bake - 6-4-2006 at 09:42 PM
Howdy folks, new kid on the block.... I have been playing with cheap Delta's and small Flexifoils for years. I live in a small community so there are
no others to get feedback from here.
Now I want to step it up a bit, and want a foil that can give me a good workout to fly.
Hows about the Flexi 3.5 Bullet?
Looks like the Beamers may be an OK choice too?
Got any pro's and cons on these 2 kites?
Wind is usually below 20mph, I weigh in at 180 lbs, and may want to try a buggy with it one day.
Scoopy - 17-4-2006 at 05:03 AM
The bullets are being discontinued and replaced by the Rage. These 2 kites are not quite in the same category for price. Beamer 2 is a great
beginners kite, while the Rage is going to be more of an intermediate kite. Neither will really get you off the ground (which is good for some
people) and both would be great in a buggy. You can get into a 3.6 for under $200
Pablo - 17-4-2006 at 02:07 PM
3m Buster would be good, Solid flying kite, good pull and some lift in higher winds. Fairly good upwind in a buggy. Fairly resistant to luffing.