jbt - 2-1-2012 at 11:11 AM
I would like to try to buggy with a kite that has handles and break lines. I always buggy with depower kites. Is a reactor or a core a good kite to
start out with/
pyro22487 - 2-1-2012 at 11:46 AM
If your looking at P.L. I just got done teaching a friend to fly a Hornet2 3m he was able to buggy with it in 15 mph winds and the wind was gusty and
he was able to deal with the gusts very well, for a first time power kiter
shehatesmyhobbies - 2-1-2012 at 12:31 PM
With your experience, you should be able to handle either of those kites in the buggy. Just make sure you have a good feel for the kite before you
saddle up! What size are you looking to get into, 3m 5m?????
jbt - 2-1-2012 at 12:31 PM
In 15 mph winds I would fly a montana 9.5m in a buggy. would a 3m kite be to small to fly on the grass in a park.I have not used handles before.but
would like to try.
jbt - 2-1-2012 at 12:35 PM
I was more thinking of a 5m or7m
shehatesmyhobbies - 2-1-2012 at 12:43 PM
3m would get you going in 15mph.
jbt - 2-1-2012 at 12:45 PM
I would like to use a pulley with my harness to take the pull of my arms. is there a QR in the line that goies around the pulley?
WELDNGOD - 2-1-2012 at 12:46 PM
jbt you're gonna need a little more kite on grass (more rolling resistance)4-5m should do. A 3m would be a high wind engine(25+),but you would want
something that is not" racey",unless you got skillz. I'm no PL guy,so I would suggest a PKD. The 4.4m PKD BUSTER SOULFLY would be a good (and
very sweet lookin) choice of a kite. The 3.3m buster soulfly is the next one down in size. It is another good choice,I just don't know if it would
have enough low end grunt to get ya rolling or back upwind.
shehatesmyhobbies - 2-1-2012 at 12:47 PM
If you are going to use a strop, there is no safety/ QR. Unless you get a wichard safety release to use with a regular hook on your harness.
Just looked at your sig! Man I miss my 12m Ranger! great kite especially for the money!
shehatesmyhobbies - 2-1-2012 at 01:22 PM
Check this thread on here!
WELDNGOD - 2-1-2012 at 01:25 PM
jbt ,I just noticed your buggy is a kitetrike. That is a very light buggy. I think a 3m would get you rolling in that ,if you aren't 200+.
Sometimes I gotta remember not everyone is in a 135 lb buggy.:eureka:
WELDNGOD - 2-1-2012 at 01:27 PM
what Rich said..... Cheezy is a good one to deal with a core should do ya right
jbt - 2-1-2012 at 02:20 PM
shehatesmyhobbies on my snowranger kite I did not like the safety.so I added a foot to the center lines put a top hat and a pulley like the hq kites,
works great. so I do not need a leach.but the throw is so long sometimes the top hat is is hard to reach. I am 200 lbs so mabe a 5m or7m will
work better for me. What is the diferance between the core and the reactor?
cheezycheese - 2-1-2012 at 02:31 PM
JBT, I am your size. A 3m or 5m will do you right in the appropriate winds. The difference between the two kites is the Cores are a little tamer, a
bit more gust friendly. The RII is a great kite as well, a bit more aggressive and faster.
I have three Cores for sale 3/5.1/6.7m. A great quiver for anyone starting on fixed bridle. (shameless plug)
shehatesmyhobbies - 2-1-2012 at 02:37 PM
The Core is more of an all around kite, good for buggying, land boarding, or even in the snow.
The Reactor is more of a performance kite designed to be a little faster and powerful in the window, yet not a race kite so it is a little easier to
I think a 5m would be a good size kite in the Core I use mine in 15mph winds on a grass field, well powered at that point.
The 3m would be a little more tame in 15mph, wont get you going lightning fast, but will get you going. If you go with the Reactor, maybe the 3.5 or
4.4 size.
I talked to Cheezy, he is going to be sending you a message. I think that if you are going to just try this, may be better to buy one that is used so
you won't be out as much money in the beginning, if you like it then you made off good!
BigMikesKites - 2-1-2012 at 07:04 PM
As for the size. on grass in 15 mph a 4m and up would be the size to choose. Bigger on a kite like the Buster or Core as they don't develop the
pull that a Viper or Reactor will develop. Grass is alot of Friction to overcome...and if it isn't smashed down soccer fields, even more so. Got
off a run today with 6.8m Viper and 6.9m Reactor in 8-15 mph winds and we were struggling when the winds dropped.
The Core is the easiest of the kites you mentioned to fly. Then the Viper...The Reactor is awesome...but you have to stay on top of it alot more.
DAKITEZ - 3-1-2012 at 01:22 AM
looking at your quiver with the montana and frenzy it is apparent you like the high performance kites. I think you should go with the reactor 5m - 6m
to satisfy your power urge. Anything less and I am afraid you will be disappointed in the power compared to your de-powers.