jollydriver - 12-1-2012 at 08:46 AM
I've been kiteboarding (water) for 10+ years, but my current situation makes it far easier to kite with a mountainboard (which I picked up cheap on
craigslist) at a field within 10 minutes where I have access. My LEI quiver includes LF Envy 7&15, Bularoo 11m, Guroo 9m, and a few older C kites
from when I first took up the sport. I also have a few PLs, with the two smallest being a Guerilla 10 and a Synergy 12.
I am a bigger guy (225lbs), and I am curious how the HQ Apex III 5m compares to my two smaller PLs. Will it generate more, the same, or less power?
How does it's depower range compare? How will it perform in lower winds (10-15 mph), as the G10 basically quits flying below 10, and has to be
contantly worked in the 10-15 range to even stay flying. Any insights are appreciated, especially from anyone with experience on these kites.
BeamerBob - 12-1-2012 at 09:17 AM
I have both a 12 syn and 5m Apexx III. I would expect to get overpowered with the syn first since we're talking about land riding here. Also the 12
syn should make real power with less wind than the 5m Apexx. I've never flown them back to back but that 5 has long legs and wouldn't really be
making power till at least 15. 20 mph winds would be better. At 15, you would be having fun with the syn. At 10 mph you are working the kite to get
going with either kite but the syn might have kicked in by then. At 10 mph I'd put up a different kite than either of these. The 7.5 or 10m Apex
would really be a better kite to consider for these winds or for the board, you really should consider the Montana (VII just out) which was certainly
impacted by divine intervention. :singing:
Feyd - 12-1-2012 at 09:36 AM
Second Bob on this one. That 5m is an awesome high wind kite, especially in your weight range. Keep in mind Projected when comparing Arcs to foils.
That G10 is only PA of a little over 6m. So not much more pull than the Apex if at all.
Better in the gusts thos and on the water:duh:
shehatesmyhobbies - 12-1-2012 at 10:20 AM
Yup agreed as well. 7.5 or the 10. The 5 is going to pretty much stall out under 10mph
jollydriver - 12-1-2012 at 11:10 AM
Thanks for all the response. It appears the 5m Apex would be alot of overlap with my PLs.
Of course, as an ardent supporter of the N+1 club, that hasn't always kept me from buying a new toy.
Drewculous - 27-1-2012 at 11:02 AM
see my other post... my apex 5m comes out at 35mph... but that kite will fly in any wind. My first day i had my apex 5m, i took it out in <5mph
and it still flew... but that was it, no riding till youo hit 20mph(in the bug) im a little bigger than you tho... landboarding tho, go with a montana
(if you are interested in HQ) You'll get some air and it's a little more advanced rig
for me, 10-15 on soft grass is a toss up.. at 15mph my 12.5m montana starts to operate... 15-20 it starts to get fun.
Sand or hardpack may be a different story, but my lush soccer fields suck for my atb... i have to be so overpowered just to go
apextech - 27-1-2012 at 02:19 PM
The Apex III 7.5 on hard pack sand will power and fly in as little as 8 mph wind but you really have to work it, its best between 10 and 20, at 15 its
a nice "park and ride".
After 15 I pull out the 5m