I flew my kite today for the second time, and ive noticed that the right brake side seems messed up. all the lines have no tension on them and its
causing my kite to spin in the air because some are tighter than others. my other side is kind of the same but not as bad. I really don't understand
the bridle system at all so if anyone can help me out thatd be great!!indigo_wolf - 24-11-2011 at 01:47 PM
Twister 7.7?
Stretch out those monkey arms (or get a friend) and detach the kite from the lines. Suspend the kite from the leaders and check that the kite hangs
symmetrically with no kinks in the bridles. If it doesn't there might have been some bridle stretch.
Make sure that you are connecting the lines to pigtail knots that are the same corresponding length on both brake leaders.
Next, stake out the lines and make sure they are all equal length.
If all else fails, start posting pics or check if there are any other fliers local to you. Sometimes these kind of quirks are easier to suss out in
Samgenerotti - 24-11-2011 at 02:54 PM
no tension on kitegenerotti - 24-11-2011 at 03:01 PM
pictures wont show?indigo_wolf - 24-11-2011 at 03:12 PM
Originally posted by generotti
pictures wont show?
Feel free to email them to me at:
SamBladerunner - 24-11-2011 at 05:51 PM
Are you flying on a bar or handles ? I was extremely disapointed with my 7.7 on a bar but liked it on handles.
Measure your fly lines and make sure they are all equal in length.
Make sure you are hooked up to the same knotts on both sides.
When flying and everything is a neutral there should be a bit of an arc in the back lines. They should only come into play when turning or backing the
kite up.
7.7 is a LOT of kite for somebody who is just figuring things out ? Who suggested / sold it to you ? Be careful with it !indigo_wolf - 4-12-2011 at 07:06 PM
All images are hyperlinked to high resolution images, click thumbnail to open fullsize images in a new browser
Something is very fubar. You bridle looks tangled as if the kite was pulled through the bridle cascades at least once.
Detach the flying lines from the kite. Work the tangles out so that the final result looks something like the diagram in the Peter Lynn 4-Line Kite Manual on Page 3
When you are done all the bridle cascades should end in 4 distinct leader lines (for attaching the 4 flying lines). There should be no loops
(perpendicular to the bridle cascades) drawing them together as in the first picture. At 6:00 in the picture it already looks like it is causing some
Once you have this sorted, when you are putting away the kite, using the velcro tabs at the center of the trailing edge to secure the leader lines
will prevent this kind of stuff.
SamBladerunner - 5-12-2011 at 07:38 AM
That is definately messed up ?
If the other brake bridle cascades down proper , match it ?
It almost looks like if you untangle the line with the blue zig zag the rest will fix itself ????
Did you remove the lines and then just toss the bridle into the kite ? I keep lines attached or velcro / tie them up.
Are you on a bar or handles?awindofchange - 5-12-2011 at 12:14 PM
Yes, bridle is definitely tangled. You need to disconnect the flying line and then untangle the bridle so that all the bridle lines run straight to
the pigtail without running through/around any other lines. Then re-connect the flying lines to the pigtail.
Do NOT take the bridle apart, it is not necessary. Just work with the bridle as a complete unit and fish - untangle it until all the bridle lines are
straight. Once that is done your kite should fly properly and much better.pongnut - 5-12-2011 at 05:17 PM
That bottom-right photo looks like your brake bridle lines are tangled with one of your power bridles. As indigo and awindofchange suggested, you
should be able to disconnect the power and brake fly-lines from the bridle leaders and then make sure all of your bridle lines come together neatly at
the short leader. Attached is an example of one of the power leaders on the 5.6m twister.
generotti - 16-12-2011 at 10:00 AM
okay so i took the loop out of the kite and the brake lines seemed to have extra length, as if its supposed to be there? so i took it out then re-did
the loop and flew it and it was flawless. i knotted my handles to take tension off the brakes and it was a new kite to me. im not sure if its suppose
to be like that or not but it seems like it should be?pongnut - 16-12-2011 at 10:47 AM
Glad to hear that you got that tangle out.
I had to shorten my power lines also when my 5.6 arrived to get it to fly comfortably. Slack in the break lines is normal for a fixed bridle on
handles, as long as you can still engage the breaks when needed.