Power Kite Forum

Shortening Kite lines

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 09:51 AM

Im flying a 4.9m kite (Flexifoil blade II) with a harness and Ozone fixed Line Bridle bar. The lines are (i think) 25m. I am light and small at only 160cm and 45 kg. When ever i fly it in slightly stronger winds than a breeze i get taken up 2.5 - 3m :/
How can i make it so the kite is less powerful?
Thanks, Max

titanflyer - 17-1-2012 at 10:11 AM

Start eating 4 burgers and fries every single day.... sorry. Couldn't help myself.

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 10:13 AM

I really dont think that will help me, well i would put weight on. But i would become very un healthy :/

thanson2001ok - 17-1-2012 at 10:13 AM

Time to add another kite to the quiver. ;-)

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 10:14 AM


martinipro - 17-1-2012 at 10:30 AM

The kite you have will serve you well when winds are just a breeze.

Time to add another kite to the quiver. ;-)

You need an additional, smaller kite maybe around 3 meters. For those windier days

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 10:35 AM

ok i have one, its just not as fun, could i shorten my kite lines?

B-Roc - 17-1-2012 at 10:47 AM

shorteing the kite lines will do nothing. The kite will have a smaller power stroke so less time in the power zone but it will move through it faster as there is less zone to travel through. I would leave it on 25m lines and go to a smaller kite when you are overpowered.

I'd also put that kite on handles.

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 10:48 AM

ok thanks, i will just have to wait for a day with very low winds

awindofchange - 17-1-2012 at 11:09 AM

Your blade is doing exactly what it was designed to do. At your weight and with that size kite in those winds, there is nothing you can really do to reduce the power output. Handles will help a lot because you will be able to control the speed of the kite as you fly by increasing the tension on the lower lines. This may help some but may also give you even more lift in those situations where you are overpowered.

Shortening the lines can drop some of the power out of the kite by shortening the distance it will travel in the power zone. As mentioned above though, it will also speed the kite up which could result in more lift as well. The best thing for less power is to go to a smaller kite. I too would recommend a 3m. It should be just as much fun to fly (if it too is a Blade II) If your 3m is a different model then it should still be fun but may not fly and behave exactly like the Blade does.

Hope this helps.

123mpc - 17-1-2012 at 11:15 AM

thanks will try and get a blade II 3m :) and wait till i am bigger for the 5m

Bladerunner - 17-1-2012 at 06:43 PM

AWOC's advice is important to take in.

That kite is designed to perform best with handles. Getting a set will allow you to get the most out of the kite. You can stall it, speed up turns, just do brake turns etc.. All these things help with control. You can still hook in with handles.

I suspect you are being too agressive in your flying? If the wind is strong you want to keep the kite closer to the edge. Avoiding having the kite travel fast accross the top or through the window. You simply can't do kite loops and fun stuff because you will be tossed around. At that point you have to go down a size or grow a set. Learning to control the kite and it's power in those stronger winds is super important for once you get moving. You will want to ride with power. Same for if you want to progress to jumping.

The 4.9 Blade is a fantastic kite but respect the heck out of it ! It has the nickname " the widow maker " . It is a very lifty kite but is small for jumping so has very little float. It will drop you faster than it took you up !!!!

Have fun and be safe.