Power Kite Forum

foil making designs

shortlineflyer - 19-12-2011 at 01:26 PM

I want to make a foil
something good for buggying or jumping
anyone have foil plans

indigo_wolf - 19-12-2011 at 02:07 PM

Go To http://www.kiteplans.org

Type traction in the search box.

Google will turn up many many variants of the NPW5/9/HA single skin foil if that appeals to you.

Some plans will require you to make heavy use of Google Translate.

Will dig up some others later this evening, if you don't find something to your liking.


Bladerunner - 19-12-2011 at 04:25 PM


Here is another one. More choices of Nasa wings but foils as well.

krumly - 21-12-2011 at 08:52 PM

Oliver Mark foils site:

Wingine - Dutch foil site:

Any of these kites would be much more time consuming than a single skin canopy such as the previously mentioned NPW's (Nasa parawing).
