safety leash on my Ozone control system goes under the bar and connects just in front of the bar. But, for simplicity maybe the "D Loop" is the way to go. I wonder which one is better, the Peter Lynn or HQ. Seems though like it would just fall out the bottom of the harness hook each time I pull back on the bar. All your comments are much appreciated. I feel a little stuck here in Korea trying to figure stuff out. There aren't any other westerners that kite here that I know of, and it's not like I can just call up the one kitesurf shop I know and shoot a few questions at them. This forum has really helped!

Bladerunner - 22-11-2011 at 06:13 PM

Both companies D-loops are going to be O.K.

YES, you just flop the Loop up into your spreader hook and drop it back out. Not as clumsy as a CL loop and DD.

The reason for the QuickRelease is that if you are extremely powered it can be tough to pull in and down enough to unhook. If you find yourself in that position simply pulling the pin will release the loop.

indigo_wolf - 23-11-2011 at 07:54 AM

Hope that helps... let me know if you have anything is unclear.


hondamon - 23-11-2011 at 02:57 PM

Really I know this took some time to put together and explain. Thank you ever so much! It is clear as day. Thanks!

lamrith - 23-11-2011 at 03:16 PM

Yeah Sam is our in house Encyclopedia.

Awesome job Sam!