Power Kite Forum

J-N Luis 10m

mdpminc - 25-1-2012 at 11:29 AM

Last Sunday, finally first snowkiting session of the year, a chance to test my new foils.
I had two kites with me 2011 J-N (Jochum and Nesler) Luis 10m and Randas 6m.

Wind was 8-10knts earlier and 9-12knts later with some gust to maybe 15-16knts, 110kg beginner/intermediate rider (full winter gear).
Frozen lake Luther Marsh with 2-4 semi-loose snow base on top of it, just enough to use a snowboard.

I picked the larger size as wind was on the light side.

Launch and landing:

Unfortunately, I had to use an incorrect bar (I forgot the recommended 65cm bar at home), luckily it was a PL bar off my Scorpion so it all worked, beside little too long depower and different safety attachment
Set-up took no more than 5min, unwind the lines, unfold the kite, put some snow on the LE, connect the lines and ready to go.
If folded with bar and lines attached, next time no lines walking, no untangling, just unwind and power up, 1-2 min max (I always fold that way with foils).

Launch: straight up downwind, power on the tap when you need it as kite inflates in seconds

Relaunch: TE down, pull on either rear line, kite rises, rotates and flips over, ready to go again.
TE down, pull on both rear lines kite goes up in reverse, then just let go off either one line shortly followed by the other and grab the bar to depower and ready again.

Landing: pull on the brake strap and kite lands, let go of the brake strap, kite goes up, simple as that

Safety: pull on the chickenloop, safety leash connects via mini 5th line to the brake strap, kite collapses like a taco and falls to the ground, staying that way until tension on front lines returns

Stability: while flying static it has tendency to overfly (like any other high performance foil), but quick brake tug and it is back where it should be again.
while dynamic flying, it seemed that it got more stable the faster I went, when it reached its apparent wind peak, I let go off the bar
(stopper mid-way on depower line) kite just keeps going in the direction it was pointed, rock solid.

Upwind: this one likes go upwind like crazy, super fast up to 25deg, did 45deg , kite still pulls steady but it will no longer accellerate and even slightly slow down.

Gusts handling: like any high performance kite, it does let you know instantly about the extra power you are going to experience within fraction of the second. :-)
If you you feel getting overpowered just let it off on depower or just let go off the bar, power turns off almost instantly

Downwind drift: high aspect open cell foils the do not like it, this one is no exception, it will fold on you, just edge a bit and it is back to its shape again.

Power development: fast but gradual, even during stronger gusts I never felt out of control, felt the power !!, but still controlled

Turn speed: since I was flying undersized 47cm vs recommended 65cm and it was mediocre and with 1-2 sec delay, as soon as I steered with floates (to simulate larger bar) it was instant and fast, power remained steady during turns.

Depower: as you would expect from a modern kite, 100% when needed.
Wind range: min 8knts for 110kg rider in described conditions, maybe 7knt on skis.
max tba (most likely ~20knt)

Jumping and glide: no jumps were attempted, snow base was only 2-4 inches on top of the ice and I have the aversion to contact with ice (translation no skills enough to do it painlessly)

Since I had not flown anything similar recently (next to test is the Randas 6m and 8m) only comparison I can make is to the closed foils in my quiver; Charger 10m and Scorpion 16m.
Powerwise it seem similar to the S16, definetely more than Ch10 at these wind speeds. Turning speed faster then S16 but slower then Ch10.
Depower better than S16 and same as CH10.

Material and workmanship are outstanding, quality stitching, thicker materials and reinforcement where needed, bridles and line connections.
Well designed, ergonomic, quality bag, hd zippers, nice feature to carry snowboard; flaps with non-slip rubber backing to prevent cuts from metal edges.
Very comfortable to hike with snowboard attached.
Large enough for two kites, harness, helmet with internal velcroed pocket for key, id, phone, etc.
Definetely on par with any premium brands like Ozone, Gin and FLysurfer (Outlaw) kites.

Any rider from beginners to experts would enjoy this kite. It is being marketed as freeride kite for snow as well as land and buggy.

Luis 10m.jpg - 16kB

herc - 1-2-2012 at 08:26 AM

hope you are still online and can give me fast response (ebay snap running out ;-) ) :
does the luis have very good depower? on pictures it looks like it only has a single pulley depower system, not a double pulley. but you say it depowers better than the scorp 16 ? sounds very good then.

B-Roc - 1-2-2012 at 07:56 PM

Yeti and Access only have single pulley depower and they depower great. Multiple pulleys don't always mean less depower but they do generally mean a softer feel on the bar.

herc - 2-2-2012 at 02:38 AM

@b-roc: thank you for your answer.
maybe the trick is to to trim the kite as flat as possible when depowered, so that there is no need to actuate the B-row with a pulley. if then only the C-row gets pulled in, the chamber increases..

but i somehow like the method of the zebra slope depower kites: they put the B and C - row together and actuate these with a single pulley. maybe it is the same with the gin yeti or access? anyone has bridle plans? just curious.

mdpminc - 2-2-2012 at 06:54 AM

U2U sent to herc