Power Kite Forum

PL ARC with a Ozone Turbo Bar

Soma - 12-12-2011 at 01:34 PM

Just wondering if anyone tried this yet?

I've seen John Holgate's (Quedcree) video of a fixed bridle with a depower bar vs turbo bar and started wondering if it's possible to do the opposite.

I have one but don't know if the ARC's even like to be turned with a small front line input.

If winds don't fail me tomorrow, I'll give it a shot.
Going to try and rig my camera (Samsung ES80) in my helmet and film it.


awindofchange - 12-12-2011 at 05:20 PM

It would probably fly but you would be limiting the amount of depower so much that it would be somewhat useless to do. The Turbo bar would not allow the PL to depower as much as it is capable of. You would also need to re-design the safety leash to properly work.

I would not recommend this.

Bladerunner - 12-12-2011 at 05:43 PM

How will you go to safety ?

Arcs flag Oz back down ?

Soma - 12-12-2011 at 06:27 PM

Yes, that's right!

After taking a better look to the bar, one thing that would have to go is the brake handle.
Also, the throw of the bar is really small compared to the PL bar's.
Not to mention that the individual brake trims is a pain to set.

To make it work, much at to be changed, :/

Which lead me to another thinking:
What if I add the same pulley system to my homemade bar?
Do ARC's like front line turn even in a small amount???

The homemade bar is already setup with safety and throw. All that is needed is the pulley's (that I have a few lying around).

I think that when pulling/pushing the bar, the throw will suffer or benefit since it's releasing the back leader's to the front and vice versa but will that be good or bad?

Another thing to set my mind for the few days, lol

Sorry for the rumbling but, at least, it gave me something to think of, :D

Kamikuza - 12-12-2011 at 06:39 PM

Short answer ... why bother? You CAN fly them on handles - Herc has done it but he's mental :lol:

Turbo bar is for fixed bridles, to give better turning and brake trimming on a bar so you can ride with a harness. That's all. IMO :)

Feyd - 12-12-2011 at 07:12 PM

Second Kami on this. Herc IS mental.

Also it would be a lot of effort for a set up that won't really fly well. Or at least allow you to get the bare minimum of the joy that an Arc offers. :(

But if you want to try it and have the xtra time.....

herc - 15-12-2011 at 06:43 AM

@soma: arc kites do not turn on front line input. they only turn on backline input. flying on handles is just "because we can" ;-) same holds for turbobar: you surely can, but it wont satisfy. just use arcs with a long throw bar and you get the best of it.
that said: why not try it with the turbobar and upload a video ? to make the list of silly/strange experiments complete :eureka:

Feyd - 15-12-2011 at 10:06 AM

LOL. Go for it Soma, everyone wants to see what happens.:evil:

You're kinda the kite version of what we call an "Avalance Poodle". When you're not sure of the avalanche danger you send a poodle out to see if it it triggers the avalance.

You're the "kite poodle" for the day:bouncy::bouncy:

Soma - 15-12-2011 at 11:33 AM

LOL. Thank you for the good laugh after a sh*tty day.

It's on my "todo list" for sure.
Unfortunately, vacations are long gone and weekend seems a mile away.

But, with a bit of luck (and wind, :D ), will do it this weekend just for the fun of it, ;)

Auf, auf....