Power Kite Forum

Charger for a big boy

BeamerBob - 8-12-2011 at 11:04 PM

Ok, you large guys with Charger experience in the water help me out here. I am going to get a Charger now that they are at this discounted price. The dilemma is between the 15m and 19m. Looks like we usually have winds in the mid 20s here so I'm considering the 15. I'm also thinking 19 since I'm SO used to getting skunked while water riding. When riding at OBX last year I had my 15 Synergy and was never overpowered even when the winds rose above 26 to 27. The guys on LEIs were riding 9s in the same winds.

I'm 6'4" and usually have a summer weight of about 225. I go over 230 in the colder months.

So which way do I go here?

To really complicate matters, going down this path, I also have an eye turned to the HQ Matrixx. I love the Montanas and they love me, so I feel the Matrixx would be a good match as well. Then the dilemma of 12 or 15 kicks in. HELP!

AD72 - 8-12-2011 at 11:36 PM

Get a 19 Charger and a 15 Synergy!:smilegrin:

Kamikuza - 8-12-2011 at 11:50 PM

Mid-20 knots or mph?

20mph = 17knots? ... I'd go the 19 cos it's not exactly slow either and at 100kg you'll need the grunt. There's mountains of depower but IMHO the Synergy is less aggressive and doesn't over-power so viciously. The Chg15 is a fast kite but they need to be worked more than the Synergy IMO again ...

With the FSer Speed3 12 I have, it's not much use to me below 20 knots on the Door ... I'd need good consistent 25knots (or much flatter water!) to use my small board. I'm looking for a 15m to fill in between the 21 and the 12 ...

bigkahuna - 9-12-2011 at 12:52 AM

@BeamerBob - Sounds like you and I are about the same size, I'm a hair under 6'5" and weight 230 +/- a couple of pounds depending on the time of year. My most flown kite is my Bularoo 16 which is probably the equivalent of a 20m kite which I'm guessing is closer to the Charger 19 than the 16. All the PL's I've ever flown had better top ends than bottom ends so I think you'd be safe to get the 19. I know back in Hawaii I flew my V19 almost all the time, only rarely putting it down for my Phantom 15. That is assuming you're riding a moderately sized twin tip.

PHREERIDER - 9-12-2011 at 06:12 AM

19 ...in 15 -25mph you'll be powered with quick turning, don't think twice about it.

flyjump - 9-12-2011 at 06:18 AM

Get the 19! Its an awesome ride

lunchbox - 9-12-2011 at 07:30 AM

+ 1 on the 19.

I ride both. I'm a little lighter about 214 lbs with no gear. If I get to the beach and it's in the low 20's I'll put up the 15. If it runs from teens up to low 20's I'll definitely put up the 19.

...but I'm riding my old school fish surfboard with a lot of volume and float and in the waves. In those conditions I just want the kite to get me into the waves and that's it so I don't really need that much power.

geokite - 9-12-2011 at 08:56 AM

Where are they discounted?

BeamerBob - 9-12-2011 at 09:20 AM

Well, you guys locked in what I knew in the back of my mind. I guess I'll have to pull the trigger on the 19 so I'm ready for water play again.

Several dealers are passing along a discount from the factory right now.

markite - 9-12-2011 at 09:23 AM

I don't think they are actually discounted - many kite companies offer dealers year end Christmas discount packages. It is incentive to get some stock at a little lower pricing for dealers so they in turn could either make a little more profit or in some cases dealers will offer a sale. The list price on the kites hasn't changed.

BeamerBob - 9-12-2011 at 10:35 AM


I know Dino is offering them at a sale price so I assumed others would as well.

g00fba11 - 9-12-2011 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Ok, you large guys with Charger experience in the water help me out here.

I'm 6'4" and usually have a summer weight of about 225. I go over 230 in the colder months. Well in all honesty closer to 280 when its really cold. In the winter you could call me BeamerBlobby!

So which way do I go here?

Sorry Bobby...... I don't think they make a 24m Charger..... Maybe you will have to wait and see if they make one that big in the Charger2 platform...... or lay off the Cannoli, Tiramisu, and Ricotta Cheesecake at Trevi's..... :lol:

BeamerBob - 9-12-2011 at 10:50 AM

Actually they DO make a 24 Charger. You don't have 2 already? :lol: :saint:

awindofchange - 9-12-2011 at 01:42 PM

I think Brian has a 19m Charger. Get with him and give it a go. Nothing like trying before you buy. :)

tridude - 3-1-2012 at 08:48 PM

thinking back to our semi skunked Edisto session on the 19m V I would go with the 19 CH..................Phree holds down his 15m CH in to the low 20s at 200 lbs.................I had the 19m VI out in 20 mph winds and had no isues. I was 190ish at the time. I had her a bit depowered but was vrry comfy..........add the correct board and you wont be skunked often if at all..................

tridude - 3-1-2012 at 08:53 PM

If you go Matrixx go with the 15......................this will get you out in the lower teens and once you get into the mid 20s your 12m Syn comes into play.........................

BeamerBob - 3-1-2012 at 10:36 PM

I'll be giving the Coastal Wind Sports 19m Charger a try as a loaner. I figure I'm good for 15 to 25 with it and the right board. Tridude I think you are right that I should be able to ride the 19 till the 12 kicks in.

AD72 - 3-1-2012 at 11:04 PM

You would need some serious wind on a twintip or be on a floaty surfboard to have the 12 kick in.

BeamerBob - 3-1-2012 at 11:56 PM

I remember laserman talking about how the 12 charger was overpowering him in 30-32 mph that day at Alameda. So I figure 25 or so to be the beginning of the 12 working as fast as it turns. Hopefully I can find out this summer how they all fit together.

tridude - 4-1-2012 at 05:14 AM

Originally posted by AD72
You would need some serious wind on a twintip or be on a floaty surfboard to have the 12 kick in.

or skill..................I rode that kite in 17/18 mph and had no problem going....................lol actually my KGB is a great all round board with very nice low end.................I used to ride a 13m Venom is 13/14 mph on the same TT.........................

Mostly Harmless - 4-1-2012 at 05:17 AM

How does the Charger 19m compare to the FS Speed 3 19m?

tridude - 4-1-2012 at 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Mostly Harmless
How does the Charger 19m compare to the FS Speed 3 19m?

low end? turn speed? upwind? lift? float?.................

Mostly Harmless - 4-1-2012 at 07:19 AM

Low wind conditions, what will get you up on plane in the lowest of wind?

tridude - 4-1-2012 at 07:33 AM

Flysurfer SA/SA2/SA3 reins supreme in this department.......................when I weighed 195lbs I was upwind and jumping in 10 mph winds on the 19m SA2.....checkout the forum gallery.......................pics tell the story

also the older 17m Psycho 3 had great low end as well if you can find on of those...................attatched is a low wind vid of mine on the 17m SA with Powerzone 1.5 mod.........................winds were 10 to 12 kts tops.................


Mostly Harmless - 4-1-2012 at 10:10 AM

Awesome video. My 17m will fly around 12-13 knots with my crazyfly lightwind cruiser but I would really like to take advantage of the summer light wind days here. I guess I need to start saving for the FS Speed 3 19m.