art_lessing - 12-1-2012 at 10:14 AM
Just had an Idea and it worked. If you find out where your nearest powered paraglider runway is the owners are likely to let you buggy there on windy
days! Being that kite buggying in exactly the inverse of of ppg-ing they are our allies it seems.
I have gotten permission to use a field in Wheatland CA. It is owned by a PPG Pilot and used by them on windless days. 24 acres of grass! I will
find out more.
shehatesmyhobbies - 12-1-2012 at 10:18 AM
Nice! I have a couple guys over here with ppg's, guess I need to follow one back to his landing area!
labrat - 12-1-2012 at 11:31 AM
That’s interesting.
I was approached by a guy here between Thanksgiving and Christmas while I was flying and he told me the same thing.
He was very impressed with the engineering of the current depower kite bridles and after much discussion gave me a farm to seek out. He and the owner
used to fly powered paragliders and his son may let me use that prepared land for this activity.
From the Google view, it’s not that much bigger, but should be clear of goal posts/nets. I’ll have to try to connect with him now that the holidays
are over.