Power Kite Forum

Closing thoughts....

jonesing4wind - 2-4-2006 at 10:16 PM

We were truely blessed at this event! So many awesome people playing with the wind, making new friends, visiting with old ones, feasting, just an overall A+ time. I had the time of my life! I met so many nice, warm-hearted, and friendly people. Weather couldn't have been better, wind was great, and did I mention the great people? Thank you for a life-changing experience (wink).


CHANNIN75 - 3-4-2006 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by jonesing4wind
We were truely blessed at this event! So many awesome people playing with the wind, making new friends, visiting with old ones, feasting, just an overall A+ time. I had the time of my life! I met so many nice, warm-hearted, and friendly people. Weather couldn't have been better, wind was great, and did I mention the great people? Thank you for a life-changing experience (wink).


Hey Sean glad to see you made it home ok:spin:
and I have to agree this year was so awesome......I enjoyed seeing my old friends and making alot of new one!!!

I am still in my own little world and people keep asking me why do I look so happy for a monday morning.....I just simply say I had a Family Reunion over the weekend......;)

I also would like to say THANK YOU!!!!
To everyone.......The wonderful people that help to bring us all together every year.......and the sponsors......To everyone that showed up.......Buggytown was bigger and better than ever!!!

I am already lookin forward to next year

Everyone that is traveling home please make it safe.....and I will see all of you again next year at our Family Reunion

Flyin High Still

Fireball - 4-4-2006 at 03:10 PM

Yeah man! That was a fun event. Lots of wind, lots of new friends, lots of dust and dirt in my ears, eyes, nose and teeth. Nothing like being Dirty in the desert. I had a great time. I didnt buggy as hard as I should have though. I still have plenty of tread on my tires. :ninja: Still managed a minimum of 25 miles per day. For my first time there it was sweet. I will be back next time for sure. Still lots of people I didnt get to talk to so Hey, I have another excuse to come back.
Thanks for a great time......:thumbup:

bugymangp - 5-4-2006 at 09:49 AM

to my buggy family
it was with a heavy heart when i pulled off the playa for the last time knowing i will not be back until next year.:(
well all good things must come to an end.
now its back to the real world and work.
i came home to a pile of bills.
you people will always have a place in my heart.:thumbup:

Chip - 5-4-2006 at 11:16 AM

Home safe and back at work after 2100 miles and two days of driving. I'm sitting at work, but my brain's still on the playa! I can still feel the pull of the kite in my hands, and already looking forward to next year!

I have 600 some pictures to sift through, and over an hour of video to edit whenever I get the time. Once I do, I'll make sure to post them!

I had a great time, big thanks to everyone who worked really hard to make this thing happen!


kitemaker4 - 5-4-2006 at 07:30 PM

I finally made it home safe today. What a great time. It was well worth the drive. Thanks to everyone who helped put this event on. If not for you we would not be having the event. I am already starting to plan for next year. To my buggy family stay safe until we meet again.


coreykite - 6-4-2006 at 12:24 PM

Buggy-Brethren & Sistren:
I remember the early years when the annual trip to the desert filled me with such expectations.
Then I moved out here in 1999 and the next few events sometimes felt like an invasion.
The stark beauty and splendid isolation of the playa was my refuge from this increasingly insane world.
Being a newcomer to living in the desert, I compensated by imagining some special relationship, almost a feeling of "ownership" of our beloved playa.

Things have mellowed for me since those days.

I have discovered a deep and abiding fondness for the temporary community we have created.
Buggytown is unlike anywhere else.
From Jim and his pot of morning coffee, making the rounds of Buggytown,
To our resident Award-Winning Curmudgeon - Mike "lack-o-slack" Dooley,
To Mike and the awesome crew that preps and cooks incredible meals in the middle of nowhere.

The life of Buggytown is reflected in the lives of its citizens:
Amanda's birthday celebration.
Kyle Bruley finding out (on the playa) he'd been accepted to George Washington University.
"Ernest T. Bass" out at dawn Sunday, doing a trash walk through the scrub.
Jose with his "d.e.a.-taxi".
George Brown providing Saturday night power to the tent.
David Sabalino proclaiming Chip's Leather-clad Buggy the Pimp-Your-Buggy winner.
Glenn's grin after winning the rag-flappers race.

Heck, even I got some buggy time.

I just had my heart and soul refilled.
i don't have words sufficient to express how much the time we spend together means to me.

In your honor, I'm heading back to Ivanpah this weekend.
Plan to buggy all over the place... Just for you.

Hurry back.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama