Power Kite Forum

Wheels or no Wheels

chronicbarbarian - 7-4-2006 at 09:23 PM

:puzzled:I am 42 years old and really digging flying my kites, 6.0 meter ozone Fury and a 2.4 Crossfire. I am really wanting to get rolling on something. I am concerned about my ankles with the Wheels of Doom, it seems like it might be really easy to get them thrashed? I want to be scared and have lots of fun I just don’t want to get really injured, I do have to work. I am thinking about a buggy? Just not sure what to do" Any suggestions, Bob?

Tigger - 7-4-2006 at 11:45 PM

You didn't mention what kind of shape your in, but your first three words said it best; " I am 42". It is just my suggestion, get a buggy. The center of gravity is a lot lower and it's a lot easier on your ankles.

doomwheels - 8-4-2006 at 01:26 AM

Well... I'm 45 and only need my cane once in a while. :wink2:

Using stiff skate boots protects the ankles very well. However, I personally loosen the ankle support for better agility. Never had problems with my ankles.

Although, I have bruised my ankles a couple times when pulled out of a buggy or flatfoot flying in gusty conditions (the downwind, slapfoot running).

There are risks in any sport depending on how far you push it. Using the appropriate sized kite per the wind conditions is the best thing you can do to keep safe and prevent injury.

chronicbarbarian - 9-4-2006 at 02:48 AM

Thanks for the replies.:thumbup:
I am in good shape, need to lose 30 lbs, was a bodybuilder and am very strong and healthy. I really do feel the need for speed. There is a competition buggy for sale here in Canada for 450.00 Canadian with mag wheels, a pretty good deal. Looks like after all is said and done Doom Wheels will cost 250.00- 300.00 not including body armor. I may have to go with the buggy just to get comfortable with the whole kite thing. I am a little freaked about the torque on my knees and ankles. Thanks again!

doomwheels - 9-4-2006 at 09:29 AM

Little to no torque on ankles or knees, but I agree... I think you will benefit much by learning to buggy first and progress to kiteskates later if you like. BTW: My original kiteskates cost less than $100 and still rolling.