Euromir - 1-12-2011 at 04:23 PM
Well its been a while PKF, kinda lost the kite bug over colder months etc, now summer is back down here i got my kites out again and having fun.
Now i still consider myself a beginner, but probably have 6-7hrs of flying time on my PL Rebble and dozens hours on my 2line trainer, so i not totally
"noob", but hell yeah i am still a beginner.
I just bought a second-hand Flexifoil Blade mk3 3m (hasn't arrived yet) and now i am getting a little nervous haha, i know Blades have a reputation
for pain, and not for beginners. I kind of hoped it being 3m and me being a big fella (135kg) i "should" be ok flying it? What say you experts?
Of course i going to be over cautious and only try it out on light breeze days first when it arrives.
On a side note, previous owner has it set up on a Control bar, i thinking i will want it on handles instead, never flown 4 line on a bar, is it
controllable still?
Thanks all
DAKITEZ - 1-12-2011 at 05:51 PM
just dont try and jump with it and you should be ok
Euromir - 2-12-2011 at 03:33 AM
I don't plan on intentionally jumping thats for sure, just worried i might accidentally "catch" a lift and faceplant...haha