You missed the HQ Apexx... And alllll the FlySurfers... :Pcheezycheese - 9-1-2012 at 07:56 AM
Oh yeah, Gins too. North made a depower foil too.... Slingshot had the Ranger. Let's not forget SkyCountry they have a few...:wee:rocfighter - 9-1-2012 at 08:07 AM
I have a North Alaska 6m foil depower. Worthless under 10mph. But sure pulls when it's over that.wheresthewind? - 9-1-2012 at 08:13 AM
i think i have a 05 frenzy.....mdpminc - 9-1-2012 at 08:17 AM
J-N Randas and J-N Luis
Concept Air - Smart seriesScudley - 9-1-2012 at 09:03 AM
AlaSCa, MadagaSCar, NaSCa are Sky Country's de-power kites.
Spyro22487 - 9-1-2012 at 09:06 AM
Not that I am very sure of this but isn't the Gin Yeti a depower too.shortlineflyer - 9-1-2012 at 09:23 AM
its not done yet
I am still working on it
i was thinking of giving info on each one with help from forum membersthanson2001ok - 9-1-2012 at 09:36 AM
Neat project. van set up a wiki. May want to use that.B-Roc - 9-1-2012 at 10:13 AM
Gin Eskimo
Gin Eskimo II
Gin Eskimo III
Gin Eskimo IV
Gin Inuit
Gin Yetiherc - 9-1-2012 at 10:41 AM
zebra slope 12.5 qm lightwind depower foil with high AR and low weightsnowspider - 9-1-2012 at 11:02 AM
When you see them all lined up like that it's no wonder newbies have a hard time figuring out what to get!B-Roc - 9-1-2012 at 11:16 AM
And let's not forget JOJO's only depower, the Session.
Anyone know anyone who has ever flown that?bobalooie57 - 9-1-2012 at 11:21 AM
Originally posted by herc
zebra slope 12.5 qm lightwind depower foil with high AR and low weight
Libre also had the Radical-a depower foil touted as a snow-kite. Big Earl sent a pretty and fast 6m around on a pass the kite a couple of years back.DenisLaMenace - 9-1-2012 at 11:30 AM
Pansh (love it or hate it, if the list is going to be complete...)
Sampyro22487 - 9-1-2012 at 12:51 PM
hey the original list was edited lol.
Originally posted by snowspider
When you see them all lined up like that it's no wonder newbies have a hard time figuring out what to get!
That is so true snowspider. Its crazy to see them all listed like this It almost seems endless. I guess in a way it could be endless next year P.L.
will probably release a new model and Ozone too.shortlineflyer - 9-1-2012 at 03:02 PM
Thats one of the other reasons i decided to make this list
I wanna make it so that people can compare the characteristics of each one to see which is the best for them.
how do i set up a wikishortlineflyer - 9-1-2012 at 03:21 PM
Left out a few Peter Lynns, and as you have Speed SA's you should also include other SA versions for FLysurfer?
Also Vio Kites.g00fba11 - 9-1-2012 at 04:44 PM
I believe this is the correct order of the PL arcs..... please correct me if I am wrong..... I am not including the soon to be released new arcs
due out shortly......
Guerilla II
Venom II
ChargerB-Roc - 9-1-2012 at 05:07 PM
that page has no content.apextech - 9-1-2012 at 06:02 PM
Apex III
As well, wouldn't it be cool to add the sizes offered and maybe the pricing. (probably alot of work too). After all that it would definitely need to
be made into a sticky. Good work, ThanksKober - 9-1-2012 at 06:22 PM
Airush Crest
Airush Outback
North Solid
North Husky
North Fabio
Spleene X19
Redsail Evo 2
Mr. Kitesurf Yeti
Pegas Chimera
Pegas Aero
Pegas Storm
Zebra Slope
Elliot Plasma
also I think there was company name Advence ..... they did few depowers
Elliot PlasmaBladerunner - 9-1-2012 at 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Scudley
AlaSCa, MadagaSCar, NaSCa are Sky Country's de-power kites.
What about the closed cell depower ? Is it The Wave !
Way to go Kober. You got all the ones I was thinking of.PrairieWind - 9-1-2012 at 07:03 PM
did not see air evolution kites.
the X-Air and others... not sure if they are still going or not
(if we'll list each iteration of FS, then each iteration of other brands too, eh?)
Ranger (I know it's the odd one out but still a loved kite to many of us!)shortlineflyer - 10-1-2012 at 07:15 AM
should the kites be alphabetical or chronologicalcheezycheese - 10-1-2012 at 07:25 AM
Originally posted by shortlineflyer
should the kites be alphabetical or chronological
Chronological this way you can see the progressionBladerunner - 10-1-2012 at 07:26 AM
Chronological would probably be best .
The year the models came out would be a big advantage as well.Bladerunner - 10-1-2012 at 07:27 AM
oops double post againScudley - 10-1-2012 at 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Bladerunner
Originally posted by Scudley
AlaSCa, MadagaSCar, NaSCa are Sky Country's de-power kites.
What about the closed cell depower ? Is it The Wave !
Way to go Kober. You got all the ones I was thinking of.
Wave has been replaced by Madagascar ll.arkay - 11-1-2012 at 06:50 PM
the twinskins are not foils.... we talking opencell depower foils?
what you need is a google xls doc with columns for open/closed twinskin, lei, sle, etc :DFeyd - 11-1-2012 at 10:05 PM
I gotta disagree, Arcs ARE closed cell foils.
Speaking of Peter Lynns, wasn't there a closed cell non-arc foil called the Bumble bee or am I on crack? Also what about PL Peel and all those
bridled Vapors and what not?bobalooie57 - 12-1-2012 at 05:55 AM
How about the Rapace Serac? Chasta is now riding their kites! GiGi too!(Jerome Josserand)Feyd - 12-1-2012 at 12:15 PM
When I saw the Rapace kites I thought I was losing my mind and Race Face (bike components company) was making kites! It was the font that threw me
off. Parace uses the same one.shortlineflyer - 14-1-2012 at 11:02 AM
I am working on the wiki page but there is alot of data that i need
any manuals that anyone has will help and if anyone would like to help me with this massive undertaking it would be appreciated
also any reviews of older kites would be appreciated
I can do this all on my own but if multiple people are working on it will get finished alot faster
for anyone that wants to help let me know and i will give you the logon info you need and talk with you about what part you want to work on so that
there are not multiple people working on the same thing
I really think this project is a good idea. There are alot of people who want to use depower kites but dont know where to begin, I hope this site
will help them as well as others who already use depower and want to try other kitesg00fba11 - 14-1-2012 at 12:43 PM
Not to be picky but..... a correction to your Guerilla II listing..... I believe it should be an 18m instead of a 17m.....
also PL made a 24m Synergy and I believe a one off 24m Charger is out there......manellis - 15-1-2012 at 09:30 AM
Thanks for putting this together, I hope you keep working on it. I've been lurking on here for a while and have been flying a PL Hornet 3 m for a
couple years now. I'm looking to move up to a depower kite soon, but it's definitely confusing with so many options!mougl - 15-1-2012 at 04:27 PM
elf....shortlineflyer - 16-1-2012 at 11:36 AM
no one want to help?shortlineflyer - 20-1-2012 at 06:56 AM
So I am trying to figure out what to include in the table and I don't know if anything else should be added, I am open to suggestionsmougl - 20-1-2012 at 07:38 AM
page2 glitch thingy bumpdoneski - 12-2-2012 at 05:56 PM
Concept-air smart kite Its out of Canada and a whole bunch of Canadians showed up with them at the last WWBB. Looked really nice.markite - 12-2-2012 at 07:01 PM
doneski - you got there before I did with Concept Air. Concept Air had the Wave as a closed cell foil not really that depowerable.
I agree with Chris - Arc is a closed cell foil. As I understand it the term twinskin is somewhat a marketing term coined to distinguish the kite apart
from single skin kites (LEIs). If people didn't know much about the kite and heard closed cell foil they would lump it together with all other
designs. In fact all foils are twinskins.
mind in the gutter moment - if one is a twinskin, what would you call it when you have two stacked then....Feyd - 13-2-2012 at 03:46 PM