AJsnowkiter - 24-12-2011 at 08:02 PM
So i just got a used north vegas 2006 for christmas and (dont tell my dad) but i want to order a new bar. I believe its a 5 line kite so i would need
a 5line bar. Would a 5 line bar from any brand of kite work? Or just a bar from north? And if anybody knows of a 5 line bar thats no more than... lets
say... $150, feel free to tell me!
Thanks in advance!
AD72 - 24-12-2011 at 11:24 PM
Check out ebay for a 5th line north trust bar. That is the best for that kite. It will be more than 150 though but well worth it.
bigkahuna - 25-12-2011 at 04:13 AM
Get a North 5 line bar. North does some funky things with their line settings so nothing else will work (without some major surgery at least). Their
safety release is pretty well designed so it's probably worth the extra bucks to get the right bar anyways.
AJsnowkiter - 25-12-2011 at 06:19 AM
Okay. Thanks for the info guys! Ready helped!