Power Kite Forum

10.5m Flexifoil Blade III

SecondWind - 18-4-2006 at 09:10 AM

First impression - man, this thing is huge! :o It's about 21 feet long.

I've had it out in winds from about 7 to 13 mph (edit: I had 15 mph but that was too much for me - I could not stay on the ground ;)).

I fly it mainly on handles, but I recently tried it out on two lines and on a 65cm Airush bar. The bar seemed way too short and the turning was very slow in low winds.

A longer bar and some better winds may change my mind on this simplistic setup.

Overall, the kite is predictable and very strong in winds above 11 mph. Getting air is easy and the float is very sweet when flying static or on the board. (I weigh 165 lbs)

I'm really looking forward to getting more flight time in on this kite.

The 8.5m Blade is definitely quicker in the same winds, but the 10.5 clearly produces more raw power.

This just may be the ultimate kite for those light wind summer days...

speleopower - 23-3-2007 at 08:44 PM

Do you have any updates on this kite?
How stable is it? Does it collapse a easily when flying? Any bridle problems?


SecondWind - 24-3-2007 at 06:22 AM

Scott - I had fun with the big Blade. However, it had a really small wind range for me. I know of a few guys that have turned them into it into depower.

It was quite stable and I did not have any bridle problems.

I don't really miss it.

Bladerunner - 24-3-2007 at 08:16 AM

Da V

You should try putting a 2:1 cross over on your brakes with a bar. Pablo posted a sketch of the set up. I have it on my 7 and like it. You can still do swooping 2 line turns but can also tweek the brake by turning harder. Should work good on a big Blade ?

speleopower - 24-3-2007 at 07:24 PM

I was hoping to kitesurf with it. A small wind range is ok for me if it is the correct range. Summer evening winds are usually 10-15mph or so. If this falls within the 10.5's wind range it is ok.
I use my Quadrifoil Competition XXXL for kitesurfing most of the time. I am looking for a racing type foil that is as stable as the Quadrifoil XXXL but larger.


SecondWind - 24-3-2007 at 08:10 PM

Spele -

Check out this link about using Blades for kitesurfing:


speleopower - 25-3-2007 at 07:55 PM

Thanks for the link to the site.

I have been using Quadrifoil Competition X series and Q series kites for kitesurfing going on 10 years (started using them in 1998-99). My X kites are starting to get worn out and I am needing to replace them over the next year or 2.

I flew a Blade one time back in 1999 and thought it was comparable to the Quadrifoil X.

There is noone in my area that uses foils to surf with.

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SecondWind - 25-3-2007 at 07:59 PM

lookin good Speleo! So, what happens if you crash them when you're out in the water. Can you relaunch them?

speleopower - 25-3-2007 at 08:12 PM

On the rare occasion I can relaunch. I wear a mesh backpack with a large mesh laundry sack inside the pack. The pack also acts as a sea anchor while I'm getting my board back under my feet or just resting in the water.
If I wipe out I'll wind the lines, stuff the kite and paddle back. I've not dumped my kite in several years. Most of the time in the surf (99% of my k-surf is in the waves) the kite just washes up on the beach while I just catch a wave and surf my board in.

The last time I dumped my kite was in big hurricane surf in 2005. I wiped out doing a jib on the largest wave I could pick off. The kite arrived on shore about 45 minutes later around 1/2 mile down wind. I just figured the kite sunk and was gone.

The pic attached below was taken while I was riding with a Quadrifoil XL (i.e. pretty much equalivalent to a Blade 4.9).

scott elephant jpeg.jpg - 75kB

SecondWind - 25-3-2007 at 08:48 PM

Very cool...

I have a few questions for you:

What size/kind of surfboard are you using?

Handles (if on 4 lines) or Bar? Harness?

B-Roc - 26-3-2007 at 05:57 AM

Foils on water - very cool.

I always liked the look of the Quadrifoils but haven't got a chance to fly one yet :(

speleopower - 26-3-2007 at 03:06 PM

I ride with 4 lines on handles which is why I wanted some feedback on the 10.5 Blade. My boards range from a wake style to a 7'3" Hana Crew custom and a large F2 kiteboard.
I have been using Dakine XT Seat harnesses with a Reator spreaderbar.

I ride the larger 7'3" Hana Crew most of the time due to the light winds around here. But even in stronger winds it is my favorite due to it's cruising ability. Plus I'm not into doing huge airs in shallow flat water areas so the larger board works for me even in stronge winds.

speleopower - 27-4-2007 at 06:30 PM

My Flexifoil 10.5 meter should be here in a couple days. I hope to give a detailed account of it soon!

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SecondWind - 27-4-2007 at 07:34 PM

Sounds good - let us know what you think.

speleopower - 1-5-2007 at 06:15 PM

I have not flown it yet but the kite looks good on the ground. I was a little bummed by the mesh screens over the intakes. I'm not used to that with my Quadrifoils.

It does not say in the instruction manual whether the power and brake lines should be the same length. Does anyone know if all four lines should be equal?

I hope to fly the kite in the next couple of days if my knee stops hurting from last weekends ATB crash.


kitemaker4 - 1-5-2007 at 07:48 PM

Yes all the lines should be the same length.


B-Roc - 2-5-2007 at 06:04 AM

I personally don't like the mesh screens either. I suppose they keep debris out but I know they accumulate snow balls if flying in the winter and you need to reverse launch and the mesh can get all wrangly looking as a result.

PrairieWind - 2-5-2007 at 04:18 PM

When you were asking about the set up of your blade - you can download manuals for current and older flexifoil kites at


That might help answer any set up questions...

speleopower - 4-5-2007 at 04:16 PM

I didn't see the line length recommendations in the manual that came with the kite.

I did fly the 10.5 yesterday evening for a little while in really light wind. My first flight of a new kite is always in light wind :-) Just in case....

The kite handled well but definitely turned slower than my Quadrifoil XXXL. I'll try the longer Flexifoil handles that came with the kite and see if that helps. I was thinking of adding "power rings" to the main line to help hold the brake lines and maybe add a little more action to the brake lines. I really like to fly my Quadrifoils with a lot of brake line action. It's a little to windy to go out and test things this evening. Hopefully tomarrow.

First impression is the kite handles well and did not have a tendenacy to collapse or overfly the window (it looked like it would overfly but it didn't).

See ya-Scott

speleopower - 6-5-2007 at 06:55 PM

I took the kite out again. This time with the long Flexifoil handles and a longer harness line between the handles. Unfortunately the wind was 12-15mph or so. Way to much. I only flew it for maybe 4 minutes and did not dare hook into my harness. It sure has a lot of lift. I'll keep playing with the brake line length to get the quickest turn.

speleopower - 14-5-2007 at 03:54 PM

Finally got a chance to get on the water with the 10.5 Blade. The wind was very light 8-12mph as a guess. The waves were very small maybe 1 foot at the shore. I had a good time. I was not able to stay upwind and slowly drifted downwind. The kite handled very well and shows a lot of promise in stronger wind. I've got the brake lines tightened up real good and I'll loosen them up by an inch or so for my next session.
I was able to turn the kite quickly at least as quick as I was hoping and even faster than I expected.
There was tremendous lift in the light wind.
I like the kite and recommend it. The only complaint I have is the screens on the front are going to make it hard to clean up when I end up crashing it in the waves at some point.

powerzone - 15-5-2007 at 12:06 PM

Davinch.... email me if you want to do a depower for your 10.5

SecondWind - 15-5-2007 at 02:47 PM

Thanks Powerzone, but I sold it.

I have read good things about the 10.5s with the depower mod - might be worth looking at Spele.

speleopower - 15-5-2007 at 04:58 PM

Hi-No depower for me. I like power on all the time. I prefer "snatchy" kites and tend to ride slightly underpowered most of the time anyway i.e. I put up a kite that is sized small enough to handle the gusts and be just powered up in the normal windspeed. I've broken my leg kitesurfing one time from riding way to powered up i.e. kite size was for the lulls not the gusts. After that experience I'd rather be a little underpowered than overpowered. At that point I don't really need a "depower" system. Plus I much prefer the control I have of the kite with handles.

Thanks for the info. Scott
p.s. I've got an x-ray scheduled tomarrow for my knee. I crashed while ATB riding almost a month ago. Where your knee pads:o

SecondWind - 15-5-2007 at 08:11 PM


Have you tried a newer depowerable foil yet (like a Flysurfer)?

For buggying, a fixed bridle was great. But for snow, or boarding, I would take a depowerable any day - especially in big gusty winds.

By the way, can you post some pics of your plywood boards when you get a chance - I would like to check them out!

speleopower - 20-5-2007 at 06:59 PM

Hey! Ok, I'll get some pics of the ply boards. I don't prefer depowerable kites for some reason. I've just not ridden with them enough. I like "snatchy" kites with instant power.

I did get another session with the 10.5 today. I'm going to let the brakes out another inch for the next flight. It went ok but I was not as powered up as I thought I would be. My friend on a Best Waroo 16.5 was as powered up as I was.

I have found the 10.5 does not turn as quick as I initially thought it would. In the waves it was ok because I could plan the upswing to the oncoming wave. In flat water it was no easily possible to time the upswing to a tiny piece of chop for jumping.

Any thoughts on Libra kites? I like the idea of a 15.5 meter.


speleopower - 12-6-2007 at 06:52 PM

Still haven't gotten my ply boards out to take pics of yet. Sorry.

I've flown the 10.5 a few more times on the water. It goes quite well. Unfortunately it doesn't have explosive turning power like my Quadrifoil XXXL has. But I was able to really get moving when I would not have been able to on the XXXL.

I was able to get out in 4-6 foot waves with the 10.5 a while ago. It was fun but I was way overpowered. I was able to get a couple massive floating jumps in. However, I only stayed out for about 5 minutes then figured I better get in before I get hurt.


Pablo - 12-6-2007 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by speleopower
Hey! Ok, I'll get some pics of the ply boards. I don't prefer depowerable kites for some reason. I've just not ridden with them enough. I like "snatchy" kites with instant power.

I did get another session with the 10.5 today. I'm going to let the brakes out another inch for the next flight. It went ok but I was not as powered up as I thought I would be. My friend on a Best Waroo 16.5 was as powered up as I was.

I have found the 10.5 does not turn as quick as I initially thought it would. In the waves it was ok because I could plan the upswing to the oncoming wave. In flat water it was no easily possible to time the upswing to a tiny piece of chop for jumping.

Any thoughts on Libra kites? I like the idea of a 15.5 meter.


Are you flying the blade on a bar?

If so, I'd highly recommend you try the cross over bar design that's been posted up, dead simple, you keep the full low end power of the kite, and gain hard brake turning when needed on a bar. Made my 9m Buster turn on a wingtip.

speleopower - 16-6-2007 at 08:06 PM

I'm flying on handles. I'm not a bar fan.

I got a 3 hour session on the 10.5 today. Wind about 12-15mph or so, waves 2-3 feet, on-side-on wind, low tide so the waves were spaced out.

I have found that my timing is off with the 10.5 compared to a Quadrifoil Competition XXXL. I have found the 10.5 does not snatch you up like the XXXL does. The 10.5 is not as explosive in it's power delivery as I would like but it is a great cruising kite.

I did get a few nice floaty type jumps over the waves and some fun small wave riding while coming in. Wish I had video to show. Near the end of the session I went over top of a really big brownish tan skined shark. :o East Central Florida is shark attack capital of the world.


SecondWind - 8-7-2007 at 07:50 PM

Spele - have you dunked the 10.5m in the water yet? I was just curious if you get a chance to re-launch with a Blade?

And - we still want to see pics of your plywood boards!

speleopower - 9-7-2007 at 07:42 PM

Hey DaVinch-No I've not dunked it yet........I hope never to dunk it. I have pulled my Quadrifoil Competition XL and XXXL out of the drink a few times. It doesn't happen often. The best pull out was a few years ago I was wave riding with the XL. I over ran the kite while on a 4 or 5' wave. The kite landed nose first in the water with very slight tension on the lines. I kept surfing on the wave and as I passed the kite I was able retension the lines and back it up off the water turn it around and fly away all while on the same wave. That is a 1 in a million! Wish it was on video.

I did almost dunk the 10.5 on Saturday. I jumped and penduled under to far and detensioned the lines. It folded up and almost collapsed but I swam backward real fast and got it opened back up before it hit the water.

Here's a pic of the ply board. If you are really interested my friend sells them through E-bay on occasion or he can make one for you. Mine is a pretty big one and one of the first he did. The shape is more refined and cleaner. The one in the pic is just a very dark wood stain with a clearcoat on top.


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speleopower - 9-7-2007 at 07:47 PM

I've gotten some more flight time with the 10.5 the last couple of weeks. I can say it does have a limited wind range like has been mentioned but it is managable in over powering conditions.
I have found it does not have snatching power. The best jumps I've had while surfing occur when I can hit a wave straight on and not rely on loading up the kite. It is a great cruising kite in lighter winds or moderate waves for jumping on the water.

I have ridden my ATB with the kite a few times and it is very nice for the ATB. Lots of upwind and power for light winds. I am not a jumper on land so I can't give info on ATB jumping and the 10.5.

The last couple of flights I have noticed it does not inflate as quickly on take off. I wonder if this is bridle stretch. Does anyone have info on the Blade 3 bridles. I've heard they streach easily.

p.s. another pic of the ply board

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more wave riding

speleopower - 26-8-2007 at 04:47 PM

I was able to get in some wave riding with the 10.5 this afternoon ahead of a big thunderstorm. When thunderstorms form over the Orlando area we usually get some good wind on the coast!!! :singing:
The waves were 3-4' but it was high tide which made them break quickly. I'm finding the 10.5 is not quick enough in the turns to really get good down the line wave rides. I end up going faster than the kite and find I have to pull out of the wave to keep from over running the kite. With my Quadrifoil 4.9 meter Competition XL kite I can loop the kite to keep the power on for a down the line wave ride. The 10.5 doesn't loop as quickly as the XL or XXXL for down the line wave riding. However, I'm finding the kite fantastic for good floaty jumps off the waves. Like I mentioned earlier the kite doesn't have enough snatch for good flat water jumps meaning it is more of a wave jumping kite.


SecondWind - 26-8-2007 at 08:20 PM

Spele - have you ever flown a 8.5m Blade III or IV? They turn way faster than the 10.5!

Also, what winds can you use the 10.5m in before being overpowered?


speleopower - 26-8-2007 at 08:29 PM

No I've not flown the Blade III,IV 8.5. However, I expect them to fly similar to the Quadrifoil Competition XXXL.

I couldn't tell you how much wind till I get over powered. Maybe 15mph plus (light to moderate white caps). I don't have a wind meter. Today I think I would have been happier on the 8.5 meter. I've been kitesurfing the same spot for so long I can pretty much just tell what kite to fly by looking at the trees in front of my house. I got the 10.5 so I could take it down to sub 10 mph downwind kitesurfing plus some light wind ATB riding.


speleopower - 13-9-2007 at 07:41 PM

Tonight I was able to get some ATB riding in with the 10.5. The kite is to slow in the upswing to get much in the way of jumps. When I try to load the kite up to swing it around I end up sliding out on the ATB and lose most of the swing of the kite to pull me up in the air. I'm not a good ATB jumper but I think I could do much better with a faster kite. For just plain cruising the 10.5 is great. It locks in and I can let go of the handles and just relax especially in a slight down wind run.


SecondWind - 13-9-2007 at 07:48 PM

I think Flexi should make a new 10.5m Special Edition Blade.

Use the ultra lightweight Skytex like the Flysurfer Silverarrow and make it turn faster.

It would be a hit for low wind days!

speleopower - 16-9-2007 at 03:40 PM

The slow turn rate is a real bummer on this kite. Otherwise it is a good flying kite.

Also, do away with the velcro strips at the wingtips. The are useless as far as I can see. The only thing they do is collect sand in the velcro.


B-Roc - 19-9-2007 at 12:09 PM

Scott, did Flexi ever get back to you about cutting out the mesh?

I like the idea of the dirt-outs and the velcro opening, but I must admit, I don't think I've ever used them and can see how they would attract seaweed and crap.

But hey, you're the only renegade foil surfer out there. They should just tell you to get an LEI or be gone :wink2:

speleopower - 19-9-2007 at 07:51 PM

No they never got back to me about the mesh. I had forgotten about it.
Well I'll tell them to stuff it if I get an answer like just get a LEI kite. LEI blimpie kites fly like crap compared to a hopped up super foil so no way will I spend a bunch of money on a LEI kite.
