southpadreburt - 1-12-2011 at 10:01 AM
My new HQ Apex III kite has three knots on the center line. Came from the factory with the first knot (longest lines). What happens if I use the
second or third knot? -- Would shorten the center lines. HQ tells me they are there for the future after the lines stretch. How do I know when to use
the shorter adjustment?
BeamerBob - 1-12-2011 at 10:31 AM
You shorten the center lines when you don't have enough depower adjustment in the trimmer (back lines are always too short). I had to shorten to the
second knot right away on my 7.5 for it to trim the way I liked it.
chris - 1-12-2011 at 11:13 AM
I would start with the first knot. Moving back effectively shortens the center lines. But as Bob says, depending on the kite's size and your situation
you may want to experiment. After some time on our kites we usually move back to the second knot.
DAKITEZ - 1-12-2011 at 12:53 PM
I found myself on the second knot 90% of the time. If you move to the 3rd knot closest to the bar it will flatten the kite out the most. This is
useful in high winds or low winds. The draw back is the turning lines will be very slack and require more turn input to get it to turn unless you make
a small adjustment on them as well.
The 1st knot is good in ideal wind conditions and will give you the most power and turning response. But if the winds are not strong enough you might
notice the kite wants to stall when you pull in the bar.
There is no right or wrong on those knots so experiment with them in different wind conditions and find what works best for you in what wind.
southpadreburt - 1-12-2011 at 06:56 PM
Thanks for the information! I did not expect so much help so quickly. I'll experiment with all three knots. Thanks again to all the helpful members.
BeamerBob - 1-12-2011 at 07:12 PM
That's how we roll here! Glad we could help.
apextech - 3-12-2011 at 10:49 AM
As mentioned it depends on the size of the kite and conditions, i.e.
Ape III 7.5 seems happiest on 2nd knot with trim strap pulled in @ 1/2 way
Apex II 5m, first knot, trim accordingly
Apex II 7.5m , 2nd knot, as above, starts best w/ no strap
Apex II 10m, 2nd knot, full strap. or 3rd knot, no strap
I've tried 3rd knot on all of these kite and as they are stable and fast its just too much to get them turned, though I've never had any of them maxed
out in their wind ranges
1st knot on the larger kites is harder to launch and will oversheet quickly, which can be bad if it backstalls into power and then as you let the bar
out it can catch and quickly overpower you.
hope that helps.
southpadreburt - 4-12-2011 at 09:48 AM
I have found that the Apex III 7.5 seems to fly well with the second knot (in light air) Have not experimented with the trim strap at this point.
apextech - 4-12-2011 at 10:36 AM
I find the Apex III has a bit more bottom end and I think its not quite so fast to oversheet. Im convinced that its actually an 8 meter kite as all of
the characteristics are of that of a larger kite. It took a while to get an Apex II to fly side by side with the III for comparison.
After flying them together I was curious of the differences flying the 10m Apex II, so I made a deal for one and it has even a bit more bottom end
without giving up too much corner speed, so I decided to keep the 3 Apex II's and am currently selling the 7.5m Apex III as it overlaps with the II
series 7.5 and 10m kites.
BTW, I usually adjust the trim when I start getting pulled sideways in the buggy (at speed)